A Skeptic and his Change of Heart: Terraria

User Rating: 9 | Terraria PC
I went into this game as a huge Minecraft fan, so I was skeptical when I heard about Terraria. The fact that it was described as a 2D version of Minecraft just made it seem like some kind of copy-off that was trying to suck away some gullible guy's money. Fortunately for me I have a little bit of gullibility in me and gave it the benefit of the doubt. And since then, I haven't even put more thatn an hour or two into Minecraft. Terraria is to Minecraft as Man is to Woman. The comparison basically stops at "They are both human." While you do get to build your house and mine in Terraria, the game has much more of an RPG feel as you battle countless monsters and bosses, finding and making some bad-a$$ weapons, and even finding some nice and maybe one not-so-nice NPC. If you like Minecraft and RPGs, you will love Terraria!