God of War vs Uncharted. Which do you find better?

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Edited By DEadliNE-Zero0

Poll God of War vs Uncharted. Which do you find better? (90 votes)

God of War 44%
Uncharted 56%

A clash between the PS2 and PS3's biggest action game IP's. Which one do you find better?

Personally, i like both, but GOW was for me much better. While UC had a good story and the set piece design was excellent, the core gameplay never got me. GOW's hack & slash gameplay on the other hand was really fun (though, too easy at times), the lore and setting allowed for awesome set piece itself, various enemies and epic bosses, and awesome world.

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#51 Ribnarak
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@MonsieurX said:

@system-reboot said:

@MonsieurX said:

@system-reboot said:

@MonsieurX said:

vs mashing the left button on your mouse playing shooters

Exploring, finding new areas, secret, shooting while moving fast...

So you don't do any of those in GoW or Uncharted...right

uncharted is cover based shooter

But you don't explore,find new areas,secrets or shoot around.

lol. monsieurx has some good points here.

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#52 Cloud_imperium
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Uncharted it better , specially second one .

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#53 mems_1224
Member since 2004 • 56919 Posts

Uncharted. Kratos is one of the worst characters in the history of gaming. Even the Pong paddles had more character depth and cried a lot less.

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#54 CTR360
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uncharted for me

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#55 Malta_1980
Member since 2008 • 11890 Posts

I love both but if i had to choose I'd go with Uncharted... However I do prefer the story in GOW its just the humor in the Uncharted series is too good !!

Would love to see a GOW4 on PS4 though !!

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#56  Edited By Pikminmaniac
Member since 2006 • 11514 Posts

While both are completely outclassed by other games in similar genres, I have to say God of War is quite a lot better than Uncharted. I quite enjoyed the first God of War and while the series stagnated something fierce right after that initial entry, the games are a lot more enjoyable than Uncharted 2 (only one I played) which gets pretty much everything wrong.


God of War is a lesser hack n slash, but I can still enjoy it

Uncharted 2 is a bad game in essentially every aspect

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#58 DEadliNE-Zero0
Member since 2014 • 6607 Posts

Looks liek Uncharted's more popular. Well, i still find GOW better. But interesting results non the less. Maybe i should make a Crash vs Tomb Raider poll next.

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#59  Edited By Pikminmaniac
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@scottpsfan14 said:
@Pikminmaniac said:

While both are completely outclassed by other games in similar genres, I have to say God of War is quite a lot better than Uncharted. I quite enjoyed the first God of War and while the series stagnated something fierce right after that initial entry, the games are a lot more enjoyable than Uncharted 2 (only one I played) which gets pretty much everything wrong.


God of War is a lesser hack n slash, but I can still enjoy it

Uncharted 2 is a bad game in essentially every aspect

Wow that's some personal hatred for Uncharted right there. The second one in particular too. Implying that 1 and 3 are better?

No love for it at all? Really? Whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose.

I only played the second one and avoided the other two like the plague because of it. One doesn't even have to go far or out on a limb to criticize the hell out of Uncharted 2. It's all there as plain as day. I could go into detail if you want, but I'm afraid I'd derail the thread. Only say the word and I'll just list what's wrong with just about everything in the game.

The funny thing is that the same development team made The Last of Us which I consider an undeniable triumph. It's so weird to think it was the same studio

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#61 Bread_or_Decide
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By the third Uncharted I was sick of it.

I didn't get sick of GOW until the second PSP game and I never bothered with Ascension. So GOW wins.

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#62  Edited By Bread_or_Decide
Member since 2007 • 29761 Posts

@mgools said:

They are both great, but vastly different games. Too hard to compare. If I had to choose it would be Uncharted as it is a much deeper game, and my thumbs don't hurt as much after I play it :)

I disagree. GOW is deeper. It trusted you to solve the puzzles on your own. Uncharted lets you literally open up a "how to solve the puzzle" book inside the game. GOW is deeper.

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#63 deactivated-59b71619573a1
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GOW had 3 good games, Uncharted had 1

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#64 Ribnarak
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@seanmcloughlin: but you only need one, one to rule them all!

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#65 Ribnarak
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btw why are we comparing these games?

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#66 Pikminmaniac
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TPS sections: the enemies are bullet sponges so you have to focus fire on a single opponent in order to down him which drags out the lengthy fire fights to a slog. There is almost no enemy variety to boot and the weapons and ways you can deal with them are equally uninteresting.

platforming sections: what platforming sections? The game has an annoying amount of on rails climbing portions that are no different than fast forwarding or rewinding a prerecorded tape. This constitutes dull and mind numbingly pointless gameplay and guess what? these genius developers thought it would be cool that every one of these portions be dragged out even longer by making absolutely every little thing cinematically break under Nathan's weight.

Pointless gameplay sections: Uncharted 2 is riddled with portions that are worse than merely spectating cutscenes. In most cases you can skip a cutscene, but Uncharted 2 forces you to play through gameplay dead scenarios like the opening sequence where Nathan has to limp through snow after an on rails climbing portion. How about the museum heist where you listen to your friend to do exactly what he tells you to do. God forbid you think for once. How about the ice cave where you are forced to follow a man named tenzen because it's fun to watch somebody play the game one second before you do. What about the chapter called "foreign town" in which you just walk through a town until you trigger a cutscene (that's it)? Even when there's a half interesting puzzle like the one where you reflect light, you have an AI controlled character that plays half of it for you.

Story: It started off somewhat interesting with ties into Marko Polo's travels but devolves into a simple race against an evil military army for magic power juice. It loses it's intrigue and cleverness reminiscent of a good Indiana Jones really quickly. I will admit the characters are enjoyable although very cliche.

The disconnect between scenario and gameplay: This is something almost every story driven game is guilty of to be honest. In Uncharted, the premise is that of an explorer akin to Indian Jones and you go globe trotting for a fascinating hidden treasure. So why is it a TPS? Most protagonists in these types of stories avoid confrontation and focus on exploring and solving puzzles. Uncharted gives you no exploration or adventuring. Instead the game tells you you're on an adventure and you play the parts where you murder armies of men. The Last of Us got it right. The gameplay, setting, and story fit perfectly together into one enjoyable experience. there was no jarring disconnect.

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#67 Lulu_Lulu
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Neither..... Theres a much better Multiplatform Alternitive for both..... Tomb Raider and Darksiders. If theres one Sony exclusive I truly envy... Its Little Big Planet...

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#68  Edited By GamersJustGame
Member since 2014 • 323 Posts

I will take a lot of hear for this....

Uncharted is vastly overrated. Its a good game franchise but I find it to be incredibly boring at times. I played uncharted 2 and liked, but skipped uncharted 3 as it just didn't interest me enough with Uncharted 2. I know Naughty Dog gets treated like Royalty here, but uncharted is a good series but not great.

I recently played TLOUR and that game blows Uncharted out the water. That game was fantastic and will be Naughty Dogs bread and butter. Uncharted 4 will sell outrageous and I admit I will probably get it. But I think it will be average at best. It will be Halo 4. Sell like mad, get good reviews but only due to a lack of anything new for the system.

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#69 AmazonTreeBoa
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I like both, but got to go with Uncharted.

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#70  Edited By AzatiS
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I found GoW series , all 3 of them main series , way better than uncharted.

Dont get me wrong , UC series were top notch as well but is that GOWs lore , story , characters , action , puzzles , settings ... you name it was way more memorable than UCs for a reason. Its maybe because im a fan of greek mythology , one of the best fantastical and mythological universe up to date ? Maybe its that ...

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#71  Edited By blangenakker
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God of War I guess. Uncharted has great production value and set pieces but the third person shooting is just okay and gets really cheap near the end of the game. That's if we're talking sorely about gameplay. Also they're completely different games.

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#72 TheEroica  Moderator
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Meh... uncharted, but really meh.

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#73 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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Okay, let me try to figure this out, because I'm actually having issues picking and choosing.

God of War: 9/10
God of War II: 9.5/10
God of War: Chains of Olympus: 8/10
God of War III: 8/10
God of War: Ghost of Sparta: 7/10
God of War: Ascension: 5/10


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: 8/10
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves: 9.5/10
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception: 6.5/10
Uncharted: The Golden Abyss: 5/10



This is a bad joke, right?

Gah, I can't pick.

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#74 Zen_Light
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Uncharted all the way. God of War is a shitty series of games.

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#75 ristactionjakso
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God of War 3 alone beats all Uncharted games.

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#76 LegatoSkyheart
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Played and beat God of War 1-3 and Uncharted 1-3.

Uncharted was the better game.

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#77 Ballroompirate
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Uncharted all day everyday

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#79 Lulu_Lulu
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Nah... I don't think There were any payed Reviews..... I played it and its got some really great cutscenes, and thats how it all worked out... They simply gave the reviewers what they wanted

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#81 Lulu_Lulu
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I'd hate hermits more since they appreciate all the wrong things about PC Gaming. And I, myself, am a Software Elitist. :)

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#83 Lulu_Lulu
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Now that I can agree with ! :)

As for mt Eltism... Its a compulsion.... I can't help it... :(

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#84 Sword-Demon
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Uncharted's gameplay never really did it for me.

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#85  Edited By BigCheeseN
Member since 2014 • 25 Posts

@gamersjustgame said:

I will take a lot of hear for this....

Uncharted is vastly overrated. Its a good game franchise but I find it to be incredibly boring at times. I played uncharted 2 and liked, but skipped uncharted 3 as it just didn't interest me enough with Uncharted 2. I know Naughty Dog gets treated like Royalty here, but uncharted is a good series but not great.

I recently played TLOUR and that game blows Uncharted out the water. That game was fantastic and will be Naughty Dogs bread and butter. Uncharted 4 will sell outrageous and I admit I will probably get it. But I think it will be average at best. It will be Halo 4. Sell like mad, get good reviews but only due to a lack of anything new for the system.

No, judging by some of the ridiculous "comments" in this thread Uncharted IS VASTLY UNDER-rated now.

BOTH Uncharted and Last of Us are amazing in their own ways! APPRECIATE BOTH for what they are.

Uncharted is light hearted in nature. Its NOT to be taken too seriously. Its easy going- more action orientated gameplay serves the kind of game it is very well etc

The Last of Us is a lot darker in tone, a lot more mature, and tackles very serious life issues etc. The gameplay in Last of Us is a lot more tense, dire, dynamic, and open etc.

Uncharted IS utilmately a SHOOTER while the Last of Us is NOT your typical AAA shooter in any sense of the word lol

BUT having said all of that, it should NOT be a knock on Uncharted's gameplay (Uncharted has some of the best TPS gameplay of the TPS genre)

...The Last of Us simply has more open, dynamic, engaging, and thoughtfull gameplay then 100% of all current games do.....PLUS when playing Last of Us I have never experienced combat that intense before PERIOD.....Gameplay fits the game that Last of Us is perfectly..... and actually Last of Us doesnt have the dissonance that Uncharted and other games have etc

All though BOTH have the Naughty Dog story telling magic....The Last of Us is obviously an evolution of everything Naughty Dog has learned in the past. Think of it like this. Naughty Dog is the best trainer in boxing but before they got to that point where they molded the pound for pound king (Last of Us) they had to gain the experience training regional champs in order to grow and learn (Uncharted)

That should still not be a knock on Uncharted. Uncharted was revoultionary for its time (Naughty Dog is still improving too and will only get better) Last of Us does everything better in every way and im sure Naughty Dogs next game after Last of Us will even blow The Last of Us away as Naughty Dog keeps honing their craft

The fact that Naughty Dog in one gen created both Uncharted 2 AND last of Us ( 2 of the greatest games of the past gen)...thats...well words cant describe how amazing that is

That is what we should be talking about. Naughty Dog is simply on another level of game development

-Uncharted 2 rated at 96 on MC

-Last of Us rated at 96 on MC

NO developer has ever creted 2 NEW IPS in one gen that have both scored higher then 95.

Naughty Dog has broken all kinds of developer record and they will continue to break records as developers

Naughty Dog with Uncharted revolutionzed this generation of gaming(by creating cinematic gamplay and taking story+presentation to new heights)....Look at how many have tried to copy Naughty Dog's patented Uncharted gameplay formual but of course to no avil

Then with the Last of Us, Naughty Dog goes and does it all over again ...but with another genre.

They have flipped the survival horror genre on its head this time (with Uncharted it was the action adventure genre)

Naughty Dog sets the trends, others copy them while Naughty Dog moves on and always stays one step ahead of their MANY immitators. Im speechless....we are witnessing game developmemt history with what Naughty Dog is doing

Naughty Dog is the BEST developer of all time. There is no questioning it (talent wise, their versatility, their creativity, ability to make such engaging charcters in interesting worlds whom you care about while giving you top notch gameplay all wraped up in great well told stories)

Thing is Naughty Dog is still in their PRIMES too.

THANK you for creating many of my favorite games of all time Naughty Dog! (The Crash games, The Jak & Daxter games, Last of Us, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3) Words cant describe how much I love you Naughty Dog and how grateful i am for your hard work and the passion you put into gaming for us

If anyone from Naughty Dog is readimg this, YOU guys(Naughty Dog) are proving to critics why GAMES can be amazing interactive pieces of art, gameplay, and story telling, as your games are

From the bottom of my heart, Thank you for the Last of Us Naughty Dog:) The Last of Us is the greatest game i have ever played. It moved me on an emotional level that i tought wasnt possible from games

All i could think about was the Last of Us whem I wasnt playing it. It was a monumental gaming achivement

You are amazing Naughty Dog:) And thank you Sony for always supporting Naughty Dog and always letting Naughty Dog do their thing!

Sony+Naughty Dog is like peanut butter+jelly.

Naughty Dog games make me proud to be a gamer:)

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#86 BigCheeseN
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@Pikminmaniac said:


TPS sections: the enemies are bullet sponges so you have to focus fire on a single opponent in order to down him which drags out the lengthy fire fights to a slog. There is almost no enemy variety to boot and the weapons and ways you can deal with them are equally uninteresting.

platforming sections: what platforming sections? The game has an annoying amount of on rails climbing portions that are no different than fast forwarding or rewinding a prerecorded tape. This constitutes dull and mind numbingly pointless gameplay and guess what? these genius developers thought it would be cool that every one of these portions be dragged out even longer by making absolutely every little thing cinematically break under Nathan's weight.

Pointless gameplay sections: Uncharted 2 is riddled with portions that are worse than merely spectating cutscenes. In most cases you can skip a cutscene, but Uncharted 2 forces you to play through gameplay dead scenarios like the opening sequence where Nathan has to limp through snow after an on rails climbing portion. How about the museum heist where you listen to your friend to do exactly what he tells you to do. God forbid you think for once. How about the ice cave where you are forced to follow a man named tenzen because it's fun to watch somebody play the game one second before you do. What about the chapter called "foreign town" in which you just walk through a town until you trigger a cutscene (that's it)? Even when there's a half interesting puzzle like the one where you reflect light, you have an AI controlled character that plays half of it for you.

Story: It started off somewhat interesting with ties into Marko Polo's travels but devolves into a simple race against an evil military army for magic power juice. It loses it's intrigue and cleverness reminiscent of a good Indiana Jones really quickly. I will admit the characters are enjoyable although very cliche.

The disconnect between scenario and gameplay: This is something almost every story driven game is guilty of to be honest. In Uncharted, the premise is that of an explorer akin to Indian Jones and you go globe trotting for a fascinating hidden treasure. So why is it a TPS? Most protagonists in these types of stories avoid confrontation and focus on exploring and solving puzzles. Uncharted gives you no exploration or adventuring. Instead the game tells you you're on an adventure and you play the parts where you murder armies of men. The Last of Us got it right. The gameplay, setting, and story fit perfectly together into one enjoyable experience. there was no jarring disconnect.

When you look at PURE TPS games,

Uncharted has some of the best gameplay of any pure third person shooter out there,

Unlike the Playstation/Uncharted haters, I will actually back up my claims with legitimate reasons!

I present to you ladies and gentleman

Exhibit 1:

Loading Video...

Look at the way you can freely move upon the environment, from the ground or from atop vertically

You can take the high ground at any time to get the drop on ememies

Or you can sneak around and stealth kill Etc etc etc

Now here is that same segment but played differently

Loading Video...

By the way, look at how smooth and responsive everything is too. You can approach enemies how ever way you want to in levels like that, and in many other levels in Uncharted etc

Uncharted in those instances has the most sand box like gameplay of any other pure mainstream TPS you can think of.

You can stay ground level or go atop vertically, stealth or go all out rambo in style.

Uncharted has always had some of the best PURE gameplay of any TPS (especially part 2 and 3) Gears of War could never touch what Uncharted offers up in just that gameplay segment alone,

Nor can Gears (and Halo) get within even a fraction of touching Uncharted's cinematic gameplay , presentation, and story elements etc But wait.......

Apparently it was all just an elaborate illusion by Naughty Dog because random trolls on the internet say Uncharted is a QTE movie, is on rails, and has "meh" gameplay

So how is this even possible! Damn you Naughty Dog for tricking us into LOVING the gameplay in Uncharted! Bunch of level 100 wizards you are you Naughty Dog!

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#87  Edited By IamAdorable
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Uncharted. Nathan Drake is dreamy :p

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#88  Edited By Pikminmaniac
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@bigcheesen: OK, I have to admit that's pretty cool. I'll have to go back and check out some of those TPS portions. I did try to stealth as much as possible, it just never seemed to be a good option the same way Assassin's Creed has unfortunately devolved (you can easily murder an army so why sneak).

P.S. what difficulty is he playing on in the action video? I don't recall enemies dying so easily. It usually took three head shots or unloading an entire clip to take down one enemy.

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#89  Edited By PapaTrop
Member since 2014 • 1792 Posts

Both are pretty bad.

God of War is worse though.

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#90  Edited By smashed_pinata
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Oh boy a head to head battle of 2 mediocre franchises!?! What could be MORE exciting!

Uhhhh.....GoW i guess? By a small margin.

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#91  Edited By BigCheeseN
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@Pikminmaniac said:


TPS sections: the enemies are bullet sponges so you have to focus fire on a single opponent in order to down him which drags out the lengthy fire fights to a slog. There is almost no enemy variety to boot and the weapons and ways you can deal with them are equally uninteresting.

platforming sections: what platforming sections? The game has an annoying amount of on rails climbing portions that are no different than fast forwarding or rewinding a prerecorded tape. This constitutes dull and mind numbingly pointless gameplay and guess what? these genius developers thought it would be cool that every one of these portions be dragged out even longer by making absolutely every little thing cinematically break under Nathan's weight.

Pointless gameplay sections: Uncharted 2 is riddled with portions that are worse than merely spectating cutscenes. In most cases you can skip a cutscene, but Uncharted 2 forces you to play through gameplay dead scenarios like the opening sequence where Nathan has to limp through snow after an on rails climbing portion. How about the museum heist where you listen to your friend to do exactly what he tells you to do. God forbid you think for once. How about the ice cave where you are forced to follow a man named tenzen because it's fun to watch somebody play the game one second before you do. What about the chapter called "foreign town" in which you just walk through a town until you trigger a cutscene (that's it)? Even when there's a half interesting puzzle like the one where you reflect light, you have an AI controlled character that plays half of it for you.

Story: It started off somewhat interesting with ties into Marko Polo's travels but devolves into a simple race against an evil military army for magic power juice. It loses it's intrigue and cleverness reminiscent of a good Indiana Jones really quickly. I will admit the characters are enjoyable although very cliche.

The disconnect between scenario and gameplay: This is something almost every story driven game is guilty of to be honest. In Uncharted, the premise is that of an explorer akin to Indian Jones and you go globe trotting for a fascinating hidden treasure. So why is it a TPS? Most protagonists in these types of stories avoid confrontation and focus on exploring and solving puzzles. Uncharted gives you no exploration or adventuring. Instead the game tells you you're on an adventure and you play the parts where you murder armies of men. The Last of Us got it right. The gameplay, setting, and story fit perfectly together into one enjoyable experience. there was no jarring disconnect.

One last thing, platforming in Uncharted doesnt exist. Its traversal and its there to serve the gunplay. Which btw makes gun battles in Uncharted epic affairs! The moments of traversing the environments however are just there to change up the pace and give you a view of the beautiful scenery. It could all be improved sure, but its not broken or a neagtive. Its serving the game well. The PROBLEM IS YOU. YOURE not looking at Uncharted for what it WAS or TRYING TO DO.

With Uncharted, youre completely missing the forrest for the trees also and thats a HUGE SHAME.

Like with the opening sequence or the walk through the village etc..its the experience...the immersion....they only gave more weight and meaning to the following gameplay as well

Which perfectly brings me to the next point

Uncharted has always been known for its great pure TPS gameplay, cinematics, top flight action, and engaging character performances...

BUT here is why Uncharted 2 at its time also had some of the best story telling techniques you had ever seen in a video game up until that point ( Naughty Dog with the Last of Us pretty much took it all to the next level)

You see lets talk about that walk through the village you try and somehow turn into a bad thing.

When you first arrived at the village after being rescused from near death,

Remember how you had woken up, and were now walking along Tenzon, while seeing the villagers just going about their lifes? You were left wondering where you were just as much as Drake was. This beautiful mysterious place. I was intrigued. Every body was just happy, kids were playing, and people laughing ect. It was a great sequence, albiet it was for a little amount of time ...

But that sequence got you to start caring about the village and its villagers, and it occured all during gameplay

It was a story telling device specific to gaming being used by Naughty Dog.

Here it is:

Loading Video...

Also look how you have freedom to explore. You could walk around and take the beautiful sights in. You could interact with most of all the villagers you came across too, even the animals lol.

That further immersed and drew you in into this world.

Tenzon takes you to Shaffer and he tells you to investigate the ice caves with Tenzon to uncover the truth about the chintamonte stone etc

The relationship you build up with Tenzon IN GAMEPLAY during the ice cave level was pretty amazing...

And then it happens,

Upon your return from the ice caves, it happens...what Drake and Elena feared .....

The Village is ransacked and pillaged!!!

(By the way, the ice cave level was a gigantic and very atmospheric level with out of this world platforming on giant mechanisms. It was badass, im not sure what youre smoking Haha. Im sure the begining of the level will be in the vid above. Continue watching the playthrough to see the ice cave level either way)

You now see the village destroyed and in ruin. The people you were interacting with before in total distress now. I felt real emotion because of my walk across the village before all of that had happened. It was subtle but powerful. Such great story telling techniques used by Naughty Dog.

Then you have these epic shootouts spanning accross the ransacked village. The villagers are fighting along side you trying to protect their village etc.

Not going to lie, it was a little heart warming lol

You then start battling a tank in the middle of it all too! Truly EPIC. The whole village seige level was FRIGGEN EPIC beyond belief.

The way Naughty Dog used story-telling devices to set it up, and give the gameplay so much more meaning was just phenomenal.

And the gameplay itself was awesome too - Level design was so good in the way traversal + gun play was encouraged, and in how you could take different routes to flank enemies or how you could always take the high grounds for that advantage etc. I will post a video to show you this in a little bit. Hang tight:)

But yeah everything was brilliant!

Naughty Dog really is operating on another level of creativity, story telling, and video game development. and they FURTHER CEMENTED that with the Last of Us whick took EVERYTHING to the next tier of levels

NO other developer can touch Naughty Dog in any area of game design. All they can do is attempt to copy Naughty Dog, like they attempted to copy Uncharted, but of course to no avil ...

Now here is the begining of the awesome seige level:

Loading Video...

(Feel free to keep watching all the parts)

Really look at how stunning the level design is. Once the player makes it to open space, look at how you can either climb up the side to the left, flank the gunner, and take the high ground on the enemies below...

OR how you can go to the right and tackle the enemies from inside the hut while having cover etc

The player here decides to go right, but you can find other videos with the player going to the left and taking the high grounds for an advantage.

Like ive been saying, MANY levels in Uncharted 2 give you the option in how you want to tackle enemies,

And the stunning level design really encourages the use of traversal during gun play - to take out enemies from high ground etc

Uncharted has the BEST pure TPS gameplay (and enemy encounters) of any 3rd person shooter out there - due to the options you have and the traversal aspects which interweave flawlessly into gunplay etc etc etc

A TPS game like Gears of War has such barebones and restrictrive gameplay in comparison to Uncharted's gameplay. Gameplay in Gears really is laughable compared to the superior gameplay in Uncharted.

Anyway, back on topic now! It was all such a well built sequence of events in Uncharted 2:

To summarize:

From the peacful stroll across the village, seeming almost mysterious and mystical, to the ice caves, which envoked the same feelings, and then coming back and seeing the village destroyed. It was like wow. Then the epic shoot outs that ensued there after etc

Just amazing all around.... And it was the best use of story telling i had ever seen yet in a video game up until that point.Very innovative video game story-telling techniques from Naughty Dog displayed. It was all done and fleshed out through gameplay too, which is even more impressive. Uncharted 2 really was a GROUND breaking game on so many levels;

All the way from the smooth, varied, and great gameplay, to the superb story telling, to the cinematics, to the action, to the great acting etc

The way it all came togther too etc

Uncharted 2 WAS revolutionary and like i have already mentioned, Uncharted 2 revolutionized the last gen. The only 3rd person action shooter game that can even match Uncharted 2 is Uncharted 3, and Naughty Dog created Uncharted 3 too. The ONLY series that has even OUT CLASSED Uncharted since is Last of Us and Naughty Dog created Last of Us too.

Naughty Dog is like a PRIME Manny Pacman, while all the other unorginal developers of this industry are like a bunch of Ricky Hattons to Naughty Dog.

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#92  Edited By happyduds77
Member since 2012 • 1688 Posts


There's nothing to do after you finish the campaign in GOW.

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#93 enzyme36
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God of War... and its not close IMO

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#94 BigCheeseN
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@charizard1605 said:

Okay, let me try to figure this out, because I'm actually having issues picking and choosing.

God of War: 9/10

God of War II: 9.5/10

God of War: Chains of Olympus: 8/10

God of War III: 8/10

God of War: Ghost of Sparta: 7/10

God of War: Ascension: 5/10


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: 8/10

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves: 9.5/10

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception: 6.5/10

Uncharted: The Golden Abyss: 5/10



This is a bad joke, right?

Gah, I can't pick.

I see your pulling scores from out of thin air. As per usual with you

(You and Blabadon have gone insane and have turned into crazed playstation haters)

Uncharted 3 has a 92 on metacritic.

And Golden Abyss is not a part of the main line Uncharted CONSOLE games

The Uncharted series (Uncharted 1, 2 and 3) have a very high average

If im not mistaken Uncharted WAS the HIGHEST RATED series of last gen

@smashed_pinata said:

Oh boy a head to head battle of 2 mediocre franchises!?! What could be MORE exciting!

Uhhhh.....GoW i guess? By a small margin.

@papatrop said:

Both are pretty bad.

God of War is worse though.

Wow at the two quoted posts above

I see the xbots have come in to reer their ugly heads.

Youre both mad that NO XBOX exclusive can even come close to either God of War or Uncharted

God of War 1 revolutionzed hack and slash. Say what you want, God of War WAS THE SERIES that put hack and slash ON THE MAP and it was a playstation exclusive

JUST like how in the last gen Uncharted revolutionized action adventure and cinematic gameplay.

Both God of War and Uncharted are amazing gaming series. Both are far above anything on an xbox. And both God of War and Uncharted, two playstation exclusives, revolutionzed their respective genres durring their times of release.

Some people dont realise that its been Paystation exclusives that have created or re-invented many genres. Sony and Sony first parties have always been at the forefront of gaming

@Pikminmaniac said:

@bigcheesen: OK, I have to admit that's pretty cool. I'll have to go back and check out some of those TPS portions. I did try to stealth as much as possible, it just never seemed to be a good option the same way Assassin's Creed has unfortunately devolved (you can easily murder an army so why sneak).

P.S. what difficulty is he playing on in the action video? I don't recall enemies dying so easily. It usually took three head shots or unloading an entire clip to take down one enemy.

It was on hard. Thank you for watching:) Im glad you could see what was there and re-think what you had previously thought

I hope this time you enjoy playing it:)

Im not really talking about you, but just in general...what Ive noticed...

The minority of forum dwellers whove complained about gameplay in Uncharted (or Naughty Dog games) ....(assuming theyve actually played the games) are the people who didnt take the time to understand the gameplay mechanics and play it the way it was supposed to be played!

They didnt utilise the TOOLS Naughty Dog gave them to have fun.

With Uncharted, DO NOT treat it like a plain cover shooter. Its far beyond a plain TPS like Gears. Its a shame "some" dont get that

When there is stealth, USE IT...

When there are gun battles...MOVE AROUND. Go vertical. Meele. Flank. Run and gun...USE the tools Naughty Dog gives you..

Naughty Dog even ENCOURAGES you to GO VERTICAL and make use of the stellar level design and enemy placements theyve laid out


Its funny how "some" will complain about hand holding yet are too stupid to figure out that Uncharted is a MOBILE TPS WITH superb verticality that should be played that way

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#95 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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@bigcheesen: Me scoring games according to how much I liked them is pulling them out of thin air. Okay.

Btw, seriously dude, you've had like three accounts banned in the last three days, won't you just get the hint already?

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#96 enzyme36
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@bigcheesen said:

...Uncharted 2 revolutionized the last gen. The only 3rd person action shooter game that can even match Uncharted 2 is Uncharted 3....

Dead Space 2 was a better 3rd person action shooter game... and it wasn't even an action shooter game

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#97 Lulu_Lulu
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You really need to broaden your horizons and play more games....

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#98  Edited By lamprey263
Member since 2006 • 44683 Posts

Well, I enjoyed God of War 2 more than any Uncharted game. Though the series has been in decline IMO since David Jaffe left the team.

The Uncharted series is fun, not as great as everyone makes them out to be but fun. It's only so-so as a shooter, the production value is high, the voice acting and graphics are top of its game, but I never find myself particularly engaged with the stories at all. But I will give it credit with consistency of quality. That means a lot.

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#99 BeatBoxVoilin
Member since 2014 • 25 Posts

@bigcheesen said:

@Pikminmaniac said:


TPS sections: the enemies are bullet sponges so you have to focus fire on a single opponent in order to down him which drags out the lengthy fire fights to a slog. There is almost no enemy variety to boot and the weapons and ways you can deal with them are equally uninteresting.

platforming sections: what platforming sections? The game has an annoying amount of on rails climbing portions that are no different than fast forwarding or rewinding a prerecorded tape. This constitutes dull and mind numbingly pointless gameplay and guess what? these genius developers thought it would be cool that every one of these portions be dragged out even longer by making absolutely every little thing cinematically break under Nathan's weight.

Pointless gameplay sections: Uncharted 2 is riddled with portions that are worse than merely spectating cutscenes. In most cases you can skip a cutscene, but Uncharted 2 forces you to play through gameplay dead scenarios like the opening sequence where Nathan has to limp through snow after an on rails climbing portion. How about the museum heist where you listen to your friend to do exactly what he tells you to do. God forbid you think for once. How about the ice cave where you are forced to follow a man named tenzen because it's fun to watch somebody play the game one second before you do. What about the chapter called "foreign town" in which you just walk through a town until you trigger a cutscene (that's it)? Even when there's a half interesting puzzle like the one where you reflect light, you have an AI controlled character that plays half of it for you.

Story: It started off somewhat interesting with ties into Marko Polo's travels but devolves into a simple race against an evil military army for magic power juice. It loses it's intrigue and cleverness reminiscent of a good Indiana Jones really quickly. I will admit the characters are enjoyable although very cliche.

The disconnect between scenario and gameplay: This is something almost every story driven game is guilty of to be honest. In Uncharted, the premise is that of an explorer akin to Indian Jones and you go globe trotting for a fascinating hidden treasure. So why is it a TPS? Most protagonists in these types of stories avoid confrontation and focus on exploring and solving puzzles. Uncharted gives you no exploration or adventuring. Instead the game tells you you're on an adventure and you play the parts where you murder armies of men. The Last of Us got it right. The gameplay, setting, and story fit perfectly together into one enjoyable experience. there was no jarring disconnect.

One last thing, platforming in Uncharted doesnt exist. Its traversal and its there to serve the gunplay. Which btw makes gun battles in Uncharted epic affairs! The moments of traversing the environments however are just there to change up the pace and give you a view of the beautiful scenery. It could all be improved sure, but its not broken or a neagtive. Its serving the game well. The PROBLEM IS YOU. YOURE not looking at Uncharted for what it WAS or TRYING TO DO.

With Uncharted, youre completely missing the forrest for the trees also and thats a HUGE SHAME.

Like with the opening sequence or the walk through the village etc..its the experience...the immersion....they only gave more weight and meaning to the following gameplay as well

Which perfectly brings me to the next point

Uncharted has always been known for its great pure TPS gameplay, cinematics, top flight action, and engaging character performances...

BUT here is why Uncharted 2 at its time also had some of the best story telling techniques you had ever seen in a video game up until that point ( Naughty Dog with the Last of Us pretty much took it all to the next level)

You see lets talk about that walk through the village you try and somehow turn into a bad thing.

When you first arrived at the village after being rescused from near death,

Remember how you had woken up, and were now walking along Tenzon, while seeing the villagers just going about their lifes? You were left wondering where you were just as much as Drake was. This beautiful mysterious place. I was intrigued. Every body was just happy, kids were playing, and people laughing ect. It was a great sequence, albiet it was for a little amount of time ...

But that sequence got you to start caring about the village and its villagers, and it occured all during gameplay

It was a story telling device specific to gaming being used by Naughty Dog.

Here it is:

Loading Video...

Also look how you have freedom to explore. You could walk around and take the beautiful sights in. You could interact with most of all the villagers you came across too, even the animals lol.

That further immersed and drew you in into this world.

Tenzon takes you to Shaffer and he tells you to investigate the ice caves with Tenzon to uncover the truth about the chintamonte stone etc

The relationship you build up with Tenzon IN GAMEPLAY during the ice cave level was pretty amazing...

And then it happens,

Upon your return from the ice caves, it happens...what Drake and Elena feared .....

The Village is ransacked and pillaged!!!

(By the way, the ice cave level was a gigantic and very atmospheric level with out of this world platforming on giant mechanisms. It was badass, im not sure what youre smoking Haha. Im sure the begining of the level will be in the vid above. Continue watching the playthrough to see the ice cave level either way)

You now see the village destroyed and in ruin. The people you were interacting with before in total distress now. I felt real emotion because of my walk across the village before all of that had happened. It was subtle but powerful. Such great story telling techniques used by Naughty Dog.

Then you have these epic shootouts spanning accross the ransacked village. The villagers are fighting along side you trying to protect their village etc.

Not going to lie, it was a little heart warming lol

You then start battling a tank in the middle of it all too! Truly EPIC. The whole village seige level was FRIGGEN EPIC beyond belief.

The way Naughty Dog used story-telling devices to set it up, and give the gameplay so much more meaning was just phenomenal.

And the gameplay itself was awesome too - Level design was so good in the way traversal + gun play was encouraged, and in how you could take different routes to flank enemies or how you could always take the high grounds for that advantage etc. I will post a video to show you this in a little bit. Hang tight:)

But yeah everything was brilliant!

Naughty Dog really is operating on another level of creativity, story telling, and video game development. and they FURTHER CEMENTED that with the Last of Us whick took EVERYTHING to the next tier of levels

NO other developer can touch Naughty Dog in any area of game design. All they can do is attempt to copy Naughty Dog, like they attempted to copy Uncharted, but of course to no avil ...

Now here is the begining of the awesome seige level:

Loading Video...

(Feel free to keep watching all the parts)

Really look at how stunning the level design is. Once the player makes it to open space, look at how you can either climb up the side to the left, flank the gunner, and take the high ground on the enemies below...

OR how you can go to the right and tackle the enemies from inside the hut while having cover etc

The player here decides to go right, but you can find other videos with the player going to the left and taking the high grounds for an advantage.

Like ive been saying, MANY levels in Uncharted 2 give you the option in how you want to tackle enemies,

And the stunning level design really encourages the use of traversal during gun play - to take out enemies from high ground etc

Uncharted has the BEST pure TPS gameplay (and enemy encounters) of any 3rd person shooter out there - due to the options you have and the traversal aspects which interweave flawlessly into gunplay etc etc etc

A TPS game like Gears of War has such barebones and restrictrive gameplay in comparison to Uncharted's gameplay. Gameplay in Gears really is laughable compared to the superior gameplay in Uncharted.

Anyway, back on topic now! It was all such a well built sequence of events in Uncharted 2:

To summarize:

From the peacful stroll across the village, seeming almost mysterious and mystical, to the ice caves, which envoked the same feelings, and then coming back and seeing the village destroyed. It was like wow. Then the epic shoot outs that ensued there after etc

Just amazing all around.... And it was the best use of story telling i had ever seen yet in a video game up until that point.Very innovative video game story-telling techniques from Naughty Dog displayed. It was all done and fleshed out through gameplay too, which is even more impressive. Uncharted 2 really was a GROUND breaking game on so many levels;

All the way from the smooth, varied, and great gameplay, to the superb story telling, to the cinematics, to the action, to the great acting etc

The way it all came togther too etc

Uncharted 2 WAS revolutionary and like i have already mentioned, Uncharted 2 revolutionized the last gen. The only 3rd person action shooter game that can even match Uncharted 2 is Uncharted 3, and Naughty Dog created Uncharted 3 too. The ONLY series that has even OUT CLASSED Uncharted since is Last of Us and Naughty Dog created Last of Us too.

Naughty Dog is like a PRIME Manny Pacman, while all the other unorginal developers of this industry are like a bunch of Ricky Hattons to Naughty Dog.

Beautiful post

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#100 speedfreak48t5p
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I haven't watched either movie, so I can't pass judgement.