this game was like the old one but sucks ass is you are looking for a game very very very hard and super long buy it

User Rating: 6 | Manhunt 2 PS2
this game is so hard and long i played it for 24 hours in totall and the game is still not mother **** beat this game is such a disapointment i **** it out of my window.this game is highly gory and was banned fron some countries so i thought it would be fun but i was obviously mother **** wrong this game is super hard witch brought it down to a 7.5 then the game is very long and that brought it down to a 7.1 then the game fricken sucked witch brought it own to a 4.0 but hten i thought about it and th deaths are beast and the sneaking around and all of the gore brought the score up to a 6.0 the wii version sucks because when you kill someone the deathis blured out and the other version are **** gay this is the worst manhunt ever okay the first one was pretty good if you see that one pick it upokay it was hard but not as herd as this oneand the deaths were not blured out and it was very fun but if you ever cross your eyes with this game just remember every **** thing i told you and just say no **** way