• mrbojangles25’s Activity
  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic All things related to Donald Trump's ever-growing legal woes. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    @JimB said:@mrbojangles25 said: Honestly it's not likely to make a difference in how the American voters feel; people who were going to vote for Trump will still vote for him, while people who weren'...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Too much focus on graphics is killing AAA gaming. on the System Wars board

    There's nothing wrong with pursuing cutting edge graphics, but I think there should always be priority put on 1.) art direction, and 2.) performance.Plenty of good game engines out there that run well...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic A PSN account will be required for GoW Ragnarok PC. on the System Wars board

    This is dumb. I wonder if they will let your bypass it like they did with Tsushima where you only need it for online portions of the game (I'm assume there will be some extra DLC or stuff to access i...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Remakes, VR, PC & Shovelrware are all the rage now for the M@@'s. on the System Wars board

    @R4gn4r0k said:@TheEroica said: I'm starting to think he's Hardwenzen....He did appear right when hardwenzen exited the stage.Nah it can't be him, he's wearing glasses now!Wait is hardwenzen gone or ...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic All things related to Donald Trump's ever-growing legal woes. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    Honestly it's not likely to make a difference in how the American voters feel; people who were going to vote for Trump will still vote for him, while people who weren't will not.The only thing this mi...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic All things related to Donald Trump's ever-growing legal woes. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    @mattbbpl said: Mike Johnson is urging the Supreme Court to overturn it.LinkOh god, they probably would, too. Assuming they technically are able to.Hell, they're probably getting threats already "over...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Infinity Nikki. on the System Wars board

    I'm going to pre-order five copies! No, ten! TEN COPIES!Won't play it, but I have to do my part to support Sony. If I don't, who will!?!?!

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic PS Co-CEO: Live Service Games to PC Day 1. Single Player Games Later to Entice PC Owners to Play on a PlayStation. on the System Wars board

    What exactly are these games, by the way?I haven't really heard anything about them other than "they're coming" and "they're live-service".Feels like the George R. R. Martin bit from South Park...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message on the post The Deadpool And Wolverine Popcorn Bucket Is Here And Just As Obscene As Promised.

    God I love this. They really took those lemons and made lemonade.

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Wicked 2024. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    @ogvampire said:@mycatismilk:"I'm not a fan of singers trying to make it as actors."you have it backwards. Ariana Grande first started acting when she was 15 on broadway, then on tv shows on Nickelod...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Gamers STOP the MADNESS!!! We are destroying the industry.. on the System Wars board

    BOOOOOOOOO! Get out of here

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Wicked 2024. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    Yeah, I don't do musicals. I'll make a rare exception for something animated--I love me some Princess and the Frog, man that was a great movie--but I can't do live-action musicals.I take pride in bei...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Do you crack your knuckles?. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    Not out of habit, but yeah to relieve tension. When I was young I was told it can give you arthritis but I guess that's not actually true?

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Gamers need to shut up about the Ubi exec and game ownership. on the Games Discussion board

    I think the problem these days is we are, like with many things, being forced to pick an extreme side instead of a moderate stance.So when some C-suite type comes out and says something edgy, naturall...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Car Insurance Rates A Scam?. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    I pay quarterly with GEICO and it's 350 dollars.300 a month seems kind of high.With that said, everything seems to be getting a price hike these days, and often not a small one, either. I was paying...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic BLOPS 6 coming to gamepass - Trailer later today. on the System Wars board

    Great news.here's hoping they work on the campaign and actually make a worthwhile singleplayer experience; seems that good singleplayer campaigns in shooters are a thing of the past now, with some ex...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Are you a fan of visual cues in games?. on the System Wars board

    @SolidGame_basic said:@mrbojangles25 said: Yeah I play games to relax, not spend 20 minutes on one area looking for something some developer hid that was too clever for their own good 😋But I'm also a...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic Are you a fan of visual cues in games?. on the System Wars board

    Yeah I play games to relax, not spend 20 minutes on one area looking for something some developer hid that was too clever for their own good 😋But I'm also a filthy casual PC pirating son-of-a-gun tha...

  • mrbojangles25 posted a message in the forum topic What games/announcements/reveals would you like to see at next months game shows?. on the System Wars board

    Pffffffffffffffft. Idunno...Off the top of my head?Titanfall game (action)Thief game (stealth-action)Splinter Cell game (stealth-action)Total War: Dune (RTS-TBS)Civilization game (TBS)Tie Fighter rem...