George Floyd and the police officer

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#51 sealionact
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@Sevenizz: What's the polar opposite to this reaction? People shrug and say "Well, he was a bad cop, and these things happen unfortunately."

You think the cop would have been charged with murder, going on past cases?

Do you think that this reaction from all races across many countries (Even China!) will make police forces even more determined to never let this happen again?

If you "just accept that this particular cop was a bad cop", I can guarantee you it will happen again as it has in the past.

It needs to stop.

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#52 tpz4sheezy
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Like I said the Floyd murder was completely wrong. What I am talking about is the future. I am saying are people going to riot every time a black man dies at the hands of police? I totally think this instance was messed up and the cops were completely wrong here and police brutality shouldn’t be ok but I’m genuinely asking what is the end goal? It seems like in many instances people get outraged if a black man is killed by a cop no matter what the circumstances were. I’m not talking about this case I repeat , I’m not talking about this case’s messed up. talking about in the future ......if you run from the cops or attack the cops and you get killed I don’t think people should protest. It’s what comes with the territory. It sounds heartless I know, but statistically it’s going to happen time and time and as long as we have police that have any real authority. Btw I do understand blacks are killed disproportionally to whites by police but they also have nearly double the amount of resisting arrests incidents per arrest at least in NY. That could contribute to it or police may be harsher to them I’m not sure I just know what the stats say not why they say it.

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#53  Edited By LJS9502_basic  Online
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@tpz4sheezy: The end goal is to end police brutality particularly toward the black men in their custody.

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#54  Edited By deactivated-5f3ec00254b0d
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@tpz4sheezy: So here's the problem... ".if you run from the cops or attack the cops and you get killed I don’t think people should protest. It’s what comes with the territory."

That's your opinion, and that's fine. But that's an idea that is kind of difficult to sell to many people, because guess what, most civilized countries don't shot to kill on their citizens because they run from the police. In most democracies violence from the state is not taken lightly. I dare to say that even in the US that idea doesn't get much support. Government should by all means use non letal force and particularly if you talking about something harmless as forgery, losing an arrest isn't worth sacrificing a life.

Lose a guy? Tough luck, do the subsequent police work if it's really worth it. If a kid is running from you don't shot him in the back, worst case if justified shot is legs. Not even a warning shot? Gross negligence.

Are riots the ideal way to protest? No, absolutely not? But is propriety more important that a human life? No, absolutely not.

But lets take a step back. What exactly is the form of protest that would make people like you more comfortable? When people "occupied wall street" and just sat on the floor, people on the far right were supporting the violent intervention from police because those people were disrupting normal life. When football players were kneeling you were against it because those people should not be using their platform to peaceful protest.

Lets take a step even further. Black leaders were murdered. Black civil movements infiltrated by the FBI and considered terrorist organizations. So chance for that organized movement was pretty much squashed decades ago.

Now lets take another step, to yesterday. Seattle, people were occupying the streets peacefully. Chanting that they were there peacefully and there was no need for riot gear. Minutes after images clearly show the police starting the aggression. So peacefully protesting, again, is not being incentivized by the government. Because I don't think is to crazy to say, "OK riots are bad, lets squash the riots and let peaceful protests be so that people can vent". But forget the police, maybe the president can lead by example (crazy I know). What does Trump do? He orders a peaceful protest (another) to be tear gassed, gasses even priests that obviously were there peacefully, to go to the front of a church say that people should protest peacefully while holding an upside down bible (because he really cares).

So if you really want to be on this government side no matter what, maybe it's time people like you to stop the bullshit. Just state that people should shut the **** up and suffer the abuse the state decides they should receive. This whole thing of people like you, that came to this forum in the last few days, remembers me a lot the 1930's KKK pamphlets telling black people that they should not organise in any way otherwise they would suffer consequences, because the US already treats them well enough.

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#55 VFighter
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@LJS9502_basic: And looting, rioting, killing (at least one death as of now by those rioting), stealing, burning down buildings, etc...that's what's going to stop police brutality against blacks?

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#56 sealionact
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@tpz4sheezy: But he didnt run from, nor attack the cops....people arent protesting about that, and btw just saying that people shouldn't protest at someone getting shot because they ran away from the cops? Seriously? I'm hoping you understand that police shouldnt shoot people full stop, unless somebody's life is in immediate danger...and even then it should be a last resort.

When something is wrong, people protest.

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#57 LJS9502_basic  Online
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@vfighter said:

@LJS9502_basic: And looting, rioting, killing (at least one death as of now by those rioting), stealing, burning down buildings, etc...that's what's going to stop police brutality against blacks?

You're conflating two different things. You asked what they want accomplished. I told you. Just because some bad actors cause riots amidst the peaceful protests to destroy the message doesn't mean we should let it. We also should NOT stand for a United States president using the military against our citizens exercising their Constitutional rights. It's telling to me how so many second amendment conservative adherents are silent when any other Constitutional amendment is trampled on to further their agenda.

Disgusting hypocrites that are a cancer in the country.

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#58 LJS9502_basic  Online
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@sealionact said:

@tpz4sheezy: But he didnt run from, nor attack the cops....people arent protesting about that, and btw just saying that people shouldn't protest at someone getting shot because they ran away from the cops? Seriously? I'm hoping you understand that police shouldnt shoot people full stop, unless somebody's life is in immediate danger...and even then it should be a last resort.

When something is wrong, people protest.

Exactly. There is something wrong in society when we allow our police force to shoot at will.

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#59 comp_atkins
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@satireofcomedy said:


Post the data on black on white crime/murder.

To say there is not a racial component to the sheer amount of black on white crime is ignoring the data

so post it.

it isn't relevant to the discussion at hand, but you're free to post what you want.

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#61 PernicioEnigma
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I'm not going to get into whether this cop is racist or not (though it certainly wouldn't surprise me if he was), the argument that someone can't be racist if they have a friend or partner who is ethnically different from them is so stupid. Are you seriously going to tell me it's impossible for a person to have racist beliefs against one race but not another?

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#62 tocool340
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Doubt he was racist, doesn't change the fact that he should be charged with manslaughter/murder...

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#63 Nude_Dude
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@satireofcomedy said:


I am not anti Semitic. I am anti Judaism there is a difference. Also I support ending targeting of POC. Why can’t you support ending targeting of white people ?

Sounds to me like you hate white people

Yet you post nazi dogwhistles like 'oy vey' and somehow when talking about violent religions, Judaism is the first thing that comes to mind...

Also, whites are not being targeted, neither did my post target whites in any way... gosh you sure are a fragile little snowflake. This is the part where I say your mask slipped but you probably never wore a mask to begin with, did you? Murrica

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#64 Sevenizz
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@tocool340: No one’s arguing that.

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#65 foxhound_fox
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You can be racist against blacks but not Asians. I've seen rumours his wife was sleeping with Floyd, and him and Chauvin both worked together at a club... it potentially may not even be a racist attack, but a vengeful one.

Why does this even fucking matter? He murdered Floyd and deserves to face justice for it, that's what matters.

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#66 ad1x2
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@vfighter said:

@LJS9502_basic: And looting, rioting, killing (at least one death as of now by those rioting), stealing, burning down buildings, etc...that's what's going to stop police brutality against blacks?

You're conflating two different things. You asked what they want accomplished. I told you. Just because some bad actors cause riots amidst the peaceful protests to destroy the message doesn't mean we should let it. We also should NOT stand for a United States president using the military against our citizens exercising their Constitutional rights. It's telling to me how so many second amendment conservative adherents are silent when any other Constitutional amendment is trampled on to further their agenda.

Disgusting hypocrites that are a cancer in the country.

I’m legitimately curious how you are expecting the president to respond to the rioters right now. Trump already asked people to stop rioting and to protest peacefully. I got it, since it came from Trump people don’t want to do it since he’s the so-called divider in chief. But do you know who else asked people to stop rioting? President Obama. Vice President Biden. Martin Luther King III. George Floyd's family. Various celebrities of color. Various Democratic politicians, many of whom are black. People in their own communities, some of whom begged them to stop before getting pushed aside. I can go on and on.

George Floyd is dead and his killer is facing murder charges. But people are still rioting and several more people are dead as a result. If the rioters refuse to stop, then why shouldn’t the President of the United States invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 to use the military against the people that are not, I repeat are not protesting peacefully and continue to riot? Because it’s Trump? George H.W. Bush used it against the people rioting in L.A. in 1992 and sent Marines from the First Marine Division and soldiers from the 7th Infantry Division there. Should he have sat back and done nothing?

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#67  Edited By LJS9502_basic  Online
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@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

You're conflating two different things. You asked what they want accomplished. I told you. Just because some bad actors cause riots amidst the peaceful protests to destroy the message doesn't mean we should let it. We also should NOT stand for a United States president using the military against our citizens exercising their Constitutional rights. It's telling to me how so many second amendment conservative adherents are silent when any other Constitutional amendment is trampled on to further their agenda.

Disgusting hypocrites that are a cancer in the country.

I’m legitimately curious how you are expecting the president to respond to the rioters right now. Trump already asked people to stop rioting and to protest peacefully. I got it, since it came from Trump people don’t want to do it since he’s the so-called divider in chief. But do you know who else asked people to stop rioting? President Obama. Vice President Biden. Martin Luther King III. George Floyd's family. Various celebrities of color. Various Democratic politicians, many of whom are black. People in their own communities, some of whom begged them to stop before getting pushed aside. I can go on and on.

George Floyd is dead and his killer is facing murder charges. But people are still rioting and several more people are dead as a result. If the rioters refuse to stop, then why shouldn’t the President of the United States invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 to use the military against the people that are not, I repeat are not protesting peacefully and continue to riot? Because it’s Trump? George H.W. Bush used it against the people rioting in L.A. in 1992 and sent Marines from the First Marine Division and soldiers from the 7th Infantry Division there. Should he have sat back and done nothing?

Sad that you are okay with his use of military force on peaceful protestors so he can pose with a bible. But not surprising.

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#68  Edited By Vaasman
Member since 2008 • 15594 Posts

@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

You're conflating two different things. You asked what they want accomplished. I told you. Just because some bad actors cause riots amidst the peaceful protests to destroy the message doesn't mean we should let it. We also should NOT stand for a United States president using the military against our citizens exercising their Constitutional rights. It's telling to me how so many second amendment conservative adherents are silent when any other Constitutional amendment is trampled on to further their agenda.

Disgusting hypocrites that are a cancer in the country.

I’m legitimately curious how you are expecting the president to respond to the rioters right now.

How about don't beat up peaceful protesters for a 2 minute tone deaf photo op and threaten your own citizens with the military while hiding in a bunker? Like virtually anything else would be better. He could even just keep pretending all is well and ignore the protests and that would have been better. Instead he's proactively making everything worse by inciting violence against his own citizens. **** off with pretending that's what we should expect from any sort of leader.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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#69  Edited By ad1x2
Member since 2005 • 8430 Posts

@LJS9502_basic said:
@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

You're conflating two different things. You asked what they want accomplished. I told you. Just because some bad actors cause riots amidst the peaceful protests to destroy the message doesn't mean we should let it. We also should NOT stand for a United States president using the military against our citizens exercising their Constitutional rights. It's telling to me how so many second amendment conservative adherents are silent when any other Constitutional amendment is trampled on to further their agenda.

Disgusting hypocrites that are a cancer in the country.

I’m legitimately curious how you are expecting the president to respond to the rioters right now. Trump already asked people to stop rioting and to protest peacefully. I got it, since it came from Trump people don’t want to do it since he’s the so-called divider in chief. But do you know who else asked people to stop rioting? President Obama. Vice President Biden. Martin Luther King III. George Floyd's family. Various celebrities of color. Various Democratic politicians, many of whom are black. People in their own communities, some of whom begged them to stop before getting pushed aside. I can go on and on.

George Floyd is dead and his killer is facing murder charges. But people are still rioting and several more people are dead as a result. If the rioters refuse to stop, then why shouldn’t the President of the United States invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 to use the military against the people that are not, I repeat are not protesting peacefully and continue to riot? Because it’s Trump? George H.W. Bush used it against the people rioting in L.A. in 1992 and sent Marines from the First Marine Division and soldiers from the 7th Infantry Division there. Should he have sat back and done nothing?

Sad that you are okay with his use of military force on peaceful protestors so he can pose with a bible. But not surprising.

Did you miss what I underlined and bolded?

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#70 ad1x2
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@Vaasman said:
@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

You're conflating two different things. You asked what they want accomplished. I told you. Just because some bad actors cause riots amidst the peaceful protests to destroy the message doesn't mean we should let it. We also should NOT stand for a United States president using the military against our citizens exercising their Constitutional rights. It's telling to me how so many second amendment conservative adherents are silent when any other Constitutional amendment is trampled on to further their agenda.

Disgusting hypocrites that are a cancer in the country.

I’m legitimately curious how you are expecting the president to respond to the rioters right now.

How about don't beat up peaceful protesters for a 2 minute tone deaf photo op and threaten your own citizens with the military while hiding in a bunker? Like virtually anything else would be better. He could even just keep pretending all is well and ignore the protests and that would have been better. Instead he's proactively making everything worse by inciting violence against his own citizens. **** off with pretending that's what we should expect from any sort of leader.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

I'm not going to comment on the church photo because I do not have all the facts. But if the people were there peacefully and were following instructions to disperse and got pushed away anyway then I don't agree. The issue is I've heard conflicting stories about what was going on prior to that photo op.

That statement you quoted was in regards to the rioters that continue to burn down their neighborhoods while people in this forum are afraid to condemn them because they don't want to be accused of being racist and not understanding why the people rioting protesting are upset. Rioters have already killed other bystanders and it looks like they aren't planning to stop anytime soon.

So with that said, if he uses force against the people that are actively rioting (not the peaceful protestors) who are you to say he is in the wrong? You have the right to your opinion, but opinions aren't always facts. Some posters here called the peaceful protesters from a few weeks ago murderers because they might spread COVID-19. Now, here we are with actual people dying from the current riots but no such criticism is being thrown at them.

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#71 LJS9502_basic  Online
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@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

Sad that you are okay with his use of military force on peaceful protestors so he can pose with a bible. But not surprising.

Did you miss what I underlined and bolded?

Are you stating that two wrongs make a right?

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#72 ad1x2
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

Sad that you are okay with his use of military force on peaceful protestors so he can pose with a bible. But not surprising.

Did you miss what I underlined and bolded?

Are you stating that two wrongs make a right?

So give me your solution if the rioters do not stop since you insist that Trump doesn't mobilize military forces. Keep in mind while you're composing your solution that at least one police department was overrun and burned down, billions of dollars of damage have been amassed, and at least nine people (to include a black federal agent) have been killed during the riots. If you consider that peaceful I'd hate to see what your standard is for violent.

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#73 LJS9502_basic  Online
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@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

Sad that you are okay with his use of military force on peaceful protestors so he can pose with a bible. But not surprising.

Did you miss what I underlined and bolded?

Are you stating that two wrongs make a right?

So give me your solution if the rioters do not stop since you insist that Trump doesn't mobilize military forces. Keep in mind while you're composing your solution that at least one police department was overrun and burned down, billions of dollars of damage have been amassed, and at least nine people (to include a black federal agent) have been killed during the riots. If you consider that peaceful I'd hate to see what your standard is for violent.

He had them attack a peaceful of those amendments that only matter to you when guns are involved I guess.

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#74 ad1x2
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

Sad that you are okay with his use of military force on peaceful protestors so he can pose with a bible. But not surprising.

Did you miss what I underlined and bolded?

Are you stating that two wrongs make a right?

So give me your solution if the rioters do not stop since you insist that Trump doesn't mobilize military forces. Keep in mind while you're composing your solution that at least one police department was overrun and burned down, billions of dollars of damage have been amassed, and at least nine people (to include a black federal agent) have been killed during the riots. If you consider that peaceful I'd hate to see what your standard is for violent.

He had them attack a peaceful of those amendments that only matter to you when guns are involved I guess.

There are conflicting reports on what went down prior to Trump walking over there, with one side saying they were peaceful and the other saying they were getting violent before having to be dispersed.

If it's the former then I disagree with the force regardless of who gave the order. If it's the latter then shame on the media for saying it was the former.

Regardless, that doesn't change the fact that the rioters need to be stopped. Looking at NYC, for example, my biggest fear in regards to my grandmother who is nearly 80 was her catching COVID-19 and dying. Now, I'm worried about her being a casualty of the rioting up there. Yet certain people that have the power to stop it are afraid to do so because they don't want to be called racist.

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#75 LJS9502_basic  Online
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@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@ad1x2 said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@ad1x2 said:

Did you miss what I underlined and bolded?

Are you stating that two wrongs make a right?

So give me your solution if the rioters do not stop since you insist that Trump doesn't mobilize military forces. Keep in mind while you're composing your solution that at least one police department was overrun and burned down, billions of dollars of damage have been amassed, and at least nine people (to include a black federal agent) have been killed during the riots. If you consider that peaceful I'd hate to see what your standard is for violent.

He had them attack a peaceful of those amendments that only matter to you when guns are involved I guess.

There are conflicting reports on what went down prior to Trump walking over there, with one side saying they were peaceful and the other saying they were getting violent before having to be dispersed.

If it's the former then I disagree with the force regardless of who gave the order. If it's the latter then shame on the media for saying it was the former.

Regardless, that doesn't change the fact that the rioters need to be stopped. Looking at NYC, for example, my biggest fear in regards to my grandmother who is nearly 80 was her catching COVID-19 and dying. Now, I'm worried about her being a casualty of the rioting up there. Yet certain people that have the power to stop it are afraid to do so because they don't want to be called racist.

So all the witnesses v trump administration and you believe the trump administration only. Got it.

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#76 xdude85
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Wow, this shit thread is still going?

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#77 jg4xchamp
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LMFAO how does having an Asian wife translate into not being racist against black people?