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#1 SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts

I very much respected the mental health aspects of the first game and for that reason alone I will support this game.

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#2 SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts

Which corporate suit is in charge is irrelevant in all of these companies and wearing jeans and a leather jacket doesn't change the basics of corporate culture.

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#3  Edited By SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts
@Jag85 said:
@SUD123456 said:

You would have to define what you mean by the terms for me to adequately respond.

This is because the root origin of both words has little to do with their popular misrepresentations.

There's nothing wrong with the root origin of both words. The problem is the way that they're actually practiced in modern times, which often goes against the original intent behind the root words.

For example, Jihad simply means "struggle" in Arabic. Suicide and killing civilians are also considered major sins in Islam. Yet what did Al Qaeda and ISIS do? Suicide bombings. And bombing civilians, just like the Western colonizers they hated.

Likewise, Zionism originally meant creating a Jewish safe haven. After all, Jews were persecuted by Christians and white supremacists for centuries. Yet what did Zionists do? Become Jewish supremacist colonizers stealing land and committing crimes against humanity, just like the white supremacists and European colonizers they hated.

I know the origins and definitions of the words....which was my God damn point.

Which makes your original ridiculous post moot. Neither of the OPs words can be addressed without a much clearer definition of what is meant. Try to follow along.

Zionism simply means a homeland for Jews. There are many political parties in Israel. Many of those parties consider themselves Zionist. Of those parties they run pretty much the full spectrum from left to right. There are also two Arab parties. They typically hold about 8% of the seats in the Knesset. I don't remember the Nazis running a democracy let alone Jews having seats.

Next you will be telling me that the Zionist Yitzhak Rabin was a Nazi. Or that the Zionist Yair Lapid is a Nazi.

Your OP outs you as a troll. The issue is not Zionism. Just like the issue is not Jihad. Your post was despicable, so let's not pretend that you have a balanced view of anything.

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#4  Edited By SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts

Exhibit A above.

A made up definition based upon hate.

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#5 SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts

You would have to define what you mean by the terms for me to adequately respond.

This is because the root origin of both words has little to do with their popular misrepresentations.

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#6 SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts

@Planeforger said:

In other news, you know the guy who audited Trump's social media company?

Turns out he's a massive fraud, and he has now been barred from auditing public companies.

Isn't it odd how every single person in Trump's orbit is some kind of criminal?

Yah, I saw the suspicions on that a couple of weeks ago. A nobody running an audit firm out of a strip mall office that had failed every SEC review of every file of his....literally the worst performing audit company on planet earth...turns out to be completely fake. Who would have thought that lol.

This is....oops I mean was... the guy handling the audit services of the new multi billion $ DJT media company. We'll not anymore :) Company closed. Barred from doing business. $14 million fine.

A fraudster. Shocking I know. I look forward to Trump getting some homeless guy to be the next auditor.

And yet, stupid people will still buy this worthless stock.

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#7 SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts

@sargentd said:

I'm not clueless, I know exactly why your panties are in a bunch.

Who cares if someone calls me a gay jew.

I'll live

Your post reinforces that you are indeed clueless. You dont care, as you are neither gay nor Jewish...and your ability for abstract thought is low. I grant you the new nickname of: Iron Brain (d=M/V)

Trying wearing a rainbow shirt or a kippah or both for a few hours, days, or weeks in your town/city and then get back to us on how long it is before you are insulted, harrassed, or intimidated. Or in an extreme case you may not live to tell us.

Once again I refer you to your wife. You could ask her some basic questions. Like about unwanted touching. Parking in unlit areas. Having her keys in hand walking to the car. Catcalls. Crowded public transit. Girls night at the bar. And a whole host of other related questions. You might learn something from her.

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#8  Edited By SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts
@palasta said:
@SUD123456 said:
@palasta said:
@SUD123456 said:

Please discuss the actual video and what you think of it.

The usual claptrap.

"a horrible loser ideology"

The loser ideology that emerged from the same source as todays loser ideology prevalent in the western world. Very fitting actually, "loser... ideology.

What I found interesting was the degree of empathy he has for these losers. Not what I would call the usual claptrap. Hence my comments on nurture vs nature.

Are you sure you are using the right word? No need for empathy. A rational mind and the necessary information is all i needed. I know how human works. I don't have to speculate. You do. There is no versus in "nature vs. nurture".

Yes I am using the right word. He exudes empathy in the video which is abundantly clear.

A rational mind without empathy is often called a psychopath.

If you don't see empathy in that video then you have a problem.

Nature vs nurture is a well known phrase with a well understood contextual meaning.

The rest of your post was irrelevant to my comment.

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#9  Edited By SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts

@lamprey263 said:

I wished Obama and Hillary weren't above showing up to sit in the audience just to gaslight him. He'd throw such a fit he'd be spending the rest of the trial at Rikers.

Haha, that's a genius idea. Would be hilaryous to see that.

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#10 SUD123456
Member since 2007 • 6965 Posts

@mrbojangles25 said:

Imagine if instead of sanctioning Iran and Russia and so on we brought them along with our success? What if we didn't hold grudges?

In the case of Iran there is no easy solution. It is a theocratic state run by a religious nutjob. There is no such thing as common ground with a state that believes everything about the west is immoral and anti-thetical to their cult beliefs.

What we shouldn't have done was invade Iraq for no good reason just because US pride was hurt by 9/11. The biggest negative outcome was destabilizing Iraq which was the primary barrier/buffer of Iran. Most people don't even remember that 6 months before 9/11 Bush Jr. was looking to drop sanctions on Iraq and it was France and Russia that were resisting...and that was about oilfield contracts. Bush Sr. knew that destabilizing Iraq would create a power vacuum that Iran would fill which is why he did not pursue Iraqi forces all the way to Baghdad a decade earlier. Sadly his son was and is a moron.

In the case of Russia, you are correct in that we should have brought them along; however, you have the driver exactly backwards. The West treated the fall of the USSR as an economic free for all and completely fcuked up transition because of that. We did not sanction them. But we absolutely failed to help them create the govt and insitutional mechanisms to manage the economic transition. Instead we created crony capitalism, the wild west of economics, the massive consolidation of economic power in a few people, the continued disenfranchisement of the vast majority of people and the inevitable concentration of all power in what are effectively mafia bosses. All those oligarchs are people who just cheated the citizenry of all wealth by assuming control of the major Soviet industries...for free. Putin is just a natural outcome of these dynamics and if not him...then insert alternate name here.

In short, we are plagued at times with absolute shit leadership in international affairs.