Final Fight is the best action game I've ever play, the game is adapted very well. You get what you paid for. Perfect !!

User Rating: 9.8 | Final Fight SNES
Final Fight presents 2 characters, Cody and Haggar. Cody's girl has been kidnapped by this mafia, and Haggar is his father. You pick with whom to play.

I will start describing the game:
1st and most important the Story, which is a very good one, and it is based also in those classics 80s gangs and mafias, that hates some people that messed with them, and in this case, they kidnapped Jennifer(I think it was her name).
You must save her and kill the vilian and blah blah blah....

The Gameplay is the second thing more important to review, and I give it a 10, it's very easy to control your character, you can feel free to move everywhere around the screen, getting some objects around, such as pipes, and knives, and yes!, you can stab them to the bud guys! :D

Going with the Sound, I 'll do it simply... repetitive/boring:
"IAAA" "IAAA" "OOOUCHH" "ARRG" that's it, those are the sounds...
But then why I gave it a 9 for sounds??? well... I told you the setting is in the 80s right? Well... the music is too, and the music is very cool.

The Value of this game, since it will be the same game every time you play it, still it becomes funny one and other again. It's good to try cody first, cause he is more quick, and then in the 2nd try play the game with Haggar, 'cause he is a strong giant(about 2 meters) man, that kick ass hard, but he is slow as a cow.
But still, it becomes boring and repetitive, 'cause the game is the same, and there is nothing new.

In my opinion this game Rocks! and there is nothing left to say about it, great game, not perfect, 'cause nobody is, but almost.
The more interesting part of the game for me would be Bay Area.. that is the hardest part too, and I 'll tell you, I spent more time in this game, than in any other... I may have played nearly about 200 hours....
Thanks for reading, and for taking your time...