Witches, apartments and landlords!

User Rating: 10 | The Sims 2 Apartment Life PC
This game kept me up on end just trying to learn all of the spells for the witches and warlocks, it's really a masterpiece worth the money. You can build your own apartments, make your Sims witches and warlocks and there are landlords for the apartments!

Okay, so some people aren't exactly happy about the landlord situation, but at least you can gather new and exciting ingredients for the spells. You can even make a Sim forget all of their memories, and yes that is cold. But I've done it, so what am I?

This game's graphics are just like the Sims 2, except for some computers they look slightly better. And you have access to Belladonna Cove, which is a brand-new neighborhood which has a large statue holding a plumb bob, and that statue slightly resembles Bella Goth. Whom we all know the dreadful story of.

The game has new music to it, and new clothes available in CAS, overall it's a great game and should be bought, but don't have to take my word for it, you can of course rent it.