Cheats & Guides

The Long Journey Home Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    There are 22 bronze trophies, 12 silver trophies, 4 gold trophies, and 1 platinum trophy.

    Created a wormhole A HOLE IN SPACE
    Encountered all alien races at least once ALIEN NATIONS
    Made enemies of everyone in the galaxy BAD NEIGHBOURS
    Won a round of Jassikan's Teeth BEGINNER'S LUCK
    Docked at a Raxact Black Market COME INTO MY PARLOUR, SAID...
    Double-checked the moon landings weren't a hoax CONSPIRACY THEORY
    Made 999 credits in a single trade DEAL OF A LIFETIME
    Brought the Mizzurani plague back to Earth DID WE FORGET SOMETHING?
    Defeated an ancient galactic evil DRAGONSLAYER
    Helped the Cueddhaest ascend to the Nextplane ELECTRIC DREAMS
    Discovered a stowaway before they were caught or fled ETERNAL VIGILANCE
    Deployed an illegal gate hacking device EXPRESS PASS
    Repaid a gambler's debt in full GAMBLER'S FRIEND
    Became allied with the Raxact Horde HAMMER AND BONE
    Accessed the Entrope database HELLO, ADMINISTRATOR
    Won all available trophies and contests in the galaxy HIGHLY DECORATED
    Collected and kept 5 alien relics HOARDERS
    Failed before even getting out of Sol HOUSTON, IT HAPPENED AGAIN
    Sold Earth to the Entrope for harvesting HOW MANY PLANETS FROM THE SUN?
    Explode during an uncontrolled orbit around a sun ICARUS WARNED YOU
    Dared take a trip through a black hole IN, THROUGH... AND BEYOND!
    Destroyed the Final Gate INDEPENDENCE DAY
    Won the Wolphax Grand Tournament KNIGHTS TO REMEMBER
    Whatever you were thinking - no! LEAVE URANUS ALONE
    Let Squire Temrach have his victory PATIENCE, LITTLE GRASSHOPPER
    Brought your whole crew back home PERFECT MISSION
    Helped spark the Wolphax Rebellion REBEL ALLIANCE
    Discovered a cure for Kirsten's cancer REMISSION COMPLETE
    Discovered a distant piece of Earth history RENDEZVOUS
    Retrieved a legendary treasure RETURN OF THE KING
    Brought at least 15 souvenirs back to Earth in one mission SOUVENIR HUNTER
    Brought the Daedalus-7 back home THE LONG JOURNEY HOME
    Exposed a galactic conspiracy THE TRUTH WAS OUT THERE
    Made it back home in Rogue Mode THE VERY LONG JOURNEY HOME
    Visited at least one ruin from every ancient civilisation THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE
    Visited and escaped one of the galaxy's most dangerous planets TO HELL AND BACK
    Left the Final Gate open WELCOME TO THE GALAXY
    Ejected desperate alien refugees into space WORST. RESCUE. EVER.

    Contributed by: Kelayr