If you aren't scared of fast driving then sit back, relax and enjoy the ride! Best Driver game ever!

User Rating: 9 | Driver: Parallel Lines PS2
gameplay: 9/10
graphics: 7/10
sound: 9/10
value: 10/10
reviewer's tilt: 10/10

People wondered how will Driver: Parallel Lines look like, will it be cool or not. I say it's not only cool, it's awesome!

We play as The Kid – T.K. The main character is young, 18 years old but he's the best at driving. This guy is really great. He's optimistic and funny, he's wearing cool sunglasses in 1978. The whole game takes place in New York City. First part is in 1978 and the second in 2006.
After the first part of the game someone set up T.K. and he's going to the jail. They let him out in 2006.
The city is huge and it's a fantastic copy of NY. Yellow cabs, Manhattan, scyscrapers, New Jersey, Bronx and more. The roads are crowded and like in NY there are lots of traficks.
As T.K. we will have to complete many missions, from chasing to shooting.
They are great, I tell you, playing this game is like taking part in a really cool action movie, that's for sure. There are also many side-missions, something like activities where we need to get to some place on time for example. We have a map of NY and a radar which are very similar to those from GTA series.

All the cars look beautiful, the driving physics and crushes are absolutely stunning, exciting and very realistic. The cars are better in 1978, you know, there's nothing better than American muscle. The vehicles that we will get from the street or from the mission can be stored in our garage. It's a place where we can also repair and upgrade our cars and this place is run by T.K.'s friend. Each vehicle can be upgrade. We can upgrade the engine, install bulletproof glasses, wheels, nitro and of course we can paint the car or motorbike. From this place The Kid can take part in a races that are located in a race-course. After taking the first place in race we can get a special sport car. Unfortunately we will not find any boats, so there isn't any missions on the water.
We have a big arsenal of weapons such as pistols, machine guns, shotguns, granade launcher and etc., they are also located in our hide-out.
Fortunately the developer didn't make the same mistakes like in Driver 3. There are some bugs in the game but not much. The characters A.I. is good but sometimes the conduct of the police is strange but only sometimes because they can be really dangerous on the street. For example when three police cars are chasing you then could be very hot. Also, if you have a felony meter than cops will looking for you but if you get in the car, they will don't know where you are so this is how it should be.
Driver: Parallel Lines has really smooth frame rate and that's a huge plus because there are lots of traficks in NY as I said before, so frame rate is very important.
I really like the voice-acting, especially the voice of The Kid, the rest of the voices are well done.

The graphics in Driver: Parallel Lines is good, but it's not a huge step backward from
Driver 3. The cars are shining in the sun and the orange jacket of T.K. shines in the sunset. The lights of the scyscrapers look wonderful at night, just like the whole New York. But pedestrians haven't a lot polygons so they don't look like we would wish it. Also some textures aren't look well. The FMV sequences are great and realistic. The sound is superb. Each car engine has his own sound, We have a radio in the car so the music in 1978 is simply cool, I love it. What about the year 2006? Well, the music is not as good as it was in the '70s for me.

Overall Driver: Parallel Lines for Ps2 is an awesome game! I don't know why some people say that it's not but I love it. T.K. is cool and the '70s rocks. I like the cars and the missions, for me, this Driver is even better than Driver 2. The feeling like taking part in a fantastic action movie is outstanding and I have this feeling while playing this game. Don't think, just enjoy the ride man!