the razing storm time crisis is bad but the other 2 games are beast!

User Rating: 7.5 | Time Crisis: Razing Storm PS3
Time crisis razing storm is a three in 1 shooting game ideal for play station move light guns.It features the games time crisis razing storm(bad) time crisis 4(good) and dead storm pirates(great)

The Good: deadstorm pirates is great!,razing storm is okay on two player,time crisis 4 is good single player,dead storm has great graphics and no reloading,dead storm and time crisis 4 stay interesting for ages,aiming is precise and smooth,dead storm offers a variety of stages.

The Bad: time crisis 4 two player gives you both tiny screens,time crisis 4 graphics arn't great,razingstorm one player is poor

If you want a few classic arcade shooters and one new style one right in your living room then this game will provide at least £30 hours of single or 2 player fun.

The bottom line of my brief reveiw is that it is worth buying for move guns but dont spend more than about £16