For those new to the series, it's worth picking up since there isn't many RPG/Strategy games for the PS3.

User Rating: 8 | Makai Senki Disgaea 3 PS3
Welcome to the Netherworld's "Evil Academy", where demons are trained to become evil! well sort of at least.
The third game in the Disgaea series introduces us to a new cast of characters, a number of gameplay elements, and a quirky story that easily rivals that of its predecessors.

If you're not familiar with the Disgaea series, whole series is based demons in the Netherworld somehow manage to become "the good guys" in their own twisted ways, even as they intend to be pure evil.

You play as the role of Mao who becomes upsess of being a Hero instead of being an evil genius. But Mao who is also the Overlords son in the Netherworld but with Mao being upsess with videogames and comic books. So Mao decides to beat his dad, to become a Hero and be the new overlord in the Netherworld.
But in the Netherworld Mao becomes the "No.1 Honar Student" in Evil Academy. But he also joins up with his self-proclaimed friend/enemy/ rival Raspberyl "or Beryl for short", as well as a hero wanna be from the Human world named Almaz who thinks the princess is being held kidnapped by the Overload, Mao discovers through his research that the only way to defeat his father is by obtaining the power of a hero.

Gameplay= If your new to the series the gameplay for Disgaea 3 is easy to get the hang of controls but will be choosing the moves and attacks before ending each turn for character you have on the battlefield. If you have played through the series there is a few changes in gameplay. You can also buy abilities by using mana points from each battle where you can buy or upgrade your skills/attacks which can do more damage on enemies in the battlefield.

Your characters can move certain steps in each turn and can attack or use skills if you're near enemies. Also new to Disgaea 3 which is called "geo-panels" (which determine various effects on coloured squares on the battlefield) is not controlled by tiny pyramids.
You can throw them and destroy the geo-panels/blocks, which will do some damage on enemies and dispel there abilities on the coloured squares if there standing on them "e.g.: a green panel boosts 50% on attacks who ever is standing on them on the battlefield".

Another new feature in the series is "Magichange" where a monster-type demon cannot throw and lift objects, so instead they have been granted the ability to "Magichange." Using Magichange the monster becomes a weapon that another party member can use, which can heightened strength and some abilities exclusive to that monsters Magichange form.

Graphics and Sound= The strangest thing about Disgaea 3 is that the graphics during gameplay make it feel more like a Playstation 2 game but slightly brighter visuals. If you have played through the series on PS2 the graphics look totally similar but if this was on PS2 as well the graphics would look fine overall.
The best thing about Disgaea 3 is the still character portraits that appear during dialogue cut-scenes. The anime-style charcters are detailed and beautiful.

Music in Disgaea 3 makes it fee; more like one on Tim Burtons but in Japanese specially the opening before the main menu shows up. But very remarkable it has a lot funky music some calm, some quite punkish and fantasy type and also fun to listen too. Voice acting is mixed in a bag it can make you laugh through out story for Disgaea 3, but you can change it to Japanese voicing if you don't like the English voicing for Disgaea 3 which you can do in settings at any time.

Overall= Once you've beaten the game which can take you more then 20 hours, there is still a lot of things to do in Disgaea 3. You can also go through item world where you can go through each floor to what ever item you want to use which can help you level up your charcters.
The only thing I found annoying was through out the game and I'm sure you'll probably say the same thing which is the annoying camera where it can really be a pain in the neck through out gameplay.

If your new to the series it's worth picking for your PS3 since there isn't many RPG/Strategy games at the moment which I'm sure that most people are still waiting for Final Fantasy XIII or White Knight Chronicles for there PS3's.