Disgaea is as involving as a tradtional rpg will get to my knowledge.

User Rating: 8 | Makai Senki Disgaea 3 PS3
Iv'e had an old friend play Disgaea 2; while he played it i was highly intrigued, problem is its the type of rpg you own and never really beat. I say that because it is so involving. That, and for me it plays right up my alley with its satire and general hate for all things good. haha, evil will win cause good is dumb. (spaceballs quote)

This game by no means for the casual rpg fan, which i enjoy for just that reason. but at the same time it allows for high demand of your attention. The graphics dont do this game justice. and i believe that this game could have benefited from additional fixing. but it is ok seeing how an rpg of this caliber comes out every so often.

Only other grievance is the shoddy battle controls. it seems out of place for sony controller be it ps2 or ps3. If i may speculate, i think the traditional rpg has outgrown the limitations gaming has thus far imposed and i cant help but await the latest to see if this problem is truly addressed or patch and fixed.