The cult classic of SPRG's heads to PS3, but it is too focused on remaining in the past.

User Rating: 8 | Makai Senki Disgaea 3 PS3
Don't get me wrong, I am an avid Disgaea fan, and Disgaea 3 is a great game, however there is almost no innovation from the latest series entry. Geoblocks add another level of depth to an already tremendously deep game, and the item world is more wacky than ever. Outside of these couple additions however, this still feels like I am playing the same game for the third or fourth time.

Gameplay 9- Battles are great fun and character customization possibilities are near endless; but the story lacks the same charm as the first two games. Tower attacks are hilarious to watch and at many points during play you will chuckle, either from dialogue, item descriptions, or wacky Disgaea moments. Like all games in the series it is not afraid to poke fun at many things.

Graphics 7- I like the 2D NIS America graphics style as much as the next person, but it would be nice to at least have an upgrade. On the plus side this game does not depend on graphics to be enjoyable.

Sound 7- Voice acting is still strong and the music is good.

Fun Factor 9- Like the rest of the series Disgaea 3 can be a blast to play and includes hundreds of hours for your money.

Replay Value 8- There are many incentives to keep playing: level 9999, getting your characters to god-like strength, and the always funny humor that this series is known for. I just wish there was a little more innovation that made this game different from its siblings.