Cheats & Guides

NCAA GameBreaker 2004 Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Special Stadiums

    Press Square for the options at the match-up screen.
    Press L1 to access the Stadium Select cursor.
    Find a stadium name of the following in the ''Effect'' box below.
    Press Square once you locate the name of the stadium to access the text entry keyboard.
    Type the password and exit.
    Then begin the game and the selected stadium will load.

    Effect Effect
    golden Bayside Park
    catapult CVN-99
    idol Easter Egg Island
    needle Emerald Stadium
    stucco High Bluff Stadium
    gridlock I 989
    lunar Space Station RDZN
    sandy Spring Breaker
    serpent Temple of Apep
    roma The Coliseum
    cactus The Desert
    alien The Hangar Stadium

    Contributed by: FoxHound26