A Racing Game Gem

User Rating: 9 | Race Driver: GRID PC
GRiD is one frustrating game for those first time gamers because this is not your typical need for speed game.

I'm not trying to sound like a hardcore gamer as I consider myself a Casual-Traditional gamer who simply enjoys challenging racing games.

GRiD is a lovely game with great graphics (because even low end pc's can play this game), very responsive controls and great tracks and locations.

On to the game's flaws...The AI act worse than a drunk driver and that your car is like a pinball running in a track and you're opponents are like magnets where when you come in contact in your opponents car or you get shunned, you're mostly going to spin out or get off track or crash into a wall/barrier while purposely shunting/ramming your opponent into the wall will just end in the same result. Plus i have actually seen numerous AI opponents ramming into a wall and yet they just get back into the race as if nothing happened and they also recover from spin outs 10x faster than you.

The damage system, is there actually anything worse (meaning better) than you're bumpers falling off and you're tires fly when you crash into something at high speeds? it does look good than just having paint chips after a collision or a crash.

I love GRiD since it was released in 2007 and I still play it just to top my highest 10lap drift score in Okutama Drift Track: 725,070,336 points.

This game is a gem. There is a learning curve to really enjoy the game since there are various tracks and cars drives and handles way different than the other cars you can buy for your garage. Learning how to drive in the game will definitely reward you in the end. The best race game I've played. Hopefully GRiD2 would be much more amazing.