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#1 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts
Super Mario Galaxy 1 Little King's Story Metroid Prime Trilogy Zack & Wiki Zelda TP No More Heroes Wii Sports Resort Go!Go!Go! and then look forward to: Monster Hunter Tri Metroid Other M Sin and Punishment 2 Super Mario Galaxy 2 Muramasa
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#2 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts
The thing is, Sega has already spent a good amount on the VC engine and assets for the PS3 version - and i don't understand why they won't release VC2 PS3 reusing these assets but with new stories and characters. That should at least turn a profit because VC fans will buy it without a second thought - i personally don't mind more of the same thing. Something that bothers me at the back of my mind is the possibility that Sony themselves have asked them to make it for the PSP in an attempt to revive that platform.
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#3 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts
Meh I'm getting sick of all super hero/comic book movies. I wouldn't be surprised if Green Lantern ends up being the next big thing. Bigboi500
I watched Green Lantern First Flight on blu ray too. It was. BAD. Facepalm-worthy actually. On the positive side, i laughed (at it).
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#4 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts

So i finally watched it, the Blu ray Directors Cut version. 3 hours later and i was left disappointed.

Firstly, the good points. Excellent special effects. Very good acting. Overall production in visuals and audio is of VERY high quality. Characters are well-crafted and their personalities show through. Action is also often very good.

HOWEVER, the film drags on. Connection between scenes often feel disjointed because it focuses on so many characters at once even though the plot between the scenes ARE connected. As a result, i'm often left interested but not excited. The build up after watching all these 'heroes' and unbelievable powers finishes with a whimper as the 'actual' plot and twists underwhelms me - far from my expectations.

Overall, worth watching. I can see it excite many watchmen fans but i think the typical person would think, like i, 'was that it?'.

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#5 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts

Dear Sega,

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring Valkyria Chronicles to Wii!!!! It would be so much better than all of those horrid Sonic games we've been getting :cry:

If the PSP can run Valkyria Chronicles 2, the Wii sure as hell can.

This. If VC2 is coming to the PSP, at least bring ports to PS2/Wii. Anyway, i look forward to this new RPG, especially after VC1. Is it the same team making this RPG?
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#6 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts
The 360 one is really dark and it loses a lot of detail in the dark areas of the picture although this could be because it's a bad quality picture. However, the PS3 shot has better shadows coming from the horns and on the blades. And then there's the orange backlighting which reflects of the back of lightning and sazh and on the enemy - which just isn't there on the 360 version. Although this could be because of timing of when something was behind the characters. I say there's a LOT of difference just looking at these pics, which doesn't mean anything until the final product is out though.
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#7 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts

[QUOTE="Pangster007"]... yup. :?Stevo_the_gamer
Did you read the first paragraph of that blog?

I looked at it once a long time ago but i guess you've added more to it since.

Sales shouldn't affect your opinion on something unless you care for what the fanboys are saying. And then you rant on about the 'wii fanboys'. Fanboys will be fanboys. Why do fanboys affect your opinion on a console?

I agree with hardware and online issues but i don't see it as such a big thing - the same reasons why i DO console game even though i have a perfectly good gaming rig that eclipses current consoles. If i wanted to play my MGS4, i HAVE to play it on the PS3 - and it's too bad the fps dips at certain points in the game, if only the PS3 was more powerful, right? And what's with the blotched job on the online portion of the game? If only the online was as easy and streamlined as steam, right? In the end, it doesn't matter - i still play MGS4, i still enjoy MGS4 and i couldn't care less if some random person out there shouts from high heaven how i'm an inferior gamer for doing so. Likewise for Wii games.

Anyway, i don't want to discuss it at length here. Feel free to PM me though.

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#8 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts

I hope noone gets too fanboyish around here...looks at Stevos Anti-Wii stuff... *scratches head*


Got something to discuss, mate? :D

Edit: Are you referring to my blog?

... yup. :?
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#9 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts

Welcome Bentham, enjoy your stay, you seem interesting.

Also, Lost is the most overrated show ever IMO, I can't stand that show.


I enjoyed Lost first season and then it just went downhill ever since. Overrated imo.

And, welcome all new members. I hope noone gets too fanboyish around here...looks at Stevos Anti-Wii stuff... *scratches head*

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#10 Pangster007
Member since 2004 • 4426 Posts
Wow! Now THAT is some pwnage. I'm looking forward to the EU release early next year, with free online - hopefully. :D