Most underrated game of 2004

User Rating: 8 | Galleon XBOX
Yes, the graphics are weak and the characters are creepy-looking. Yes, the combat is mushy. Yes, there are some swimming sequences that are frustrating as hell. Yes, there was a bug on one of the levels prevented me from continuing, and I had to start over from the beginning.

All that does not matter. I *did* start over from the beginning, because I was having so much fun, because Galleon is an absolute pleasure to play. The act of running, jumping, and climbing from plank to platform to cave wall, hundreds of meters above the ground, in these large, awesome levels, feels so good. Once you get used to the controls (unlike all other games, camera and movement is on one stick, creating great precision in your movement), the game starts to feel psychic; it knows what you want to do almost before you do. Anybody who's walked off a plank in *God of War* will know what I'm talking about - the plank-walking in *God of War* is an exercise in frustration, but the plank-walking in *Galleon* is poetry in motion. There's nothing else like it in video games today.

Also, the sheer size, form, and color of the levels make for an awesome experience. They have the charm and atmosphere of *Sands of Time* and *Halo* - as the sound of wind whips by you, as you stand on a tall peak on an active volcano in a vast ocean, you can't help but think that you're happy to be there.