Outdated looking graphics keep the game simple with huge amounts of gameplay makes this game Amazing

User Rating: 9 | Makai Senki Disgaea 3 PS3
The game looks like it belongs on the Playstation 2 at best, but underneath of the graphics is hidden more replay and grinding then you will ever know what to do with.

The story is very weird from start to end, but it keeps you interested enough to make you play enough to become extremely addicted. The game is filled with a wonderful sense of humor that is missing from a large chunk of games.

The game is easy and you will most likely only have to replay a small number of the story line games as long as you get a little leveling in early on. If you grind to much the story won't be very hard, but once you beat it once you haven't done half of what you can do with the game.

You're able to jump into items and level them up which can end up taking up hours of your time if you wish to get the max stats on the items on all your favorite characters. You can also level your characters up to over 9000 and then you're able to reincarnate them and do it again for even higher stats.

There are plenty of different classes for you to make characters and different tiers of each one so you can reincarnate over and over again to make them the strongest characters ever.

If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea you might be happy to know that to beat the main story line all you will not have to reincarnate your characters or level them past 100. It should only take around 30-40 hours tops to beat it on a slow passed run through, but you have the option to start over with the same heros to unlock new characters and many other things.

The game is a most play for anyone that is into the genre and could easily be a great pick up game for anyone that's not sure if they want to take on this genre.