Cheats & Guides

Victoria II Cheats For PC

  1. Various cheatcodes

    Press alt+21 ingame to open the console. Then type in the following codes.

    Effect Effect
    instantconstruction buildings finish in one day
    tag XYZ Change to a different country in current game. Replace XYZ with three-letter country code.
    cash Gives you a lot of money
    prestige Gives you a lot of prestige
    goods <amount or default 10000> Gives you an amount of goods, including money
    leadership Gives you officer points, you can recruit as many as you want
    instantresearch research finish in one day
    plurality <number> Sets the countries plurality

    Contributed by: ssj18vegeta, Mister_T 

Victoria II: A House Divided Cheats For PC

  1. Victoria II: A House Divided (PC) cheats

    Press alt+21 ingame to open the console Then type in the following codes Codes will not work if caps lock is on

    Effect Effect
    suppress 100 Suppression Points
    prestige 52 Prestige
    instantconstruction Buildings Finish In One Day
    goods Gives You 10,000 Of All Goods
    leadership Make Five Leaders
    debug alwaysdiplo Makes diplomats endless
    instantresearch Research Finish In One Day
    plurality 1-100 Sets The Plurality Level from 1% to 100%

    Contributed by: stoneytoker, Becerjos002