Cheats & Guides

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by AEisenberg 12K
General FAQs FAQ by Strider VM 13K
General FAQs FAQ/Strategy Guide by RPaulson 64K
General FAQs Hints and Tips by JCrosss 2K

The Horde Cheats For Saturn

  1. Codes

    Pause game and press:

    Effect Effect
    Left, A, A, B, Left, A, Right, Down 30,000 crowns
    B, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, A, A, Left All Items
    A, Down, Down, Right, A, Down Continue despite failed game
    B, Right, A, B Double speed
    A, Down, Right, A , Down Infinite Continues
    B, Up, Right, Down, A, Down, A, Right Invincibility
    L, A, U, D, B, A, A, B Reveal the Map
    Down, A, Left, Left, Down, A, A, Right Skip to the next level
    Right, A, Left, Left, A, Up, B View all Cutscenes

    Contributed by: slimjim25c, Millers C, Ben Zetlitz 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by AEisenberg 12K
General FAQs FAQ by Strider VM 13K
General FAQs FAQ/Strategy Guide by RPaulson 64K
General FAQs Hints and Tips by JCrosss 2K

The Horde Cheats For 3DO

  1. In-Game Codes

    On the map editor, hold B, A and Up, and press P. After that, enter the code:

    Effect Effect
    Left, A, A, B, Right, Down 30,000 Crowns
    B, Right, A, Left, Left, Down, Right, A, Left, Left All Items
    A, Down, Down, Right, A, Down Continue even after village is destroyed
    B, Right, A, B Double Speed
    Left, A, Up, Down, B, A, A, B Full Map
    B, Up, Right, Down, A, Down, A, Right. Invincibility
    Down, A, Left, Left, Down, A, A, Right. Level Skip
    Right, A, Left, Left, A, Up, B View All FMVs

    Contributed by: Xeon 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by AEisenberg 12K
General FAQs FAQ by Strider VM 13K
General FAQs FAQ/Strategy Guide by RPaulson 64K
General FAQs Hints and Tips by JCrosss 2K