Lady Fighter-Wrestler-Actor burns license to print money, blames others

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#1  Edited By mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58508 Posts

The article on the front page won't allow us to discuss, but I figure it'd be a fun topic to talk about since it is such a barometer of our current social and political climate.

Anyway, I am of course talking about Gina Carano attempting to sue Disney for cancelling her contract.

In case it wasn't obvious, I definitely feel like this was her fault and she deserved to get cancelled. But others might feel a different way, and I'd love to hear about it.

My take:

While the folks that sell papers and make clickbait might think we like celebrity drama--and some our moms do--I for one am sick of it and I don't want to hear about Will and Jada Smith's marital problems nor do I want to hear what an ignorant, mediocre fighter-turned-wrestler-turned-actress like Gina Carano has to say about...anything, frankly.

So when she spouts off some really ignorant and frankly terrible stuff with Hitler comparisons and stuff, I don't really hold much hope of her sticking around.

The worst part is this was her second offense. She did it once before, people went to bat for her, she was told "Hey, you got a lot of money to make, just keep quiet. I'll talk to Bob Iger/Kathleen/Mickey Mouse to make sure you keep your job"...and what does she do? Says some more stupid shit. So she got fired.

Keep in mind that she was a much-loved character in the Mandalorian show, and there was serious talk about spinning her off into a different show. In other words, she could have made a lot of money.

Now we all talk about freedom of speech, and Carano was certainly free to speak what she, umm, spoke...but we are not free from the consequences.

So TL;DR: Gina said some shit, some of that shit got in her bed, but she didn't think she'd have to sleep in that bed she got shit in.

Anyway, what say you, OT?

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#2 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58508 Posts

Some links:

Disney responds to Gina Carano lawsuit with one word

Gina Carano sues Disney over firing

Gina Carano lawsuit backed in part by Elon Musk (oh yippee!)

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#3  Edited By mattbbpl
Member since 2006 • 23057 Posts

What did she say?

I don't stargaze, so I'm out of the loop.

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#4 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58508 Posts

@mattbbpl said:

What did she say?

I don't stargaze, so I'm out of the loop.

Yeah me neither, I just like Star Wars and I was actually kind of a fan of Carano (I thought she was great in the action spy movie Haywire).

Some choice bits from her fiasco are:

In 2021, Gina Carano was fired from The Mandalorian after she compared being a conservative in America to being a Jewish person in Nazi Germany in an Instagram story.


In the preceding months, Carano was accused of poking funat the usage of gender pronouns, and had shared speculation of voter fraud in the 2020 election, and anti-mask memeson Twitter.

Just the usual right-wing rhetoric filled with hate.

Concerning the lawsuit, the claims are:

“A short time ago in a galaxy not so far away, Defendants made it clear that only one orthodoxy in thought, speech, or action was acceptable in their empire, and that those who dared to question or failed to fully comply would not be tolerated,” the filing reads—hilariously employingStar Warsvernacular. “And so it was with Carano.”

Basically she thinks she is being discriminated against unfairly because she got in trouble for saying terrible things while Pascal did not get in trouble for not saying terrible things.

If Pedro also said terrible things, her argument might hold water, but he didn't really say anything terrible. Just a different stance.

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#5 mattbbpl
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@mrbojangles25: Oh lord...

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#6  Edited By Sancho_Panzer  Online
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She could have said these things anonymously, just as we do here. She could have spoken through a burner account on Twitter or whatever. She chose to voice her opinions under the banner of her money-making public profile, for some reason, and that's the sword she's died by.

I would be very happy with people being more tolerant of stupid opinions, from both sides, but what can you do? We're not there and she should have foreseen the fallout, however pathetic it is.

It would be different if this was the public sector. Companies are free to choose who they work with, and that, in theory, can swing both ways politically, even if few companies apparently have the nerve or incentive to act when it does swing the other.

Whether there's a breach of contract there, no idea. Not sure how much union support she'll get for her position.

Should probably add that I've not read any of the links and I'm just going on what you've said here.

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#7 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58508 Posts

@mattbbpl said:

@mrbojangles25: Oh lord...

Yeah, totally unnecessary. Complete "I'm the victim" mindset, too, which is not very flattering.

@sancho_panzer said:

She could have said these things anonymously, just as we do here. She could have spoken through a burner account on Twitter or whatever. She chose to voice her opinions under the banner of her money-making public profile, for some reason, and that's the sword she's died by.

I would be very happy with people being more tolerant of stupid opinions, from both sides, but what can you do? We're not there and she should have foreseen the fallout, however pathetic it is.

It would be different if this was the public sector. Companies are free to choose who they work with, and that, in theory, can swing both ways politically, even if few companies apparently have the nerve or incentive to act when it does swing the other.

Whether there's a breach of contract there, no idea. Not sure how much union support she'll get for her position.

Should probably add that I've not read any of the links and I'm just going on what you've said here.

Do you think word would get out though eventually? Like they'd get hacked?

I too often wonder why these famous people with reputations to protect don't post anonymously (I'm sure many do, though) or rather, why they post stupid shit publicly?

I don't know, seems like maybe a strong sense of entitlement. "Rabble rabble this is 'Merica, I can say what I want. In fact, I'm going to say some extra bad stuff just to abuse this amazing privilege I have RABBLE RABBLE!"

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#8  Edited By Vaasman
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The chances that disney did not put a clause in her contract to specifically cover removal for public opinions that disagree with the stated objectives of the company, is zero.

Does anyone actually expect otherwise from infamously litigious Disney?

This suit is undoubtedly frivolous and will go nowhere. Doubly so if Elon backs it, because they'll easily be able to point out the hypocrisy of him firing his own employees for tweets.

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#9 judaspete
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Personally, I don't care what celebrities say on twitter. I like Gina. Been following her as a gladiator, fighter, and actor (that might be stretching the term, but she does bring physicality and charm to her roles). Would have been happy to see her and Mickey make up.

That said, she was warned to stop tweeting crap, and I remember reading Pedro Pascal and Rosario Dawson were also warned as well. She didn't stop, and got herself fired. Bummer.

I don't see this lawsuit going anywhere. Guaranteed Disney has a clause to terminate anyone's contract, at any time, for any reason.

Hope she's not pulling this legal stunt because her movie with Ben Shapiro fell apart or something. I was so looking forward to that train wreck.

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#10  Edited By Sancho_Panzer  Online
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@mrbojangles25 said:
@mattbbpl said:

@mrbojangles25: Oh lord...

Yeah, totally unnecessary. Complete "I'm the victim" mindset, too, which is not very flattering.

@sancho_panzer said:

She could have said these things anonymously, just as we do here. She could have spoken through a burner account on Twitter or whatever. She chose to voice her opinions under the banner of her money-making public profile, for some reason, and that's the sword she's died by.

I would be very happy with people being more tolerant of stupid opinions, from both sides, but what can you do? We're not there and she should have foreseen the fallout, however pathetic it is.

It would be different if this was the public sector. Companies are free to choose who they work with, and that, in theory, can swing both ways politically, even if few companies apparently have the nerve or incentive to act when it does swing the other.

Whether there's a breach of contract there, no idea. Not sure how much union support she'll get for her position.

Should probably add that I've not read any of the links and I'm just going on what you've said here.

Do you think word would get out though eventually? Like they'd get hacked?

Yeah, there's always that risk, with the mega-famous, I suppose - someone always scouring your bins for any kind of dirt on you. Hadn't really thought about that.

I don't know if that would have strengthened her case against Disney, though? It sounded a bit like it was her continued recklessness with it which got up Disney's nose, was what I was getting from the OP. Might have been a bit different, contractually speaking, if she'd at least made efforts to be more careful with her public image. Admittedly, that's some pretty liberal speculating on the part of someone who hadn't heard of her a couple of posts ago . XD

I too often wonder why these famous people with reputations to protect don't post anonymously (I'm sure many do, though) or rather, why they post stupid shit publicly?

I don't know, seems like maybe a strong sense of entitlement. "Rabble rabble this is 'Merica, I can say what I want. In fact, I'm going to say some extra bad stuff just to abuse this amazing privilege I have RABBLE RABBLE!"

Haha, sure, I think there is a hot-take-reinforcement thing going on in social media especially. I know I got sucked into saying the dumbest stuff on Twitter. To this day I couldn't say how. It just felt like an endless cycle of misunderstandings... losing face in 200 characters or less, then doubling down, trying to win it back. Probably many times worse when you have more like 10,000 followers than 10, lol.

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#11 mrbojangles25
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@sancho_panzer: Yeah, I don't have kids but my sister does and I am so happy they're not on any social media yet. They're still young (9 and 6) but so many of their classmates already have devices and are into that stuff. Some of the older kids even got into that whole Stanley cup craze.

I genuinely think it's a mental health epidemic, what social media does to people. You know, if a medication meant for anxiety had a 20% increased likelihood in suicidal thoughts, that pill would be off the market really fast. And yet social media, which has a similar impact, get's away with little regulation.

Point is: I think social media "does something" to people, rich or poor, unknown or known, to make them feel like they sometimes need to shout ridiculous things.

I don't think Gina Carano is a terrible person but she definitely made multiple errors and should have learned to stay the hell off social media.

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#12  Edited By uninspiredcup
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If someone is acting like an idiot making your brand look bad they should be perfectly within their right to get rid of you.

Starwars is (wither people like to hear it or not) a children's franchise, it's designed for kids.

Kids all have social media now, on their phones. See her batshit rambling.

The character itself is completely misc, nothing of value was lost. She might as well have been a Wookie making "uhhhgggggggggg" noises.

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#13  Edited By BassMan
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Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

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#14  Edited By uninspiredcup
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@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning in it.

She can and does.

They are free to say "fvck off".

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#15 LJS9502_basic
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@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

She is free to say what she wants but that doesn't mean she stays employed.

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#16 BassMan
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

She is free to say what she wants but that doesn't mean she stays employed.

Bullshit reason for firing her. That is the real issue. Disney needs to fuk off with their woke garbage.

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#17 Archangel3371
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She’ll get no sympathy from me. Completely asinine thing to say and comparison to make. Could have been very problematic for Disney had they kept her employed.

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#18 mrbojangles25
Member since 2005 • 58508 Posts

@uninspiredcup said:

If someone is acting like an idiot making your brand look bad they should be perfectly within their right to get rid of you.

Starwars is (wither people like to hear it or not) a children's franchise, it's designed for kids.

Kids all have social media now, on their phones. See her batshit rambling.

The character itself is completely misc, nothing of value was lost. She might as well have been a Wookie making "uhhhgggggggggg" noises.

You don't think an elite group of drop pod soldiers serving the Republic, hunting down Imperial remnants, would have made a good show? Or at least a feature in a different film or series? I Think that would have been great. We see a lot of the Clone Troopers and Storm Troopers but we don't really see much of the Republic in terms of ground battles.

I agree it's really pushing it, she wasn't that important, but she (as an actor) is sort of like the female equivalent of The Rock or Dave Batista; charismatic, athletic, good enough as an actor but not great...I really enjoyed her in most of her roles, including in The Mandalorian.

@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

Anyone that says what she says, doubles down, and then goes running to Tucker-fucking-Carlson to talk even more shit...that is not a good person.

I don't think she is a terrible person, far from a monster...but she definitely has a screw loose.

For me it's more the context and complete sense of entitlement she has: it screams "I'm rich and famous, I have a platform, and I'm going to PUSH THE LIMITS" and then she says some stuff she probably doesn't even really mean or believe in but is just doing it to get a reaction, then when she has to pony up and pay the price for acting a fool (twice, mind you; she was warned prior) she complains about it.

Nah. **** her. I like[d] her too and I hope there's a way back for her, but Disney (which I totally consider an evil megacorporation with terrible business practices) is actually right here.

@BassMan said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@BassMan said:


She is free to say what she wants but that doesn't mean she stays employed.

Bullshit reason for firing her. That is the real issue. Disney needs to fuk off with their woke garbage.

This has nothing to do with "woke garbage". That shit is overplayed, reaching Boy Who Cried Wolf levels.

Nah. She was acting like an asshole while representing a company that markets primarily towards kids and wholesome values. She paid the price. End of story.

You can say what you want and move on with your life with the consequences, or you can mind your manners and collect your huge checks. You don't get both. We don't/shouldn't reward mouthy assholes.

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#19 uninspiredcup
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@mrbojangles25: To be perfectly honest I enjoy the animated content signicantly more.

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#20 mrbojangles25
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@uninspiredcup said:

@mrbojangles25: To be perfectly honest I enjoy the animated content signicantly more.

Oh ya, me too.

Rebels is easily one of my favorite animated series (up there with Avatar The Last Airbender), and I really enjoyed Clone Wars. The series had it's high and low moments but overall pretty great, and the really dumb episodes can easily be skipped (like the one with the squad of droids on the special mission). And that last season? Chef's kiss. Ventress is one of my favorite villains in the franchise, and I loved the use of Dooku as the main mastermind of the series (even though the Emperor is present). And the whole Darth Maul and Savage Oppress story arch, the Maul and Mandalore, etc. Man I could go on and on...

...and now I want to rewatch Clone Wars.

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#21 uninspiredcup
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@mrbojangles25: Bad Batch is pretty good as well. About 30% of it is shit, but when it's good it's good. Feels far more like Starwars than the live-action shows, say that.

Tales Of The Jedi was pretty much perfect.

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#22 mrbojangles25
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@uninspiredcup said:

@mrbojangles25: Bad Batch is pretty good as well. About 30% of it is shit, but when it's good it's good. Feels far more like Starwars than the live-action shows, say that.

Tales Of The Jedi was pretty much perfect.

Oh ya I forgot about Tales of the Jedi, that was amazing. The one with little Ahsoka was great. And one with the Sith that fled and painted was interesting.

Ya I liked Bad Batch. You're right about it being hit or miss. I didn't like Omega at first but she grew on me, and I wonder if that was the goal all along.

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#23  Edited By rmpumper
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@mrbojangles25 said:

Yeah, totally unnecessary. Complete "I'm the victim" mindset, too, which is not very flattering.

Do you think word would get out though eventually? Like they'd get hacked?

I too often wonder why these famous people with reputations to protect don't post anonymously (I'm sure many do, though) or rather, why they post stupid shit publicly?

I don't know, seems like maybe a strong sense of entitlement. "Rabble rabble this is 'Merica, I can say what I want. In fact, I'm going to say some extra bad stuff just to abuse this amazing privilege I have RABBLE RABBLE!"

This is correct, I think. After all, what's the point in being famous if you can't use that fame to get more attention for your opinions? Her mistake was thinking that she's at the same level as Tom Cruise, who can be batshit insane, but still get paid tens of millions per movie.

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#24  Edited By Sancho_Panzer  Online
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@mrbojangles25 said:

@sancho_panzer: Yeah, I don't have kids but my sister does and I am so happy they're not on any social media yet. They're still young (9 and 6) but so many of their classmates already have devices and are into that stuff. Some of the older kids even got into that whole Stanley cup craze.

I genuinely think it's a mental health epidemic, what social media does to people. You know, if a medication meant for anxiety had a 20% increased likelihood in suicidal thoughts, that pill would be off the market really fast. And yet social media, which has a similar impact, get's away with little regulation.

Point is: I think social media "does something" to people, rich or poor, unknown or known, to make them feel like they sometimes need to shout ridiculous things.

I don't think Gina Carano is a terrible person but she definitely made multiple errors and should have learned to stay the hell off social media.

I agree that social media does tend to bring out the worst in people. But should - and can - governments regulate? People get very protective of the things they love and refuse to accept there might be an issue. If you look at Twitter, for example, most of it is middle aged people getting vicariously (and deeply) offended because someone else didn't like their favourite star's latest film or whatever. The debate is rarely about them personally, but they'll somehow find a way to self-insert and take it very personally. It's both fascinating and tragic, and I'm not sure what's causing it.

How do you regulate that? It's like the drug legalisation debate... As soon as you point to the problem, the unaffected portion of users gets all no-true-Scotsman: "It must be their underlying mental health issues, as evidenced by their behaviour on social media. I've never had a problem. What right have you to curb my free speech?". On the one hand, fair point, but on the other, it's often those with the biggest self-control difficulties who'll end up adopting that kind of defence for themselves, to protect their addiction. Moreover, how do you even detect those underlying predispositions until they're already triggered and no longer underlying? Maybe everyone has underlying mental health conditions, and it just takes the right circumstances to set them off?

But yeah, social media can turn ordinary people into ****s. Wasn't there an ex-user here who ended up goading a journalist into suicide or something? Perfectly nice fellow, if it's the one I'm thinking of. Sure we would get on fine over a beer. Just social media turned him into a narcissistic piece of shit within that environment apparently.

Self-regulation would be a fine thing, if it really worked. I just don't know if it does, nor what the alternatives should be.

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#25  Edited By BassMan
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@mrbojangles25 said:
@uninspiredcup said:

If someone is acting like an idiot making your brand look bad they should be perfectly within their right to get rid of you.

Starwars is (wither people like to hear it or not) a children's franchise, it's designed for kids.

Kids all have social media now, on their phones. See her batshit rambling.

The character itself is completely misc, nothing of value was lost. She might as well have been a Wookie making "uhhhgggggggggg" noises.

You don't think an elite group of drop pod soldiers serving the Republic, hunting down Imperial remnants, would have made a good show? Or at least a feature in a different film or series? I Think that would have been great. We see a lot of the Clone Troopers and Storm Troopers but we don't really see much of the Republic in terms of ground battles.

I agree it's really pushing it, she wasn't that important, but she (as an actor) is sort of like the female equivalent of The Rock or Dave Batista; charismatic, athletic, good enough as an actor but not great...I really enjoyed her in most of her roles, including in The Mandalorian.

@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

Anyone that says what she says, doubles down, and then goes running to Tucker-fucking-Carlson to talk even more shit...that is not a good person.

I don't think she is a terrible person, far from a monster...but she definitely has a screw loose.

For me it's more the context and complete sense of entitlement she has: it screams "I'm rich and famous, I have a platform, and I'm going to PUSH THE LIMITS" and then she says some stuff she probably doesn't even really mean or believe in but is just doing it to get a reaction, then when she has to pony up and pay the price for acting a fool (twice, mind you; she was warned prior) she complains about it.

Nah. **** her. I like[d] her too and I hope there's a way back for her, but Disney (which I totally consider an evil megacorporation with terrible business practices) is actually right here.

@BassMan said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@BassMan said:


She is free to say what she wants but that doesn't mean she stays employed.

Bullshit reason for firing her. That is the real issue. Disney needs to fuk off with their woke garbage.

This has nothing to do with "woke garbage". That shit is overplayed, reaching Boy Who Cried Wolf levels.

Nah. She was acting like an asshole while representing a company that markets primarily towards kids and wholesome values. She paid the price. End of story.

You can say what you want and move on with your life with the consequences, or you can mind your manners and collect your huge checks. You don't get both. We don't/shouldn't reward mouthy assholes.

I agree, the woke garbage is overplayed. They need to stop with that shit.

She should be commended for speaking her mind and not trying to be some politically correct robot. We need more people like her. Also, she is not a spokesperson for Disney or represent them. She is simply an actress on one of their shows. What she says and does in her free time has nothing to do with Disney.

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#26 horgen  Moderator
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She thinks conservatives are being outlawed to hold certain positions?

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#27 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 178873 Posts

@BassMan said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

She is free to say what she wants but that doesn't mean she stays employed.

Bullshit reason for firing her. That is the real issue. Disney needs to fuk off with their woke garbage.

No it's not. They have to protect their brand. She deserved it. And I liked her character in the Mandalorian but she needed to go.

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#28 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator  Online
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@mrbojangles25 said:
@mattbbpl said:

What did she say?

I don't stargaze, so I'm out of the loop.

Yeah me neither, I just like Star Wars and I was actually kind of a fan of Carano (I thought she was great in the action spy movie Haywire).

Some choice bits from her fiasco are:

In 2021, Gina Carano was fired from The Mandalorian after she compared being a conservative in America to being a Jewish person in Nazi Germany in an Instagram story.


In the preceding months, Carano was accused of poking funat the usage of gender pronouns, and had shared speculation of voter fraud in the 2020 election, and anti-mask memeson Twitter.

Just the usual right-wing rhetoric filled with hate.

Concerning the lawsuit, the claims are:

“A short time ago in a galaxy not so far away, Defendants made it clear that only one orthodoxy in thought, speech, or action was acceptable in their empire, and that those who dared to question or failed to fully comply would not be tolerated,” the filing reads—hilariously employingStar Warsvernacular. “And so it was with Carano.”

Basically she thinks she is being discriminated against unfairly because she got in trouble for saying terrible things while Pascal did not get in trouble for not saying terrible things.

If Pedro also said terrible things, her argument might hold water, but he didn't really say anything terrible. Just a different stance.

Is that what the comparison was on the story, what was the actual context of the Instagram story? And specifically, what did you find offensive about it (if anything)?

Secondly, Is it "offensive" to you to say your pronouns are beep/bop/boop?

And lastly, what was the context of the "speculation of voter fraud"? And what about that did you find offensive?

My fellow Californian, the anti-mask meme, is hilarious today considering the bullcrap that was peddled during the COVID shenanigans in our state (among other crap). Besides, it's a meme poking fun at the silliness. What a time to be alive these days when posts like that get swept under "right ring rhetoric filled with hate." lol Trust me, there's no shortage of nasty vitriol on the internet. But that's like calling a child's fish tank an ocean, even more bizarre to say someone has a "screw" loose for it.

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#29 mrbojangles25
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@Stevo_the_gamer said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
@mattbbpl said:

What did she say?

I don't stargaze, so I'm out of the loop.

Yeah me neither, I just like Star Wars and I was actually kind of a fan of Carano (I thought she was great in the action spy movie Haywire).

Some choice bits from her fiasco are:

In 2021, Gina Carano was fired from The Mandalorian after she compared being a conservative in America to being a Jewish person in Nazi Germany in an Instagram story.


In the preceding months, Carano was accused of poking funat the usage of gender pronouns, and had shared speculation of voter fraud in the 2020 election, and anti-mask memeson Twitter.

Just the usual right-wing rhetoric filled with hate.

Concerning the lawsuit, the claims are:

“A short time ago in a galaxy not so far away, Defendants made it clear that only one orthodoxy in thought, speech, or action was acceptable in their empire, and that those who dared to question or failed to fully comply would not be tolerated,” the filing reads—hilariously employingStar Warsvernacular. “And so it was with Carano.”

Basically she thinks she is being discriminated against unfairly because she got in trouble for saying terrible things while Pascal did not get in trouble for not saying terrible things.

If Pedro also said terrible things, her argument might hold water, but he didn't really say anything terrible. Just a different stance.

Is that what the comparison was on the story, what was the actual context of the Instagram story? And specifically, what did you find offensive about it (if anything)?

Secondly, Is it "offensive" to you to say your pronouns are beep/bop/boop?

And lastly, what was the context of the "speculation of voter fraud"? And what about that did you find offensive?

My fellow Californian, the anti-mask meme, is hilarious today considering the bullcrap that was peddled during the COVID shenanigans in our state (among other crap). Besides, it's a meme poking fun at the silliness. What a time to be alive these days when posts like that get swept under "right ring rhetoric filled with hate." lol Trust me, there's no shortage of nasty vitriol on the internet. But that's like calling a child's fish tank an ocean, even more bizarre to say someone has a "screw" loose for it.

I think the point I'm trying to make in this thread is that when someone is in a good position, is liked by a community, has the potential to make a lot of money...and then throws it all away because she decides to mouth off and say some questionable stuff...I think that is sort of why I made this thread. I'm curious what people think.

It's less about being offended by what she said (though other people have a right to be offended by it) and more of a question as to whether or not we should really support people like that.

She could have said any number of things that were questionable that didn't offend me and I'd still be OK with her being gone. I don't think we should reward stupid, reckless people that act impulsively and shit on their fanbase or are disrespectful. When you sign up to be part of the Star Wars franchise, you are acting as an ambassador.

Basically, if a teacher can get fired because she has an OnlyFans account (who actually needs that extra income), then Gina can get fired for Hitler comparisons (for failing to do the bare minimum of being a basic good person).

It's not about woke, or cancelling, or any of that trending stuff. I'm not over here clutching my pearls and fainting onto my fainting couch because someone said something I disagree with. It's just the principle of it.

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#30  Edited By Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator  Online
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@mrbojangles25 said:

I think the point I'm trying to make in this thread is that when someone is in a good position, is liked by a community, has the potential to make a lot of money...and then throws it all away because she decides to mouth off and say some questionable stuff...I think that is sort of why I made this thread. I'm curious what people think.

It's less about being offended by what she said (though other people have a right to be offended by it) and more of a question as to whether or not we should really support people like that.

She could have said any number of things that were questionable that didn't offend me and I'd still be OK with her being gone. I don't think we should reward stupid, reckless people that act impulsively and shit on their fanbase or are disrespectful. When you sign up to be part of the Star Wars franchise, you are acting as an ambassador.

Basically, if a teacher can get fired because she has an OnlyFans account (who actually needs that extra income), then Gina can get fired for Hitler comparisons (for failing to do the bare minimum of being a basic good person).

It's not about woke, or cancelling, or any of that trending stuff. I'm not over here clutching my pearls and fainting onto my fainting couch because someone said something I disagree with. It's just the principle of it.

That's why I asked you what was offensive about the posts, because I'm curious on your thoughts on it (especially if you think it questionable, and doubly-so that she has a screw loose... so there must be something offensive about any of the content she posted). I'm merely wondering what exactly qualifies as offensive and why. Sort of a critical analysis exercise, instead of regurgitating what other people are inferring/saying about it.

And yeah, people definitely have a right to be offended; we find ourselves in the era where folks require safe spaces as an adult.

Edit: **Crickets**

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#31  Edited By Robertos
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Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This case won't go far.

@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

Not sure if it's cancel culture and wokeness, just a company firing an employee for saying things that could damage their reputation. Well within their rights. I think her talent agency fired her first as well. Don't say stupid things about the Holocaust on social media? Shit, that's kind of a no brainer for decades now.

Hell, I can't think of many serious companies I could work at that wouldn't fire me for saying the same stuff. I would be more surprised if they didn't fire her.

Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.

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#32 Silentchief
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@robertos said:

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This case won't go far.

@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

Not sure if it's cancel culture and wokeness, just a company firing an employee for saying things that could damage their reputation. Well within their rights. I think her talent agency fired her first as well. Don't say stupid things about the Holocaust on social media? Shit, that's kind of a no brainer for decades now.

Hell, I can't think of many serious companies I could work at that wouldn't fire me for saying the same stuff. I would be more surprised if they didn't fire her.

Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.

Disney has already destroyed their brand.

The problem is they let other actors say Batshit insane things without consequence. So that is the defenition of discrimination.

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#33  Edited By Robertos
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@silentchief said:
@robertos said:

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This case won't go far.

@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

Not sure if it's cancel culture and wokeness, just a company firing an employee for saying things that could damage their reputation. Well within their rights. I think her talent agency fired her first as well. Don't say stupid things about the Holocaust on social media? Shit, that's kind of a no brainer for decades now.

Hell, I can't think of many serious companies I could work at that wouldn't fire me for saying the same stuff. I would be more surprised if they didn't fire her.

Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.

Disney has already destroyed their brand.

That has no bearing on this case.

@silentchief said:

The problem is they let other actors say Batshit insane things

Batshit in your opinion. It just doesn't seem like a huge red flag to put three far right wing groups who actually did lose in a list, especially when all three are associated with each other through events like Unite the Right rally or January 6th. He also never brought up the Holocaust like Gina in that, afaik. Kind of a big difference, and not nearly as problematic.

I don't see this case getting anywhere. Much like many other Musk cases, it appears to be a publicity stunt that will probably get thrown out.

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#34  Edited By Silentchief
Member since 2021 • 7059 Posts
@robertos said:
@silentchief said:
@robertos said:

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This case won't go far.

@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

Not sure if it's cancel culture and wokeness, just a company firing an employee for saying things that could damage their reputation. Well within their rights. I think her talent agency fired her first as well. Don't say stupid things about the Holocaust on social media? Shit, that's kind of a no brainer for decades now.

Hell, I can't think of many serious companies I could work at that wouldn't fire me for saying the same stuff. I would be more surprised if they didn't fire her.

Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.

Disney has already destroyed their brand.

That has no bearing on this case.

@silentchief said:

The problem is they let other actors say Batshit insane things

Batshit in your opinion. It just doesn't seem like a huge red flag to put three far right wing groups who actually did lose in a list, especially when all three are associated with each other through events like Unite the Right rally or January 6th. He also never brought up the Holocaust like Gina in that, afaik. Kind of a big difference, and not nearly as problematic.

I don't see this case getting anywhere. Much like many other Musk cases, it appears to be a publicity stunt that will probably get thrown out.

Comparing everyone who voted for Trump to Nazi's isn't batshit insane?

Lmao are you serious?

And yes Disney has bbecome has gone all in on progressive activism and has lost over 150 billion dollars of value in the process.

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#35  Edited By Robertos
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@silentchief said:

Comparing everyone who voted for Trump to Nazi

I don't think he said everyone, unless you can quote that part. I took it as some Maga tards being part of both of those groups, as literal evidence shows from multiple rallies and hate groups.

@silentchief said:

And yes Disney has bbecome has gone all in on progressive activism and has lost over 150 billion dollars of value in the process.

That isn't illegal and won't have any bearing on this case.

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#36  Edited By uninspiredcup
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@silentchief said:
@robertos said:

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This case won't go far.

@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

Not sure if it's cancel culture and wokeness, just a company firing an employee for saying things that could damage their reputation. Well within their rights. I think her talent agency fired her first as well. Don't say stupid things about the Holocaust on social media? Shit, that's kind of a no brainer for decades now.

Hell, I can't think of many serious companies I could work at that wouldn't fire me for saying the same stuff. I would be more surprised if they didn't fire her.

Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.

The problem is they let other actors say Batshit insane things without consequence. So that is the defenition of discrimination.

Wasn't what she was promoting something that could basically kill people or at least heighten the risks (covid)?

To reiterate, Starwars is for children. That's the audience it was intended for.

It's not 2004's BattleStar Galactica, it's a frickin children's franchise. And kids follow these people on social media, they are on set and off image representing the brand. They have a responsibility outside of that work place as it directly reflects back onto the brand.

I find it weird even an argument here. Though I agree in general, celebs mouthing off on social media is cringe.

Though willing to bet if this was someone (hypothetically) promoting feminisms or gay rights and got fired for it, everyone jumping on the sword for Gina would suddenly go mute or cheer Disney and Musk wouldn't be funding them.

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#37  Edited By Silentchief
Member since 2021 • 7059 Posts
@uninspiredcup said:
@silentchief said:
@robertos said:

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This case won't go far.

@BassMan said:

Cancel culture and woke madness needs to end. I am behind Gina and she should be free to say what she wants without people misinterpreting it and spinning it. She seems like a legit good person. I think people need to stop getting butthurt over nothing and need to stop looking for excuses to point fingers at people. Everybody needs to chill and stop trying to push stupid agendas.

Not sure if it's cancel culture and wokeness, just a company firing an employee for saying things that could damage their reputation. Well within their rights. I think her talent agency fired her first as well. Don't say stupid things about the Holocaust on social media? Shit, that's kind of a no brainer for decades now.

Hell, I can't think of many serious companies I could work at that wouldn't fire me for saying the same stuff. I would be more surprised if they didn't fire her.

Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.

The problem is they let other actors say Batshit insane things without consequence. So that is the defenition of discrimination.

Wasn't what she was promoting something that could basically kill people or at least heighten the risks (covid)?

To reiterate, Starwars is for children. That's the audience it was intended for.

It's not 2004's BattleStar Galactica, it's a frickin children's franchise. And kids follow these people on social media, they are on set and off image representing the brand. They have a responsibility outside of that work place as it directly reflects back onto the brand.

I find it weird even an argument here. Though I agree in general, celebs mouthing off on social media is cringe.

Though willing to bet if this was someone (hypothetically) promoting feminisms or gay rights and got fired for it, everyone jumping on the sword for Gina would suddenly go mute or cheer Disney and Musk wouldn't be funding them.

If it's for children then why did what she say matter? Do kids dictate if they get their Covid vaccine?

The problem with me is the hypocrisy. If they want to can people for talking about social and political issues that's fine but if your only going to choose one side of the issue that's text book discrimination.

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#38  Edited By Silentchief
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@robertos said:
@silentchief said:

Comparing everyone who voted for Trump to Nazi

I don't think he said everyone, unless you can quote that part. I took it as some Maga tards being part of both of those groups, as literal evidence shows from multiple rallies and hate groups.

@silentchief said:

And yes Disney has bbecome has gone all in on progressive activism and has lost over 150 billion dollars of value in the process.

That isn't illegal and won't have any bearing on this case.

He compared Maga to Nazis. They have taken far left progressive stances on every issue and fired people with opposite viewpoint which is In fact " text book discrimination ". This is also one of many discrimination law suites aimed at the company.

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#39 Vaasman
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@silentchief said:
@robertos said:

I don't think he said everyone, unless you can quote that part. I took it as some Maga tards being part of both of those groups, as literal evidence shows from multiple rallies and hate groups.

That isn't illegal and won't have any bearing on this case.

He compared Maga to Nazis. They have taken far left progressive stances on every issue and fired people with opposite viewpoint which is In fact " text book discrimination ". This is also one of many discrimination law suites aimed at the company.

I don't know why you guys need to be told this so much but 'loudmouth' is not a legally protected demographic.

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#40 Silentchief
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@Vaasman said:
@silentchief said:
@robertos said:

I don't think he said everyone, unless you can quote that part. I took it as some Maga tards being part of both of those groups, as literal evidence shows from multiple rallies and hate groups.

That isn't illegal and won't have any bearing on this case.

He compared Maga to Nazis. They have taken far left progressive stances on every issue and fired people with opposite viewpoint which is In fact " text book discrimination ". This is also one of many discrimination law suites aimed at the company.

I don't know why you guys need to be told this so much but 'loudmouth' is not a legally protected demographic.

They protect progressive loudmouths all the time.

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#42  Edited By Robertos
Member since 2023 • 1050 Posts
@silentchief said:
@robertos said:
@silentchief said:

Comparing everyone who voted for Trump to Nazi

I don't think he said everyone, unless you can quote that part. I took it as some Maga tards being part of both of those groups, as literal evidence shows from multiple rallies and hate groups.

@silentchief said:

And yes Disney has bbecome has gone all in on progressive activism and has lost over 150 billion dollars of value in the process.

That isn't illegal and won't have any bearing on this case.

He compared Maga to Nazis.

Well they are comparable, you literally have Nazis at Maga events bro. Just look at the photo I posted. But not all of them, and he didn't say all of them.

A very different situation from Gina's comments and sustained behavior through ought the years. They told her to stop once. An employee just can't go and run their mouth saying crazy stuff even when warned. The company has the right to fire them for crazy social media posts after being warned.

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#43 horgen  Moderator
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Some MAGAs wave the Nazi flag around, the rest have nothing against them.

Dr. Jens Foell tweeted "As we say in Germany, if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis."

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#44  Edited By Silentchief
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@robertos said:
@silentchief said:
@robertos said:
@silentchief said:

Comparing everyone who voted for Trump to Nazi

I don't think he said everyone, unless you can quote that part. I took it as some Maga tards being part of both of those groups, as literal evidence shows from multiple rallies and hate groups.

@silentchief said:

And yes Disney has bbecome has gone all in on progressive activism and has lost over 150 billion dollars of value in the process.

That isn't illegal and won't have any bearing on this case.

He compared Maga to Nazis.

Well they are comparable, you literally have Nazis at Maga events bro. Just look at the photo I posted. But not all of them, and he didn't say all of them.

A very different situation from Gina's comments and sustained behavior through ought the years. They told her to stop once. An employee just can't go and run their mouth saying crazy stuff even when warned. The company has the right to fire them for crazy social media posts after being warned.

It isn't comparable at all. Democrats are now waving pro Hamas flags which is a terrorist organization. Celebrities supported BLM which was nothing more than a scam. They protect celebs that share those fringe viewpoints.

Disney are far left activist( much like yourself) this one of now several discrimination cases the company faces and some of them are likely to stick. Tough times for a company that has lost over 150 billion dollars in stock value over the past 3 years.

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#45  Edited By lamprey263  Online
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Any big company is going to have morals clause as boilerplate in their contracts. Her lawsuits for discrimination seems frivolous though because nothing about her firings indicate she was fired over causes pertaining to her as a federally protected class. And if she was spouting MAGA stuff online she's probably flirting with moral turpitude on some level, as nothing from that sociopolitical fringe isn't without a heavy dose of hyperbolic incendiary flair (and that's putting it mildly).

She'd have a better shot inspiring sympathy if she claimed she was fired for her weight gain.

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#46  Edited By Robertos
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@silentchief said:

It isn't comparable at all. [Some] Democrats are now waving pro Hamas flags which is a terrorist organization.

And those people are being fired or kicked out. As they should be.

See how this works?

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#47 Silentchief
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@robertos said:
@silentchief said:

It isn't comparable at all. [Some] Democrats are now waving pro Hamas flags which is a terrorist organization.

And those people are being fired or kicked out. As they should be.

See how this works?

But Gina wasn't a Nazi nor did she support them so that's not accurate.

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#48 Robertos
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@silentchief said:
@robertos said:
@silentchief said:

It isn't comparable at all. [Some] Democrats are now waving pro Hamas flags which is a terrorist organization.

And those people are being fired or kicked out. As they should be.

See how this works?

But Gina wasn't a Nazi nor did she support them so that's not accurate.

Okay wait so you're fine with companies firing people for extreme viewpoints so what's the problem here.

She posted nonsense trivializing the Holocaust after they already warned her. This trial is going to go nowhere.

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#49 Silentchief
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@robertos said:
@silentchief said:
@robertos said:
@silentchief said:

It isn't comparable at all. [Some] Democrats are now waving pro Hamas flags which is a terrorist organization.

And those people are being fired or kicked out. As they should be.

See how this works?

But Gina wasn't a Nazi nor did she support them so that's not accurate.

Okay wait so you're fine with companies firing people for extreme viewpoints so what's the problem here.

She posted nonsense trivializing the Holocaust after they already warned her. This trial is going to go nowhere.

No I'm saying their needs to be consistency and not a ridiculous double standard. Maybe this trial won't go anywhere but This one will.

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#50 Vaasman
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@silentchief said:
@Vaasman said:

I don't know why you guys need to be told this so much but 'loudmouth' is not a legally protected demographic.

They protect progressive loudmouths all the time.

Please demonstrate with examples the amount of people that successfully sued because they were fired for expressing liberal ideology. Keep in mind that does not include successfully suing for racial or sexual discrimination.