To be honest, this game just has no sence of accomplishment

User Rating: 6.5 | Sid Meier's Pirates! PSP
Well I mean I like the game but after playing it a while I realized the game kind of sucks!


One of the only good real time strategy games on the psp! Has added a new demension to free roaming. This game also has many diffrent things and Idea's put into the game to make it a collectively great game. This game allows COMPLETE freedom, you can attack any ship for no reason, you can woo over high ranked officals daughters, you can take down black-beard himself! you can land on ports to sell items and attack boats and either take their pluder or keep the ship to add to a huge armada of ships. the game has A LOT of diffrent options of things to do and can defienitly entertain for a while!


The game is good, BUT after a while you realize wait, I've played this game forever and theres no sence of accomplishing anything and at certain points you have to divde the money you earn with your crew, which makes it realistic yes, but doing this most of the time you loose all of your ships except one! So it's like you have to start all over and try and go find the same ships (or the best ships) to get a decent profit coming in. after a while you realize you have to figure out how to do just about everything yourself, loading screens have little tips but they are bland and don't really point you in the right direction, sometimes it feels like the sims with pirates, its fun a while until you realize how boring and repetitive it is. after you've done all the diffrent attacks and treasure missions and traded goods for profits, you've realized you've done it all!

Also, This game....Never...ENDS I mean there is somewhat of main missions which are taking out the ranked pirates but there is just an insane amount of them and I didn't realize that just because you've beat the #1 most notorious pirate doesn't mean anything because there's a #1 for every country, so you have like the top 15 most notorious pirates for all... I think 5 of the nations involved in the game.

Other than that all the other stuff seems pointless and with no rewards, it just like when you finnaly earn money and upgrade your ship and have a great armada of big ships with loads of guns, you either have to split the money with your current crew and loose all your ships and all the upgrades you earned and are left with a peice of crap ship and hardly any cash in your own pocket to have to start all over again, eiehter that or risk mutiny and loose pretty much everything. this makes it into an endless cycle that gets kind of old. like I said the first 5 or 6 gameplay hours are awesome, but you soon realize wow it feels like an ending maelstorm of idiocy.


The game does offer good ideas but after a good amount of gameplay and the realiization that you have to start over from scratch so many times, you kind of feel like wow, what a waste of a possibly great game, and a complete waste of time in my life!