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#1 jayd02
Member since 2007 • 802 Posts

PT scared the crap out of me.

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#2 jayd02
Member since 2007 • 802 Posts

@LJS9502_basic said:

@jayd02 said:

@LJS9502_basic said:

Eh I don't think critiquing requires one to make social statements. I mean does anyone ever think the GTA series is about being politically correct? That didn't really belong in the review. If one wanted to make a social commentary then a blog or special feature might be the better platform. Besides, if you turn off readers to the reviews on your site....and it seems these two did...then site traffic suffers....which affects ad revenue...which affects the bottom line. And it IS a business.

I will agree that the GTAV review was flawed when she brought about social problems. Those "problems" have been apart of the series for years and they weren't just subjugated to the females; it was also towards the males. Now GTAV was not perfect and didn't deserve a perfect 10 score.

This was the only review I believe Caro really brought her own personal views into a review. I don't count Gone Home because I believe that game was trying to arouse personal feelings into the gamer so its success hindered on whether or not it could achieve that goal. Most of the flack that Caro got was because of her personal life choices which she never brought into her reviews.

Tom was just a very hard critic plan and simple and people just couldn't get with that. I personally like that because we need hard critics. We need someone to nit pick so that the creators know what is wrong and know what is annoying us gamers. I will say Skyward Sword review was a bit flawed and they should have picked someone else to do the review.

i don't know anything about Gone Home. But a pro reviewer is supposed to discuss the merits or lack thereof of games so people know if they are worth time and money. Personal feelings really should be minimized as much as possible. I mean apparently it's a LGBT game. If you rate it higher and give more credence than it deserves because you feel you are part of the community would be a disservice to the people wanting to know if the game is worth it.

Likewise if you are homophobic and rate it lower and trash it for the same reason you are not a pro reviewer. Yes the content should be mentioned like any game....but you really do need to distance yourself from personal bias if you are paid to give reliable reviews on games. It's just the way it is. Again a blog or special feature might be suited to discussing personal feelings.

I can agree with that. I can't make any personal remarks because the game didn't interest me to begin with so I just ignored it

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#3 jayd02
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@LJS9502_basic said:

@jayd02 said:

@beutlich99 said:

I'm not sad to see them go. Their reviews always seemed to have some kind of agenda. I could never really put my finger on it, but if I read a review by either of them, I would always check 2-3 other reviews from other sites. Carolyn and Tom consistently nit picked stuff other reviewers glazed over, didn't mention, or flat out said it wasn't worth fretting over.

Thats the problem with others sites. When you're a critic you need to critic things almost no matter how small they seem to be. If they don't then games don't move on. Developers and game companies think they can get away with it and so they don't change them.

Eh I don't think critiquing requires one to make social statements. I mean does anyone ever think the GTA series is about being politically correct? That didn't really belong in the review. If one wanted to make a social commentary then a blog or special feature might be the better platform. Besides, if you turn off readers to the reviews on your site....and it seems these two did...then site traffic suffers....which affects ad revenue...which affects the bottom line. And it IS a business.

I will agree that the GTAV review was flawed when she brought about social problems. Those "problems" have been apart of the series for years and they weren't just subjugated to the females; it was also towards the males. Now GTAV was not perfect and didn't deserve a perfect 10 score.

This was the only review I believe Caro really brought her own personal views into a review. I don't count Gone Home because I believe that game was trying to arouse personal feelings into the gamer so its success hindered on whether or not it could achieve that goal. Most of the flack that Caro got was because of her personal life choices which she never brought into her reviews.

Tom was just a very hard critic plan and simple and people just couldn't get with that. I personally like that because we need hard critics. We need someone to nit pick so that the creators know what is wrong and know what is annoying us gamers. I will say Skyward Sword review was a bit flawed and they should have picked someone else to do the review.

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#4 jayd02
Member since 2007 • 802 Posts

@beutlich99 said:

I'm not sad to see them go. Their reviews always seemed to have some kind of agenda. I could never really put my finger on it, but if I read a review by either of them, I would always check 2-3 other reviews from other sites. Carolyn and Tom consistently nit picked stuff other reviewers glazed over, didn't mention, or flat out said it wasn't worth fretting over.

Thats the problem with others sites. When you're a critic you need to critic things almost no matter how small they seem to be. If they don't then games don't move on. Developers and game companies think they can get away with it and so they don't change them.

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#5 jayd02
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@Toxic-Seahorse said:
@jazilla said:

Being happy about people losing their job is vile. I came here expecting people to be supportive and concerned for hard working, fantastic writers and producers etc. that no longer are gainfully employed. Those of you "happy" about them losing their employment should be ashamed of yourselves.

That's a pretty one sided way to look at it as well. While it does suck losing your job, most of us here were sick of the terrible reviews. Why would you want someone who isn't very good at their job to keep it? Sure, it feels a bit lame celebrating someone getting fired or Laid off, but it doesn't make much sense to be supportive of them either when you didn't like what they were doing.

There reviews were good. They are critics and they would critic everything about a game and if that bothers you then go to another website. Oh and here is something else to think about, IT IS THERE OPINION ABOUT A GAME THAT DOESN'T EFFECT HOW YOU ENJOY A GAME. If you need someone else to justify why you should like a game then you need re-evaluate why you play games. The Last of Us review was a fair review. I love that game to death but I still find problems in the game, it wasn't perfect.

I will miss those guys and I wish the best for them in the future.

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#6  Edited By jayd02
Member since 2007 • 802 Posts

I loved the past UFC games so I might be a little biased. I'm trying hard to like it but its hard. When I watch the replays the hits clearly don't hit or at least they don't look like a hard hit.

The controls are very hard to get used to. Then again this might be because of the past entries but its hard. I had to do multiple fights before I really got the hang of the controls but then a problem arose once I did. I realized that they didn't teach me everything or at least it feels like it. I don't know how to counter on the ground, takedown from the clinch, and I had to fiddle around to figure out to sit up in the full mount to ground and pound.

After a few fights I have looked past all of these "problems" and I found out that I can't make the opponent any harder. I knock out the A.I. in the first round every time without a problem.

So am I the only one who feels this doesn't hold up to the past games? I know I know two different companies made them and they can't take their code but still. I felt like Undisputed had a sort of ebb and flow to it where as this game is kinda stiff? Am I alone? Am I dumb?

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#7  Edited By jayd02
Member since 2007 • 802 Posts

@Toxic-Seahorse said:

@geniobastardo said:

@evildead6789: I've heard amd has cooling problems, especially in temperate regions like where I live. No one has ever bought an amd here as far as I know. Shall try with the cheapest i7 in the market.

It all depends on the cooler. AMD's stock cooler isn't that great, but most people know to buy an aftermarket CPU cooler/heatsink and thermal paste.

As for Watch Dogs, the requirements seem too high, especially for how the game looks. Don't get me wrong, it looks good, but I don't see how it would require the ridiculous specs they posted.

This has the be the highest requirements out of a big retail game so far, right? I mean 6gb of ram minimum? I've never seen that before.

Hopefully with 6gb of ram we won't have a same car problem like we do in other games.

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#8  Edited By jayd02
Member since 2007 • 802 Posts

also try and make your build on pcpartpicker.com if you're worried about compatibility issues. They will tell you if they don't work and if you do it in the right order they won't let you pick incompatible parts.

I looked at what you had (briefly) and they seem good. You shouldn't need a mounting bracket for the SSD should you go with it. Look up some videos of the Prodigy (I don't have the case but I love it to death.) It already has room and brackets for the SSD. Also if you want to cut some money you can look up how to boot your OS from a usb or flash drive and just get rid of the BD drive. If you plan on using it to watch movies then forget I typed this but most people download games from Steam or Humble Bundle.

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#9  Edited By jayd02
Member since 2007 • 802 Posts

I look at myself in the mirror and think about how Viewtiful I am if that means anything.

They should reboot the series. If anything give it a proper HD remake. Not this upscale stuff, I mean the full Wind Waker HD make over treatment.

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#10 jayd02
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I normally don't like to start up system war stuff but I like to read the comments between people. Let it begin.