Cheats & Guides

Need for Speed II SE Cheats For PC

  1. More weight

    After setting a track record, enter 'silspd' as your name and your car will be heavier the next time you race.

    Contributed by: SSV 

  2. RUSHHOUR a specific vehicle

    First type the vehicle co ex- GO21
    Then type RUSHHOUR you one specific vehicle roaming around the map everywhere because of traffic

    Contributed by: AdarshPrashanth 

  3. Misc. Codes

    Enter one of the following codes at any screen:

    Effect Effect
    roadrage Beep horn to crash opponent
    go50 Beer box
    go23 Blue Sedan
    bomber Bomber BFS car
    chase Chase mode
    go40 Crate
    go49 Crate 1
    tombstone Daytona car
    madland Different colors
    rexrage Dinosaur traffic
    red racer Ford Indigo
    fzr2000 FZR 2000 car
    go27 Green VW
    go28 Grey convertible
    go41 Hand cart
    rushhour Increased traffic
    go35 Limousine
    vip Limousine traffic
    go48 Log
    go31 Mercedes Unimog army truck
    hollywood Monolithic studio track
    go47 News stand
    go19 Pickup
    pioneer Pioneer engine
    rain Rain mode
    go51 Rock
    go18 School bus
    schoolzone School bus traffic
    slot Slot car mode
    slip Slow motion
    mad Smoking cow tires
    go46 Souvenir stand
    go45 Souvenir stand
    go34 Tram
    go21 Truck
    go43 Tyrannosaurus Rex
    go[18 - 51] Various objects
    go44 Wild West wagon
    go42 Wooden stand
    go33 Yellow snow truck

    Contributed by: gsgreg 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Twirl 197K