To describe the game with one word: witty. Agree with the gamespot review in many regard yet it is not overly difficult.

User Rating: 7 | The Whispered World PC
Logic seems fine. The game requires your attention. Hint: pay attention to the dialogue. Many of the solutions are hinted within discussions with characters who are located near the puzzles. In hindsite the creators of the puzzles thought that they would really reward lateral thinking. This is great as I found it a challenge and rewarding when I found the solution and I did not feel cheated as I could see the "round about" logic.

At times however you need to perform an action in a particular manner. For example... Instead of using a candle to blow it out you need to use the speak action.... Argh.. Hate to be anal but that is annoying. I found that I dismissed blowing out candles because I used it not "spoke" to it. Could see how this could lead to try every combination approach to solving puzzles.

The major let down is pixel hunting. Remember old pixelated scumm like adventure games? Well sometimes the fantastic art can hide a significant item that blends so well into the hand painted backgrounds.

The music is good however some tracks are repeated far too often. The characters are fun and the two stones are an instant classic.

Story is intriguing.

The game is definitely worth playing for people who like adventure games. For an adventure game I give 8.5 out of 10.

As an obsessive gamer who plays many different genres I give it 7 out of 10.