Now the Carribbean is literally in your hands.

User Rating: 9 | Sid Meier's Pirates! PSP
When Pirates! was remade into a PC game, I got sucked in the game's free-roaming feel. Being a PS2 owner, I envied the X-Box/PSP users for getting a port. But this summer I also got myself a PSP, and I knew it was time to set sail again. I worried a bit, thinking that it may be a letdown, but it's one of the best PSP games IMHO. You get the same story as in the PC version, and well the game is almost entirely the same. It is bad that you can only have a fleet of 5 ships instead of 8, but it's nothing that ruins the game. Some parts are even upgraded, like the treasure-hunting part. Now there are wild animals attacking your crew, so if you don't want them dead, you have to watch out. The load times are a bit long, it can be very annoying at times. However, the replay value is awesome. You can always try different strategies, goals, ships... For example, you don't play the game exactly the same with a Brig of War as you do with a Royal Sloop, as they are very different. Finding the right strategy for the right ship is the key to success. You also have a lot to do, duking it out with the most notorious pirates and some Spanish A-holes, finding lost cities, burried treasures, your lost relatives and even getting married! You can also get promotions at the 4 nations involved. Doing so will further raise your fame and get you special privileges like free ship repairs and cheaper prices at the market. The game also has a cute feel, the characters smile, act strange... It's like watching a cartoon sometimes. I noticed a few glitches here and there, but the overall presentation is really good, the minigames are loads of fun, and the potential of the game is unlimited. If you want to get a game that will make you play it over and over again, then get this, mates.