This game... Is.. AMAZING... 10/10 - Difficulty? Just Right : Easy at start. Harder as you go along :)...

User Rating: 10 | Terraria PC
Terraria , an indie game by two guys started off as just a brilliant looking and unique game. some people started to say they stole the ideas from minecraft.. They were wrong. The amount of unique aspects to this game is more amazing than imagined at first. What I thought when I saw the first gameplay videos? Amazing , I want this game , and I want it now .. but it wasn't released at the time. So I waited , and they said its coming to steam .. I was very very happy :) , as time went by and I checked more and more videos by PaperBatVG and the Producers I started to see all the unique things in this game , for example : The moon phases , the adventure aspect to the game , the amount of items and enemies , the armour , the magic , the .. the EVERYTHING! I started to think those people were wrong , this is so not like minecraft , sure! it has some things like the mining and the creativity , but so does other games! there is other NPC's in this , magical creatures , many different materials and blocks , but what I love is the stuff that you wish minecraft had , Water Physics : Terraria-YES , Minecraft-NO. The Lighting physics (hold a torch and it lights up a room-drop a torch and it lights up the hole you drop it down , etc.) : Terraria-YES , Minecraft-NO. The Lava Physics : T-Yes M-No [YOU GET THE PICTURE?] there is mostly always a goal in Terraria , get better armour , better pickaxe , better axe , better sword , better weapon , better grappling hook , safer house , more npc's to move in , more money , more rare blocks , more rare things , MORE ANYTHING!! so unlike minecraft there is a lot of goals [[BUT DONT GET ME WRONG!]] Minecraft is a great game , its just some things minecraft needs from terraria , and some thing terraria needs from minecraft .. etc.. Terraria , i would say is 10/10 , i really recommend it , and Today? its about 5.99€ so BUY IT!! and if you miss this review today its always 9.99€ on steam without offers so CHEAP , BRILLIANT , and? FUN AS HELL! get out there and buy it , you dont know what your missing..