Perth2008's forum posts

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#1  Edited By Perth2008
Member since 2008 • 216 Posts

Further to my post above, reviews are back but ratings AWOL:

@Perth2008 said:

Here is what I see under my profile at the moment depending on how I sort them:

  • 169 ratings AND reviews across 74 releases - I have written ~95 (PC game) reviews which covers base games and/or expansions/add-ons and all are PC games and have since rated about ~15-20 (PC and PS3 games).
  • 116 ratings across 21 releases - ??? some full written reviews are included in this sorting which I believe should only include games I rated without reviews.
  • 53 reviews over 53 releases - I began using reviews (only) from about mid-2013 and since the site "upgrade" and some of my recently rated PS3 games have their ratings against XBOX, IP, AND, GC and BB, none of which I have, which probably relates to the period post-site update when one could not select platform when rating.

So the numbers of ratings and reviews versus releases and my own records/recollection do not seem to reconcile. A number of games are showing separately as reviews and ratings when sorted but on different platforms (which I do not have). I do have about 10 identical titles on both PC and PS3. I wonder whether "releases" just means the base game (eg. Battlefield 2 has 3 major add-ons/expansions which for me would equate to four reviews)?

I now have 104 unique reviews covering base games and expansions/add ons showing (but no ratings) which reconciles much better with my own records ... and yes I am busily PDF-ing the reviews just in case.

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#2 Perth2008
Member since 2008 • 216 Posts

@Tiwill44 said:
Edit: They're back. :)

No they are GONE AGAIN ... although all my ~100 reviews were back for me 12 hours ago but now only 12 showing.

Suggest closing the alternate thread on this topic here:

and redirecting here so Digital Dame can keep up with the status/issues under one umbrella.

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#4  Edited By Perth2008
Member since 2008 • 216 Posts

@MATI9630 said:

"Hmmm, OK now the reviews and ratings are back (again) ... but something is still not right."

Well, yeah, the fact that they're not back at all.

True they are gone yet AGAIN ... but they were there, albeit messed up, when I posted (about 12 hours ago).

Yup, this is very frustrating.

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#5  Edited By Perth2008
Member since 2008 • 216 Posts

Hmmm, OK now the reviews and ratings are back (again) ... but something is still not right.

Background: I stopped writing full reviews before the site was "upgraded" in late 2013.

Here is what I see under my profile at the moment depending on how I sort them:

  • 169 ratings AND reviews across 74 releases - I have written ~95 (PC game) reviews which covers base games and/or expansions/add-ons and all are PC games and have since rated about ~15-20 (PC and PS3 games).
  • 116 ratings across 21 releases - ??? some full written reviews are included in this sorting which I believe should only include games I rated without reviews.
  • 53 reviews over 53 releases - I began using reviews (only) from about mid-2013 and since the site "upgrade" and some of my recently rated PS3 games have their ratings against XBOX, IP, AND, GC and BB, none of which I have, which probably relates to the period post-site update when one could not select platform when rating.

So the numbers of ratings and reviews versus releases and my own records/recollection do not seem to reconcile. A number of games are showing separately as reviews and ratings when sorted but on different platforms (which I do not have). I do have about 10 identical titles on both PC and PS3. I wonder whether "releases" just means the base game (eg. Battlefield 2 has 3 major add-ons/expansions which for me would equate to four reviews)?

I suspect I'll be PDF-ing copies of my full reviews for my own use so I can recreate them just in case they are "lost" in the more literal sense rather than going AWOL from time to time..

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#6 Perth2008
Member since 2008 • 216 Posts

'tis but a barren wasteland!

Alas yet again none of my 100+ reviews (and/or ratings) are accessible via my profile's "Ratings and Reviews" tab.

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#7  Edited By Perth2008
Member since 2008 • 216 Posts


@Perth2008 said:

Agree with you all ... alas no one at the "new look" GameSpot seems to be listening.

Alas the tablet and social / media fans seem to have had their day (or way) with GameSpot.

I retract the above ... YOU are listening, here and on other threads, and asking specific questions which is progress from this user's perspective. As you have said waiting for issues raised to be fixed is frustrating. It is good that you have responded here and elsewhere as before it felt like lots of users venting about the same issues in numerous threads but nothing changing and/or few if any from GameSpot staff adding their voice or providing updates.

When I talk about the "old GameSpot" I mean the day before the revamped version was released. Not sure what other users may mean. As I said elsewhere, change is inevitable, being over 50, one eventually gets used to it though I will continue to hold out against tablets until the PC is extinct :-) and my decision not to embrace social media is my own.

You have courteously raised "stacks" to a sticky status which is great especially given all the "noise" about them since inception. Hopefully people will give additional ideas about features required to make stacks better but I still prefer the "old" tabular My Collection for simplicity of use.

I still would like to see user's reviews sorted by date in the default state rather than thumbs for reasons here: I do, as noted therein like that one can now sort reviews in different ways not possible before.

I do like the sound of cherry-picking "must have" features, either new or from the "old site". Again I would reiterate a desire to see the "old" GameSpot walk-throughs and guides accessible under a game title again. Obviously Google is your friend to find guides at other sites so links to external sites may not be required but it would be good to have the GameSpot in-house ones accessible either as webpages or (preferably) as PDFs.

I for one am hoping YOU continue to pass on users' views/comments/suggestions through to the decision making team.

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#8 Perth2008
Member since 2008 • 216 Posts

Yup, that is quite a funny restriction given levkov's tenure. Most of my forum posts have been since the site revamp!

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#9 Perth2008
Member since 2008 • 216 Posts

The sorting of reviews has been one of my major issues arising from the revamp of GameSpot in late 2013.

Displaying/sorting reviews using a thumbs up/down ranking potentially means newer reviews may never be seen as having no thumbs they go to the bottom of the review pile. I think a default setting of sorting user reviews from most recent to oldest works best as it allows new reviews a moment in the sun for people to give thumbs to. Keeping the thumbs up/down sorting as a default is to my mind a major disincentive to write reviews.

I have written about 100 reviews (pre-revamp) and many are for older games rather than latest releases ... I just take a while to get around to playing the games ... however when you open a specific games review page you see the "most useful" (or popular based on [thumbs up divided by total thumbs]) and then all the others sorted in order of thumbs.

For this reason I have not written a single review since the revamp as a newly written review, due to the default thumbs sorting, may never be seen except by users who may have me in their tracking lists. I wrote about this previously Since then I have noticed it is now possible to sort reviews by date, score, platform (finally!) and "most useful" which is something new since the revamp and a welcome addition. A thumb up for that!

My suggestion is to revert to sorting reviews from newest to oldest for the default setting.

Finally, I am unsure about the term "most useful" as it is unclear to me whether giving a "thumbs up" necessarily means (1) a well written review irrespective of whether it is pro or anti the game, or (2) whether you agree with the review (i.e. you like the game too) and the contra for "thumbs down". Perhaps there should be thumbs up for (1) "good review" and (2) "agree" ... though this will be cumbersome. Best would be to base thumbs on review quality and leave the agreeing part to ones personal ranking of the game.

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#10  Edited By Perth2008
Member since 2008 • 216 Posts

Ditto, "funny" symbols/icons are still visible on Firefox v29.0.1 ... however one can generally scroll over to read what function the symbol might refer to.