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#1 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts

Sega Mega Drive 8)

- General Chaos

- MK3

- Chameleon Kid

- Sonic 3

- Golden Axe

- Flashback

- Streets of rage

- Road Rash 2

Damn those where the days... :)


interesting list of games... great console though! Personally I'd go for this list -

- Sonic the Hedgehog

- Streets of Rage 2

- TMNT 4: Turtles in Time

- Kid Chameleon (great game)

- Street Fighter 2 Turbo

-Gunstar Heroes


-Herzog Zwei

Man, I miss the 16-bit wars!

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#2 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts

[QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="Metrovania"]SNES for me. Lttp, Yoshy's Island, Castlevania 4, Street Fighter 2, Contra 3, Super Mario All-stars (+ SMW), Super Metroid, Mario Kart, F-Zero, Final Fantasy III (VI), Chrono Trigger, Legend of Mana, Star Fox, Super Punch-out! etc. What more could you possibly want from a gaming system?Panzer_Zwei

More variety of genres. The SNES didn't had Adventure or RTS games for example.

Adventure games? Well it had Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past - my personal favorite Zelda game, as well as The Legend of the Mystic Ninja - an absolute ****c; though I suppose that is actually an Action/Adventure game. But if that's the case than the N64, or PS1 didn't have many adventure games either. Super Metroid is a side-scrolling adventure game, as or the two Lost Vikings games and Blackthorne. As for RTS, the only reasonably good RTS on any of the consoles listed as options would be StarCraft 64 - but then that wasn't as good as the PC version anyway. SNES did get SIm City, Civilisation and Populous (the latter is considered by many to be a seminal God Game), if you count those as RTSs. as well as Front Mission and Ogre Battle, though they were TBSs. No one buys home consoles for RTSs, and if you did, then the GC would be the obvious choice, since it had Pikmin (1 and 2) and Battalion Wars, as well as a TBS in the form of Fire Emblem. Other then that, there's Herzog Zwei on the Genesis/Megadrive.

I don't think your argument was particularlu well thought through.

Adventure games were aplenty in the 16-bit era, just not on the SNES. The PS actually did had many adventure games like Broken Sword and Discworld and not to mention the whole lot of Japanese ones. RTS is just an example of a missing genre on the SNES, and while they might not be system-sellers, it's a nice genre to have, the more the merrier.

But anyway, you asked and I replied, Looks like you just settle with what the SNES had and want to think of the type of games it missed as non significant.

There are more strategy games on the SNES than on most consoles. The Megadrive did get Herzog Swei (amazing game) and Shining force (important game), but I would hardly say it's library of strat games utterly out-did the SNESs - and in terms of Platformers, Action/Adventures and RPGs, it doesn't come close (nor do most consoles imo). How many great adventure games came out on the Megadrive, or N64 or Dreamcast, or PS1? Sure the PS1 had Policenauts (cracking game) but little else that was particularly memorable. That is, if by adventure you mean PURE adventure games like Day of the Tentacle or Sam and Max. And those were far from available in huge numbers in the 16-bit era.

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#3 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts

[QUOTE="Metrovania"]SNES for me. Lttp, Yoshy's Island, Castlevania 4, Street Fighter 2, Contra 3, Super Mario All-stars (+ SMW), Super Metroid, Mario Kart, F-Zero, Final Fantasy III (VI), Chrono Trigger, Legend of Mana, Star Fox, Super Punch-out! etc. What more could you possibly want from a gaming system?Panzer_Zwei
More variety of genres. The SNES didn't had Adventure or RTS games for example.

Adventure games? Well it had Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past - my personal favorite Zelda game, as well as The Legend of the Mystic Ninja - an absolute ****c; though I suppose that is actually an Action/Adventure game. But if that's the case than the N64, or PS1 didn't have many adventure games either. Super Metroid is a side-scrolling adventure game, as or the two Lost Vikings games and Blackthorne. As for RTS, the only reasonably good RTS on any of the consoles listed as options would be StarCraft 64 - but then that wasn't as good as the PC version anyway. SNES did get SIm City, Civilisation and Populous (the latter is considered by many to be a seminal God Game), if you count those as RTSs. as well as Front Mission and Ogre Battle, though they were TBSs. No one buys home consoles for RTSs, and if you did, then the GC would be the obvious choice, since it had Pikmin (1 and 2) and Battalion Wars, as well as a TBS in the form of Fire Emblem. Other then that, there's Herzog Zwei on the Genesis/Megadrive.

I don't think your argument was particularlu well thought through.

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#4 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts
SNES for me. Lttp, Yoshy's Island, Castlevania 4, Street Fighter 2, Contra 3, Super Mario All-stars (+ SMW), Super Metroid, Mario Kart, F-Zero, Final Fantasy III (VI), Chrono Trigger, Legend of Mana, Star Fox, Super Punch-out! etc. What more could you possibly want from a gaming system?
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#5 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts
I voted for Mega Man, but I think Rayman is a real possibility too. I'd also love to see Viewtiful Joe, or Ken as capcom characters!! Maybe Dante!!
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#6 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts
I stopped caring after Twighlight Princess' review...
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#7 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts
Definitely getting it
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#8 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts

OMG!! It looks sooooo good!!! This is definetly going to be the best platformer for a long time! The level design, graphics, eveything.. It all looks amazing.AdolescentDon

Now here's a man that talks sense!! I couldn't agree more! Might stop be from being jealous of all the 360 owners and their Bioshock (system shock 2 = some of the best memories of my youth!).

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#9 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts

And what do you know: not one game in the top ten. Oh and there's this too: This is Gamespot.


Howmany PS3 or 360 games are there in the top ten? And, "this is gamespot"?If you're so certain of you your argumentwhy use that old fall-back?

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#10 Metrovania
Member since 2003 • 2540 Posts

If MP3 blows anything away on the PS3 then why is it collecting dust on my shelf while im playing Warhawk so often? thats weirdhustler_151

MP3's been out 4 days, you were excited enough about it to go and pick it up right away, and now it's already gathering dust? You must have a pretty short attention span! :)