WoW = wow

User Rating: 9 | World of Warcraft PC
I'm just going to touch lightly on issues because I could probably write 10 pages on the merits of this game. I have been a Blizzard fan from their early days and have owned and played every single game, this is yet again more proof they really are the masters of game design. For a first run mmorpg from a company this is simply amazing, this imrpoves on and blows away anything else on the market. Gameplay- Enjoyable, questing is encouraging and rewarding and quests evolve into stories that explain alot of the working and goal directions of your faction. You won't be lost often and will enjoy the variety and challenges. Simple interface means you'll rarely even need the manual. Graphics - Superb, environments are immersive, undead and nightelf locations are of noteworthy mention. WoW is supposed to be cartoon like in appearance, people who disagree have no idea on the history of the art of warcraft ever since the days of warcraft1. It also has arguably the finest CGI intro of a pc game, which keeps up with the blizzard tradition. Sound - Again superb, instead of having music playing endlessly it tends to crop up when you hit certain encounters or visit certain locations. This keeps you from getting tired of it due to the length of time you will be playing wow. Sound effects are great as well. Value - Nearly unlimited, especially with all the trade skills and auction houses, thousands of items and products could be generated + 8 races + 9 varied unique classes. This is all in addition to content that will be added, high level raids, instance zones. Again I've only touched lightly on it, there is just so many cool and neat features like rides on ships or in the air via bats etc., ability for parties to gamble on loot instead of having everyone try to grab it. I could go on for ages at all the improvements. The only negative thing is I find I now have basically no time for any other games.