Blood, fast-paced, smooth graphics plus all the hacking and slashing you could ever ask for!

User Rating: 8 | The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai X360
The game is packed with enough hack and slash to keep you coming back for more.

The story-line isn't as in depth as other games (this may be due to the fact that it is an XBL Arcade game) but nevertheless, following the story of revenge is enough incentive to kill everything on screen.

The visuals are beautiful. They remain smooth and fluid throughout. The environments are basic and the backgrounds are dark and artistic; blood splashes on the environment leaves a soft and warm color, blood sprays from your executed enemies splash on your screen, adding to the chaos. The character models are cartoon-like but they remain dark and mysterious.

Although the concept of the game is repetitive, it definitely doesn't feel like it is. Combo lists are varied. You also have a range of weapons to choose from; each having a unique feel and combo layout. You also have different special abilities that bring chaos to your screen and to enemies. The game also features an upgrade system, where you can upgrade your health, weapons, and special abilities. You can also purchase food to restore health in combat.

The game itself is difficult. The lack of checkpoints add to it's difficulty. Upon death, you have four continues (lives remaining) before you need to restart the level. This can be a real pain especially on the higher difficulty setting.