Cheats & Guides

Arcade Paradise Cheats For PlayStation 5

  1. Golden washing machine

    Get golden washing machines that only spit out S (highest rank) laundry.

    Up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,B,A, Konami code

    Contributed by: Gigglingmad 

Arcade Paradise Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Get golden washing machines that only spit out S (highest rank) laundry.

    At the main menu, type up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,O,X and option button (that is the start button in PS4).
    A golden washer icon will appear next to the game's logo.

    This will also unlock the "IMANOK CODE" trophy, once you load up your game.

    Contributed by: thePR0DIGY