Cheats & Guides

Gundemonium Recollection Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    Achievement Achievement
    Obtain 1,000 gems in one Area. Achernar
    Destroy all parts of Volcannon. Acrux
    Defeat 16 Cyclones in one game. Aldebaran
    Defeat Phaser after letting it kill you twice. Altair
    Clear the game as Eryth. Andromeda
    Finish the game on Novice difficulty. Antares
    Finish the game on Unlimited difficulty. Arcturus
    Defeat Slayer while only destroying the main body. Arided
    Defeat Elixirel Daath. Matrix Orders mode does not count. Betelgeuse
    Finish the game on Revised difficulty. Canopus
    Complete demonic challenge mode. Capella
    Perform 10 Demonic Shifts in one game. Dumbbell
    Destroy 7 cross pieces of Aenea. Fomalhaut
    Perform 4 Friction Breaks in one game. Hadar
    Perform 100 Onslaughts in one game. Horsehead
    Finish the game on Demonic difficulty. Kentaurus
    Defeat 64 Leaf People in one game. Leaf64
    Defeat Elixirel without being hit. Magellanic
    Obtain an extra life at the instant you lose your last life. Mimosa
    Unlock mission mode. Pleiades
    Keep the holiday spirit alive. Polaris
    Allow Lumiere to destroy 6 of your bombs. Pollux
    Obtain 15,000,000 Points in one game. Praesepe
    Reach Zone X in Ain Soph Aur Mode. Procyon
    Perform 10 Counter Bombs in one game. Auto-Counters do not count. Regulus
    Complete matrix orders mode. Rigel
    Clear the game as all 64 Earl types. Rosette
    Defeat Endymion while Demonic Shift is active. Sirius
    Complete all 32 Play Orders. Solaris
    Obtain 4 life items. Sombrero
    Defeat Ereshkigal and Irkalla without using bombs. Spica
    Perform a 1,000-Hit Combo in one Area. Trapezium
    Defeat Elixirel Kaether through Time Up. Vega

    Contributed by: Guard Master, th3l3fty 

Gundemonium Recollection Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to get the specified trophy.

    Obtain 1,000 Gems in 1 Area Achernar
    Defeat 16 Cyclones in one game Aldebaran
    Defeat Phaser after letting it kill you twice Altair
    Clear Novice Mode Antares
    Clear Unlimited Mode Arcturus
    Defeat Slayer while destroying only the main body Arided
    Defeat Elixirel Daath Betelgeuse
    Clear Revised Mode Canopus
    Perform 4 Friction Breaks in 1 Game Hadar
    Clear Demonic Mode Kentaurus
    Obtain 4 life items Sombrero
    Perform a 1,000-Hit Combo in 1 Area Trapezium

    Contributed by: Slateman 

  2. Unlock Elixirel

    To unlock Elixirel as a playable character collect 24 Play Orders or beat Elixirel Daath in the main game

    Collect 24 Play Orders (in-game achievements) or beat Elixirel Daath in the main game Elixirel

    Contributed by: Sobol14