Cheats & Guides

Galaga 3 Cheats For Commodore 64

  1. Unlimited Lifes

    Load or Restart the game. Then insert the following commands.

    POKE 32496,173
    SYS 4170

    Contributed by: XLord Ma ChaoX 

  2. Invincibility

    Load or restart the game, then insert the following commands:

    POKE 33252,173
    SYS 4170

    Contributed by: XLord Ma ChaoX 

Galaga 3 Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Change your ship in Parsec 1

    While normally obtainable around Parsec 31 by getting the blaster head, you can get a different ship in the very first stage. This ship can have three bullets fired on-screen normally (the standard ship usually only has two on-screen).

    To obtain this ship, wait until all the enemies arrange into their attacking formation, and don't fire any bullets. When they are set up, you may see a shooting star. Shoot only the second-to-left enemy on the bottom and a special flag will apear. DO NOT GET THE FLAG (it can be picked up AFTER you get the new ship, so don't worry).

    When the queen comes down to attack, steer your ship into it (not the blaster head). Your ship will explode, but the ship icons below will change, confirming the secret worked. From then on until Game Over, you will pilot the new ship.

    Contributed by: Sketch Tucker 

  2. Japanese secrets

    In the Japanese version of the game (Gaplus), you enter a name, age, and blood type when you get a high score. The codes below are entered in those fields and will require a reset to undo.

    Name: JHIMYJ Age: 00 Blood: OO 8 lives per game (requires reset to undo)
    Name: JNIWAR Age: 28 Blood: OO Secret message in Romanji (requires reset to return to normal gameplay)

    Contributed by: BinaryHedgehog