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#1 Aneurysm_uk
Member since 2005 • 2607 Posts

I'd like to nominate myself, I'm one review short of 100!

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#2 Aneurysm_uk
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[QUOTE="The_Last_Ride"]Beth Phoenix vs Kelly was a surprisingly good matchbaltimore088
but with a predictable ending and another roll up by KK

Cut her some slack mate, it's one of the only moves she knows ;) 

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#3 Aneurysm_uk
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Who feuds with Orton now though? To my mind, only one guy: Cody Rhodes. He's gotten his Phantom of the Opera gimmick over and he is a clear heel, unlike Christian who just came across as whiny, especially after being a face for over a decade. Plus with The Legacy history they have, I think it adds spice, especially with DiBiase tailing Rhodes. It's old ground sure, but what's old always becomes new again eventually.

Cody against Ezekiel is pointless, he's a guy who only got a push because he's huge. His work is dull and unimpressive and the sooner he drops down the card again the better. I could see WWE taking the title off Rhodes only for him to win the battle royal though.

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#4 Aneurysm_uk
Member since 2005 • 2607 Posts

It also has the script on it, but they're usually careful not to show that when Cole's reading it :lol:

The anonymous Raw GM will surely end up being Vince now that Hunter has replaced him, it was expected it would be him when it started out as he wasn't on TV much and now that he isn't at all, it makes sense for it to be him - although applying common sense to the WWE has long been proven to be a silly idea...

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#5 Aneurysm_uk
Member since 2005 • 2607 Posts

generation me had a try out match yesterday


Really?! o.O they clearly had talent from what I saw of them in TNA, they're not really a Heel tag team but they could go well over as Faces - now you just need some nasty Heels to batter them and make it worth seeing! 

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#6 Aneurysm_uk
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I really enjoyed the PPV, I gave it a B :)

The matches were all solid - even to my astonishment, the Diva's match - and how hot is Eve Torres by the way?

The Heels vs the Faces was a good match although I'd have preferred to see more of JoMo, maybe they're nursing him back after his neck injury, and Rey as we know was carrying an injury, hence his in-at-the-last-minute participation in the match. It shows a mile off though that the heels are the guys who can cut promos, the faces need to get better at that. Miz was good and sold that Pele kick from Morrison brilliantly, and considering I've always thought his work to be marginally better than Cena's, that's saying something.

Sheamus vs Mark Henry almost ended exactly as I predicted in the roundtable (I said DQ victory for MH, it was a countout), but it was also kind of disappointing that Sheamus didn't get more offense in. Henry is obviously too big for the Irish Curse and the High Cross, but a big powerslam or suplex would've really helped the match's momentum. Sheamus has said the feud isn't over, but they really need to step up the diversity of the matches. Good to see MH used as a Vader-style heel though, his strength is ridiculous so they should make use of it.

Christian vs Orton...meh. Everything I saw I felt like I'd seen before - probably in the I Quit match Orton had with Cena last year or the year before, what with the canes, tables and chairs. Christian needed a legitimate victory to be a legitimate champion, and he didn't get it, which made his reign almost pointless. As good as Orton is, he isn't a big draw like Cena or Rey, and is under-utilised on SD!. It's also hard to have a face that punts people in the head. What does SD! need to make it worth watching again? Chris Jericho.

Cena vs Punk was another mediocre match, which I suppose is the best you can hope for when Cena is involved, and these matches are going to be exposed for what they are, which is Punk carrying Cena, a guy with a range of moves so limited I actually rewound and replayed that dropkick he hit on Punk to be sure I'd actually seen it. Punk's moveset also focuses a lot on counters, and Cena hasn't got enough versatility to enable him to fit them into the matches, so they're automatically undercut in potential quality. That said, the HUGE swerve of Nash interfering was great, I got chills when I saw him in the corner of the screen approaching the barricade, it just depends on what they do with him. Del Rio cashing in had to happen eventually, and it also looks like both champions got screwed as a result of the event - Cena and Punk - and a title loss hurts neither man, just as it won't at Mania when Rock beats Cena.

If Nash was working on Del Rio's instruction, you can see a Punk feud with Del Rio. If he was working on HHH or Stephanie's instruction, you can see a Punk feud with HHH. You can't see a Nash feud with anyone I don't think, at best he'd be a kind of "Second-to-last boss" you have to defeat to get to the main enemy, like Krauser in Resi 4 :D

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#7 Aneurysm_uk
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Jeez guys lay off the quoting eachother so much will yas?! :P

Once again, going on the Raw results and the little aftermath I've seen, I'm kind of glad we haven't had any answers or direction out of Nash's interference, which apparently came about by accident as WWE hasn't yet decided what direction to go after the fallout of Summerslam, so he and Punk were cutting those promos "without a net". Everything Punk says is worth watching, and Nash knows how to work a mic - about the only work ethic he's ever had - but a Punk-Nash feud is pointless. Punk could get a good match out of Nash, but his real worth in my opinion would be as an enforcer and additional mouthpiece for Del Rio, which hopefully is the direction they'll go. Brodus Clay is filming an appalling WWE straight to DVD horror movie at the moment and isn't over in the slightest, so Nash would be a far better replacement.

Nice to see JoMo back amongst the victories again, and I'm really enjoying Truth's character, even if it hasn't got any more substance to it as it is.

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#8 Aneurysm_uk
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Del Rio is a bit of an anomaly, WWE needs heels with experience he's definitely got it, he's also a former World Junior Champion at Amateur Wrestling - the very same that Kurt Angle won at the Olympics - so he certainly does know how to wrestle. He's definitely been overly pushed, but as people have said, with the Mexico tour coming up, they need him to be champ to be a big draw, which brings me nicely onto my next point:

The fact is without an Austin or even a Hogan at his peak to be a big draw in the company, WWE has had to expand its interests overseas, something it's been doing since the end of the Ruthless Aggression era. It's not a coincidence that Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre and Sheamus have been given big pushes since they were called up to the roster because they want to appeal to the audiences they represent as well as fans in their home countries; think how many Irish-Americans are in Boston, New York and so on. The introduction of Del Rio and Sin Cara is a very deliberate attempt to tap into the huge Latin American market, afterall Spanish is the second most-spoken language in the world. WWE is a business at the end of the day, and everyone knows Vince will act with business in mind before anything and anyone else.

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#9 Aneurysm_uk
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If Morrison is as whipped as they say, he won't renew his contract.


I can't see that, being a very over Face earning a hell of a good living has its own pull as well.

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#10 Aneurysm_uk
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I can't comment on the PPV because I haven't seen it yet (it airs at 1am in England), but the results by and large didn't surprise me, in fact I wasn't far off in my predictions including some of the endings! Nash interfering is a huge swerve, right up until about 11pm our time, dirtsheets had nothing on it. It only makes sense storyline-wise if Del Rio paid him to do it, as he's far too old and injury prone to have another meaningful run in WWE.