Cheats & Guides

Don Doko Don Cheats For NES

  1. 12 Credits

    Effect Effect
    At the 1 Player / 2 Players selection screen, hold A and press Left, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down. 12 Credits

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  2. Reverse Rounds

    Don Doko Don features a hidden password prompt in the very first level. Above the top most platform, jump and swing your hammer. You will see the outline of an invisible bubble. Keep swinging at this bubble to release a key, this key opens a door to the password prompt.

    You have 15 seconds to input the password, so move quickly. Hammer the jar with the proper card suit display to input each part of the password. When the proper order has been inputted, you will be taken to round 51.

    Effect Effect
    Spade, Diamond, Heart, CLub, Diamond, Heart, Spade, Club Reverse Rounds

    Contributed by: EntropicLobo 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by EntropicLobo 112K

Don Doko Don Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Reverse Round Password

    In round 1, jump and swing on the top ledge to find a shimmering circle. Keep hitting it until a key appears, then go in the door (kill the mushrooms in your way but don't finish the round). In the hidden room, find another key in the top left corner (but try not to die getting there), and go in the next door to enter the password by breaking the jars.

    Effect Effect
    heart, spade, diamond, club, diamond, heart, spade, club Go to round 51

    Contributed by: straytoasters 

  2. Hidden Rooms

    There are 5 hidden rounds in Don Doko Don. They are found by swinging at certain spots to reveal a key (this spot will shimmer as you hit it). When you defeat all the enemies in a hidden room, a chest will fall that you can hit to open. Be sure to grab the crystal ball. If you have all 4 crystal balls after beating the last hidden room, you'll learn the password to access the Reverse Rounds. Beating a hidden room also lets you skip several rounds, a fast way to finish the normal game.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    In the middle of the top ledge, jump a bit and swing at the air Round 1
    Swing a bit over the upper right platform Round 12
    The key is on the highest platform Round 23
    Hammer at the middle left of the face. The key won't disappear quickly, if at all, so you don't have to rush for it. Round 32
    Lower right corner of the floor Round 43

    Contributed by: straytoasters 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by CChavez 1K

Don Doko Don Cheats For TurboGrafx-16

  1. Reverse Rounds

    On the first stage, get to the middle of the top platform, jump and swing your hammer and you'll see the outline of an invisible bubble. Keep hitting there and you'll get a key that opens a door to a hidden password screen. Inside will be 8 bubbles, which you need to hit in the following order to go to the reverse stages:

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club, Club, Spade, Heart, Diamond Reverse Rounds

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by CChavez 1K