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#1 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

When games stay the same people cry "Oh noez, rehash!!1". When they change it's "Oh noez, ruined franchise!!1" Make up your minds. You hardly know anything about the new Resident Evil or Devil May Cry but they are already "ruined", It's completely impossible that they just will be good games. Who cares if they are different as long as they are good? nethernova
The problem with that line of thinking is that some people like the original story line and to completely remake it (DMC) is just plain stupid. The story was good. They made their games and even had one from when Dante first started his business. The fourth added a new character element in passing the torch to a new half-demon who is just as badass as Dante himself, minus the whole being shishkebabed on his own sword and just pulling it out while making some whitty comment about the damaged clothing. From what I've read, this new Dante is like some emo punk-wannabe kid who acts like the majority of teens in America. Sure you have the chance of your audience relating to the character, but I thought video games were to entertain and escape reality rather than turning into some after-school-special.

RE is coming up with a different game play style which is going to turn a lot of people off who like the previous style. Unfortunately, a lot of developers are seeing the cash rolling in from the CoD and MoH series and they want to jump on the wagon. RE has the setup for it, but it's always been more of a co-op game rather than squad based.

I don't doubt that the new games will be enjoyable for gamers, but the fans of the franchise are going to be upset about the change.

My thoughts on who's next? Uncharted. I get the feeling that Uncharted 3 is going to fall flat and then Naughty Dog will either toss the series aside to work on something else while they come up with how to fix it or just re-tool the story into something different.

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#2 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

I'd love to see Naughty Dog bring back Jak and Daxter. Even if they don't make a new one, releasing them for PSN would at least give those without a PS2 the option of playing the series. A new one would be nice, though. It's not like it's impossible to put out more than one game at a time. It just means taking longer if you don't have the manpower to crank out two games side-by-side with a team for each.

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#3 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

I haven't donated and I'm not going to. If I send any money, it's going directly to the people I know living there or it will go to help the other places that are being overlooked by everyone who is only focusing on Japan as though they never deal with earthquake or typhoon damage. Sure, it's more severe, but it's not their first time dealing with this stuff and they have the resources to get through it even without all the aid everyone is sending.

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#4 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

The only problem I have with split screen is that most of the time it interferes with game play. My boyfriend and I have tried playing together on the same console, but the split screen is just too hard to see on our TV. Lost Planet was the worst of them all. It didn't just split the screen horizontally, it cut your view down to a quarter of the screen just for two people. We've been trying to save up for a bigger TV, but at this point it's just easier to buy two copies of the games we both want and play online.

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#5 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

The last I had heard about it, there was a lot of speculation that it might be Rapture before it became an underwater city. The politics/moral code are pretty much identical and there are plenty of clues in last year's trailer to support the possibility. Again, that was from the last I had heard of it. I still look forward to it's release, though. It looks interesting to say the least and I hope it lives up to it's predecessors.

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#6 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

Can anybody recommend a solid multiplayer game, preferrably an XBL Arcade game that would be great for 4 players? No shooters...sick of them.


Castle Crashers

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#7 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

Totally agree, I messed around with it for an hour and a half. Thought it sucked big time. I enjoyed the campaign but the multiplayer is horrible. To be honest, I wish I just rented it. Once you beat the story mode, there is nothing else to do.


So we're just glossing over the existence of Echo Mode?

Anarchy is based around teamwork and maximizing points. You have a set number of waves in each game and each wave has a set number of enemies that spawn. You have to meet or exceed the point goal. Yes, it's the same thing every time, but it's not like there isn't any entertainment value to it. It's appeal isn't going to be the same for everyone. If you've gotten tired of Anarchy, try maxing your points in Echo mode or if that still doesn't work for you, trade it in or sell it. The game is fairly new and should have at least $25 in resell or trade-in value.

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#8 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

what are some good driving games. I have burnout paradice, moto gp 2006, ang pgr 3. what are some other good games?

Other good ones are the Need For Speed series, though it can vary from game to game, and Forza. There was Juiced a while back and in my experience, the Test Drive games are pretty good.
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#9 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts
[QUOTE="Black_Knight_00"][QUOTE="HilbillyRokstar"][QUOTE="Black_Knight_00"]How fun does it sound to shoot all your expensive ammo into a boss and not even scratching him because he's a higher level? How fun does it sound to constantly run into these enemies of higher level that send your kicked ass back to grinding for XP by killing critters for hours? How fun is it to be juggled around the map completing incresingly mundane objectives over and over? Play Borderlands to find out Oh and when playing multiplayer enemies seem to have the same level as the highest level player, so if you grinded less than your friends they will kill the enemies but you won't be able to

Yea, but you will rank up way way faster than they do, or than u would on your own.

Sure, if you can even kill anything: I set up a game with my friend who has a level 10 character and I was level 3 and all the enemies were unkillable for me because they were set for his level

Co-op shares XP and money no matter which of you kills the enemy or picks up the cash. It's how my boyfriend and our housemate level up new characters. They take one of their max level characters and do a few runs through the Eridian Promontory and they get up to the 30s pretty quick. The game is fun for a lot of people, but it's not for everyone just like any other game in existence. Weapon drops are random and a good weapon that's your level can do wonders. It's all about knowing your enemy and how the different elemental attack types are going to effect them. Simple, no? I like the game. I don't have it on 360, but it's still enjoyable playing solo. Co-op makes for better entertainment value, but it isn't necessary to have fun.
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#10 selene_fangz
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

Hey guys this seems like the right place for this. I'm looking for a X360 game with really good multiplayer, both local and online. I don't want a shooter (unless maybe it's a really unusual kind of shooter or something), rhythm, racing, or sports game. I'm not concerned with single player, I just want something with really high replay value that I can play with friends on one xbox and also online. Any suggestions?Hadoe
Marvel vs Capcom. AC: Brotherhood has an online multiplayer, but I don't remember seeing a local option. Any of the Street Fighter games or Soul Caliber. That's about all I can come up with right now, though.