Decent game, story lacks though.

User Rating: 6.5 | Makai Senki Disgaea 3 PS3
Disgaea 3 is quite a fun tactical game to play. This game can last you more than 100 hours of game play if you do multiple endings and leveling up your items.

Disgaea had always been a game full of extras, secrets and we won't forget endings. It always made me play the game for long.

Although the game is fun, i would say the story is not really so good. Disgaea 1 and 2 has a better story. I don't really like the idea of entering a demon's heart and the concept of 'saving the princess' which Almaz came to the Netherworld for. I mean entering a demon's heart?! If it is so easy, you need not fear any demons, just go into IT's heart. Saving a princess without having know her personalities, behaviors, etc is bull.

Human weapon mastery, i don't understand how, but i can't seem to learn new weapon skills. I know i have not reach all the skills of the weapon, but i kept trying but failed.

Special skills of main characters like Mao, Almaz and others. I don't really know how you can learn the skills. It seemed not like the other Disgaea games where you level up to a certain level you will learn a skill.

Item world, one of the 'things' i hate to go to. Playing through 10 levels is very long, especially the Class World. Each floor is guaranteed to have a Gate Guard, disabling you to lift and throw your way through to skip the floor. Trophies is the main reason why i go to item world.

Multiple endings are famous for Disgaea games. ( I think. ) I love these endings, it kept me playing again and again for Disgaea 3. Though i don't like the Raspberyl's Ending, as it's too hard as it is like impossible to lose to her. ( Lols. I won at my first try and complete the game, so i tried to do the ending and its freaking hard to lose to her as i need to create so many characters at level 1. )

The songs of Disgaea games are another reason why i love this game.

I played Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories on the PS2 first, and got really long hours of play time. I wondered how i get levels so high.
After i got like level 300+ i think, i unlocked Cave of Ordeals. There, had a stage that have a few puppet monsters on the geo floor which gives , i think 50 or 100% exp. I repeatedly train there and got really high levels. But i don't think there is such stage in Disgaea 3 so, *sigh*. It will take a long time to train.

Trophies of Disgaea 3 is one of the most hardest games to get. It requires you to play long hours of gameplay to get all the trophies. The most insane trophies is, play 10 hours of playtime without quitting the game... insane. I don't understand some of it like, Recieve 9, Move 60, ABC's hitting, etc.

Final verdict, Disgaea 3 is a game worth buying, though you might get bored with the early stages, continue playing and you will get the story and don't forget CRAZY damage and levels.