World of Warcraft is simply an amazing game.

User Rating: 9.5 | World of Warcraft PC
I admit, this is my first MMORPG. I am a fan of Blizzard's RTS games, so I can't compare this to any game of it's kind. Needless to say, I love this game. Although at the time of this writing servers are down, otherwise it had a very smooth launch, and the problem should be fixed soon. And anyway, as far as I've heard, MMO's aren't known for their smooth launches. The graphics are pretty good, but since everybody is talking about the whole cartoony vs. realism thing, I won't go into it here. Suffice it to say, I like the fantasy feel it generates. Gameplay is the most important part of any game, and World of Warcraft really shines here. It's not particularly deep, and the myriad quests are pretty repetitive, but the same holds true for Diablo. Everyone loves Diablo. Buy Diablo now. ANYWAY, WoW, despite being an MMORPG, really makes you feel like you're the hero in a story. Who cares if that Satyr is going to transform back from a frog in a few seconds so that someone else can complete the quest? It really feels like you're the only one doing it. Character classes and races have a very Warcraft-y feel, so if you are a fan of the RTS series, you won't be disappointed by these. You level up pretty fast in the game though: I missed beta, and barely a full 24 hours after I buy the game I'm a level 10 Night Elf Hunter. Still, the current maximum level is 60, and I am very sure that will go up before long. Other people have played longer than I (in the past day I've put in about six hours) and are even more powerful, but everyone I've seen has a while to go. All in all, this is an incredibly addicting game that has more in common with Diablo than Warcraft, but has a distinctly Warcraft feel that anybody can enjoy, if they give it a chance.