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@McGregor @Emerald_Scott $400k is actually very little money for a film, even a short film. In this case we're talking about 6-7 short films. That's a very tight budget. I would be surprised if anything used in connection with this project was purchased outright. Any equipment not rented in this project was likely already owned prior to the campaign.

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@bigbadmamajama1 Sadly it has nothing to do with normal reason or preference or logic. This is the law, and the law is ever the image of an over worked sphincter. In legal circles, every time you allow another entity, regardless of their position or intent, to use your trade mark, you risk weakening your claim and control over that trademark. It's annoying, but if SquareEnix allows this group to use the trademark then it opens the door for companies to do so as well. Don't blame the company, blame the law.

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@GameBeaten You don't never go full fanboy! ;P

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So cool! I love Naughty Dog!

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@The-Techspert and/or the Krogan uprising

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I think it's a fantastic idea. I love the ME ethos/universe. There's an infinite number of characters and plots that could be examined. Dozens of cultures spanning thousands of planets, each with it's own history and politics. There's so much potential here.

I'd almost like to see a game which ditches the epic, "end of the galaxy" sort of story in lieu of something a little more localized. Perhaps a Turian political intrigue story, or the events surrounding the rescue of the Drell, or even the end of days for the Protheans - that has potential for some amazing writing.

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@Hey_Jay @oatesedus I agree full-heartedly. In this case, however, I don't think it's fair to lambaste Gamesport for "illegitimate reporting," as they clearly state that these are rumours. Had Gamespot claimed these as features as fact before confirmation, then they'd deserve any and all ire we the people could lay upon them. As it is, or at least as I perceived the article, this was merely a case of "we heard this is a possibility, what do you readers think?"

I see nothing wrong with that.

Call it sensational if you like, but its sensational because it's an issue that is important to we gamers. Personally, I'm happy that Gamespot is putting this out there, providing us with the forum to share our collective opinions about this contentious issue. I sincerely hope that Sony and MS are paying attention.

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Edited By oatesedus

@Xx_Kares_xX @Double_Wide They aren't "losing" money due to second hand sales, they're not losing money at all. In fact, they're making insane profits. The problem isn't money, it's growth. The industry grew so fast for so long that there's now an expectation that said growth will continue. The ugly truth is that there's little growth to be had from here on. This whole debate is yet another symptom of a fundamentally retarded system of economics.

Although they're technically successful, their corporate growth has slowed, and it is unlikely to resume. So they adopt the Record Industry's idiotic stance that "every illegal download/second hand purchase is equal to one sale lost" and use the second hand sales industry as a scape goat, rather than admit that they've become too big to continue growing and risk an investor panic.

This issue has absolutely nothing to do with second hand sales hurting their bottom line - note that if people didn't buy the title first hand, there would be no second hand games to sell - it's about placating fickle, bird-brained investors within an oxymoronic economic system. We all lose in the end.

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@Hey_Jay Why not? Rumours don't come from nowhere, at least not all of them do. Speculative though these ideas may be, it could be that Microsoft is the one speculating on them.

It's no secret that Sony and MS are under tremendous pressure from many developers to increase control and block second hand sales - largely due to corporate/investor greed and misconceived notions of "lost revenue." While I seriously doubt their revenues would increase very much if these locks were enacted, that doesn't stop them from adopting the notoriously foolish Record Industry stance of "every illegal download/second hand purchase is equal to one sale lost." While anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together can tell you that stance is ridiculous, these developers are still wedging Sony and MS in between a rock(making developers happy) and a hard place(avoiding the ire of gamers).

It's worth it, then, to drop a few rumours and see how the crowd reacts. These reports and subsequent discussions are a good way for companies like Sony and MS to "test the waters." Based on the response I've seen so far, it would seem in both Sony and MS's sakes to stay away from repressive DRM.

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Edited By oatesedus

@sacatash Where in Canada do you live? Canadians, by and large, have greater access to higher speeds than a large percentage of the US. We jumped on the broadband bandwagon far sooner and in greater numbers than the Americans did. I live in Winnipeg, and my internet is plenty fast. It's a moot point, really, as anywhere MS plans to sell the xBox is likely to have broadband.

I agree with you in that they risk alienating their consumer base, but that has more to do with the personal resistance to injustice and corporate control of the consumers than to any practical issues of access to broadband. Gamers impress me in that regard. I wish most people were as active about corporate political influence and the environment as gamers are in relation to game-related issues.