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#1 PanPizza15
Member since 2006 • 1485 Posts

I just remembered Thundarr the Barbarian...

Also, this show came out long before He-Man

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#2 PanPizza15
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I say the Mario Show. It's pure 80s cheesiness and some of the wost animation ever...

I own the whole series on DVD just because it's so bad.

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#3 PanPizza15
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What are some games with controls you absolutely hated? A lot of Virtual Console games on the Wii have this problem. My friend had Super Mario World on VC, and only a Gamecube controller. Y is to run and B is to jump. (Or someting stange like that) You have to pose your fingers in an stange angle.

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#4 PanPizza15
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It's not Total Recall without Arnold. Also, they did remake Ghostbusters. It's called Men in Black.

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#5 PanPizza15
Member since 2006 • 1485 Posts

AXE since it's ads areall lies and smells like death.

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#6 PanPizza15
Member since 2006 • 1485 Posts

I agree with you sonicthemegaman...but you know our opinon dosen't count becasue we have Sonic avatars right. Anyway, I've played both versions of the game(Sonic Unleashed) and your right the game is underated and the reviews exagerated the worst of the game. -The Sonic levels are what people asked for(speed, and 2D sections similar to sonic rush) -the werehog wasen't perfect but it wasen't so bad that it should drag the game like 4 points,it was avarage -the hub world are a small problem you only have to be in them for a little amount of time and you don't have to talk to peopel - there are only two tails sections and really have the poeple that say this game suck haven't even played itSunamaru

No, his opinion doesn't count since he only played the Demo (Which only has the 1stday level)and not the acctual game.

A big problem with the hub is that they waste time. Once I get out of the level, I want to go to another part of the game. I have to walk to the town hub or hit the "Go Back to Town" button in the pause menu. Wait a loading time. Then walk to the exit or hit "Go Back to Globe" button. Wait another loading time. Why can't I go to the globe while I'm in the level select hub. I understand the hub is ment to give a sense of adventure. It doesn't work in this game since the loading time's in the PS3 are 15 seconds long. I feel enclosed in an area with so many loading timesand at times, I don't feel like going throughso many loading times to get where I want.

Also, switching day to night is another problem. You can hit the Hour Glass to switch. Sometimes as Sonic, I hit the thing on accident since the Homing Attack makes Sonic arc towards it. Then I have to wait 15 seconds for him to turn into a wolf. Then another 15 seconds since I didn't intend to hit the Hour Glass. Why can't there be a simple "Are you sure" message? We have free roaming games that can go day to night in real time. We had Day to Night transitions in Zelda on the 64.How does this game in 2008 not manage to do this?

Also, the game has to stop you in your tracks just so the camera can point at something obvious like where the next level is or an enemy appearing or a behind you door closing.

Platforming in the wolf stages is broken.Like when you are hanging on the side of the pole and I need to jump to another pole. It doesn't work. Itap the Jump and Right button but it just makes the Wolf rotate to another side of the pole. It turns out I have to HOLD the jump button for it to respond. It took me a while to realise this. In similar situations like Mario 64, 3D Rayman games and Mirror's Edge when you're hanging on a pole and tap the jump button, you freaking jump. Same goes for when you try to pull a block for a primitive block puzzle. You HOLD the grab button and wait fora response. Who came along and decided to change a simple mechanic we're so used to?

Combat is terrible. There's 3 attack on the face of the controller. While fighting, the O button will appear to indicate a Quick Time Event can start. THe window for the Quick Time Event is open for a literally, less than a second. Sometimes while fighting, I'm not aware I activated a QTE so the enemy takes my health away. Since the time for QTE is so short, I hit the O button too late, which makes the Wolf grab the enemy. Most of the time, the enemy is too strong and just pushes you aside and leaves you open to attack. Usually when you activate a QTE in other games such as Mercenaries 2 or Marvel Ultimate Alliance (I think GoW but I never played that), the camera shifts to tell you a QTE has been triggered and the time to press the button doesn't start a few seconds after.

Another thing, why does Chip come out during gameplay to tell you what you need to do in a text box? In Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, the spirit ofhippie Knuckles and robot Chao comes out tell you what to do with voices and subtitles while still being able to move around. Why does this game take a step down and stop you in your tracks so you can read a text box?

I could go on forever about this game

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#7 PanPizza15
Member since 2006 • 1485 Posts

But Superman 64 looks, thus plays like crap. If the purple background isn't enough to scare you, the rings will do it for sure. You can SEE what is wrong with it. Stuff like camera issues are visible. Crappy gameplay mechanics are visible cause the game that uses those crap mechanics is visible. If you need to play a game just to know what is and isn't going to workout in the end, just think about all the concepts that need to fail before people find that out ahead of time. I can SEE that the Werehog suckage is exagerrated. I've researched the game to know what happens in it. I played it myself and know that the Daytime levels don't suffer control issues and camera problems, again, can be SEEN. We have the technology to this kind of research. I have the experience to knoe bad games when I SEE them. This is an important skill when determing the crediblility of a video review. IGN Unleashed review is a perfect example.sonicthemegaman

So playing a demo that is meant to sell a game and watching gameplay video is enough credibilty to see how wrong a review is from someone who has played the game. I guess you never heard theterm,"Don't judge a book by the cover"Also, you haven't told me why you never played the game if you say it's so great.

Point is, you didn't play the game, GTFO!!! I'd trust IGN more than I'd trust a fanboy who never even played the game.

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#8 PanPizza15
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Hence why I made the thread. To show that this "downfall" is mostly perspectitve. I'm not denying ST's faults but, you can defend them as much as you can bash them given that you take the time to do so.


You say you only played the demo, it's like if I saw a commercial for a movie and made my judgement on how great the movie was on the commercial. You really can't defend Sonic Team if you havn't even played the acctual game and not the demo which is ment to sell the game and doesn't have the wolf stages or the hub.

Who says I can't examine though? If you can't tell the difference between good and bad games visually, you'll force yourself to play a lot of crap. Also take into consideration that Youtube users bothered to play the wolf levels and post vids of it. Some people even got S ranks. I don't need to play the wolf levels to know that they are around 8 minutes max. Ign's 30 minute claim is flatout false unless you suck at the game. Somethings you need to be able to see. I've played enough games to know "boring" is totally subjective.

This is really sad. You're the only one in the forum defending this game and yet havn't played the real game while everyone else who played this game is bashing it. If the game is so great, why haven't you played the real thing? Instead of judging a game from acctually playing it, you judge it by some guy's youtube video showing gameplay? Here's a video of a guy doing good in Superman 64...

Those guys playing make it look easy, don't they? I should go on forums defending the game without playing it, shouldn't I?

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#9 PanPizza15
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[QUOTE="PanPizza15"][QUOTE="sonicthemegaman"] Its not really irrevelent. Its THEIR opnion. Not a fact. The game is not factually 3.5. Thats the meaning of the topic itself. Sonic Team isn't as bad as people say. You'd think Majesco would get eaten out for the crap they've let loose upon us. sonicthemegaman

Isn't saying "Sonic Team isn't as bad as people say" an opinion?

Hence why I made the thread. To show that this "downfall" is mostly perspectitve. I'm not denying ST's faults but, you can defend them as much as you can bash them given that you take the time to do so.

You say you only played the demo, it's like if I saw a commercial for a movie and made my judgement on how great the movie was on the commercial. You really can't defend Sonic Team if you havn't even played the acctual game and not the demo which is ment to sell the game and doesn't have the wolf stages or the hub.
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#10 PanPizza15
Member since 2006 • 1485 Posts

Thats all your opnion. Im working on a reply to that post to prove it.sonicthemegaman
Just like how GS's review being irrevelent is your opinion?

Its not really irrevelent. Its THEIR opnion. Not a fact. The game is not factually 3.5. Thats the meaning of the topic itself. Sonic Team isn't as bad as people say. You'd think Majesco would get eaten out for the crap they've let loose upon us.

Isn't saying "Sonic Team isn't as bad as people say" an opinion?