Instant Classic. AKA NEO-CLASSICISM, the best of the series, indeed.

User Rating: 10 | Makai Senki Disgaea 3 PS3
You know, when I bought my PS3, the first thing that came to my mind was gamer revolution. I expected games with graphics and intensity like MGS4, or from what previews I made out from the upcoming FF. I admit, I felt deep shame losing the Tales series to the 360. That blow was enough to make me feel a sickness in my stomach that only Disgaea 3 could serves as a remedy for. In neoclassicism, we see a literary age emerging as a tone for society. Here, we see the gaming world imitate these very principles. Geinus, I love how this game retained PS2 qualities. You know, we must expect greatness in all aspects when it comes to PS3, but this might be one of few exceptions. With that being said, this is the prime and most elite of all exceptions. I always get so into these games. Makai Kingdom, Pantom Brave, Disgaea 2... these were games I was used to for PS2.I admit, I never got around to Disgaea. But regardless, Nipon Ichi and NIS America are strategy RPG geniuses. I am so glad to have these men working already on a new Makai title..

Anwyays, I hope this isn't the last Disgaea. I highly doubt they'll stop now. The series reminds me of Brett Favre, in the sense it's so original but so purely awesome. With the production of the best Disgaea yet, aka Brett Favre taking the Packers to the suber bowl last season- there's no way the series will just quit now. It can't retire, and I suspect we'll see another Disgaea title for PS3.

You know what's awesome about these creators. They always blend and mend and mix and throw different characters from different RPGs to make guest appearances or enemy bonus fights. It makes it feel all connected in a relationship mutually established. I love it. But really, you don't even have to have even heard of the series, or the genius masterminds behind it. If you play this game as a first timer, you'll fall in love at first sight.