A game that will hide in its funny shell and is only found by those who look hard enough...

User Rating: 9 | Makai Senki Disgaea 3 PS3
Disgaea 3. The third (doy)game in the Disgaea Series and the best, latest game NIS has released. This game offers... how should I start? This game offers completely addictive and deep-driven gameplay, the classic graphics that I like to see, the sound effects and music that reminds me of Soul Nomad, replayability beyond TWO people's dreams, extras that have changed the game completely from its predecessors, and originality that stands proud and tall!

Story And Char.: Yeah! An absolutely funny and lengthy story that you can tackle awaits. Equally funny characters are built into the story as you watch the classic Disgaea cutscene style of the series. Some things in the storyline were truly entertaining to watch and listen to. The cutscenes won't altogether "blow you away", but they do cover the bed with a fresh sheet of originality. Some like it, others don't... if you are new to the series, and are contemplating about this game, then I suggest at least a rental. However, if you MUST have 3-D action and/or intensity, then this game may not make up for your fix.

Gameplay: Turn-Based Strategy Game. Says most of it. Disgaea 3 stays loyal to its prequels when it comes to its chess-game like gameplay and strategy elements. For those who would rather have strong thumbs as to a strong brain won't like this game at all. I'll say that. If you don't think as you play this, you will find that its difficulty could actually grind you up. If you are an experienced veteran to turn-based, like me, then you may find MOST of the battles fair enough to win. In fact, levels play little role in winning! Why? Because. Even low leveled units can overcome higher leveled ones. One must simply pull the right move at the right time. I know this through experience. I was several levels higher than that of my opponents. However, they slowly damaged me until I lost. How did I lose? Didn't think...

Graphics: Are essentially two dimensional in cutscenes, but a little 3-D is also thrown in. Many, of course, will believe in ONLY 3-D graphics because they may think that 2-D is too old... Well guess what?! Disgaea 3 has RECREATED 2-D! It is old no more! Disgaea 3 brings 2-D with a fresh new coating added onto it. Afterall, the artwork should be vibrant enough for ANYONE... unless you don't like artwork...

SFX And Music: The sound effects are nice reminders of how Disgaea first started out. If you are new to the series, and hard to satisfy, then you may not like the sound effects. I, however, enjoyed them for they reminded me of an arcade game. Besides, they actually are PRETTY DESCENT! Music has been done by someone you probably haven't even heard of... in my opinion, this person SHOULD be known! I really liked the funky music they had for us and it was really different and refreshing to listen to. A nice and erratic change of music style!

Replayability And Xtras: Once you've finished the story, there are MANY more things in the game that could keep you busy for a LONG time! Saying this, replayability is definitely here... and better than ever. Even the same gameplay has added elements and extras that could change everything on a single stage.

Overall: If you don't like to think, then you can look the other way... but if you want a change in your fix or a funny story with an interesting gameplay mechanic, then this game may just be worth your money!