Republicans move to impeach Biden

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#101  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23995 Posts
@SUD123456 said:
@Maroxad said:

I am disappointed in a lack of explanation for Sargent's position. As bad as the MAGA movement is, I still want to try to understand how they think.

They aren't motivated by Capitalism and Neoconservatism like the republicans of old, nor are they motivated by the Realpolitik and Neoliberalism of the Democratic Establishment or the egalitarianism and environmentalism that motivates the progressives.

Among the MAGA crowd I see nothing resembling a coherent philosophy, political/historical knowledge, political theory, principles or values. At times I wonder, are they only driven by defiance to everyone else?

Bingo. The actual MAGA crowd (not the political self interest Rep politicians nor most of the evangelicals who are driven by a few religious doctrine driven issues, nor the rascists and Nazis) are simply societal cast offs.

Hence, the huge overlap with conspiracy culture, attacks on govt institutions, and anything that shifts blame to someone or something else, other than themselves, that accounts for their own shit lot in life.

This group of people have found a collective common expression of their dismal reality and it is incredibly ironic that they hitch themselves to a huge scumbag that plays them like a cheap fiddle.

In other circumstance I would feel sorry for these people. Instead, I feel like they are beyond redemption.

But the real problem is the Rep political class. Collectively they have no balls and daily expose that their service is entirely to themselves and not to their country and its people.

Sadly their contrarianism makes them dead wrong on damn near everything.

They also seem to think everything that ever happens is due to US politics. Usually in some kind of conspiritorial way.

  • COVID? Done to influence US elections
  • War in Ukraine? Biden's Fault
  • Climate Change? Hysteria only done to keep democrats and the WEF in power.

These people are beyond delusional. I got ratio'd quite hard on twitter for pointing out that it was extremely unlikely COVID was a man-made virus unleashed by the CCP to influence US elections. Another person on this board, called some stuff covered in Economics 101 completely backwards. Anything said by scientists and experts cannot be trusted because it is a part of WEF's agenda.

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#102 mattbbpl
Member since 2006 • 23058 Posts

@SUD123456: It seems quite sad when you put it that way. If they weren't doing things like trying to overthrow the government and denying voting rights....

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#103  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23995 Posts

@mattbbpl: It just gets worse and worse,

Moreover, Gov Ops staff will be authorized to enter “any building or facility” owned or leased by a state or non-state entity without a judicial warrant. This includes the private residences of subcontractors and contractors who run businesses out of their homes, lawmakers say.

Alarmingly, public employees under investigation will be required to keep all communication and requests “confidential.” They cannot alert their supervisor of the investigation nor consult with legal counsel. Violating this rule “shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal,” the law reads. Those who refuse to cooperate face jail time and fines of up to $1,000. In the event that Gov Ops searches a person’s home, these rules mean that the person 1) must keep the entry a secret, 2) cannot seek outside help (unless necessary for fulfilling the request, the law says), and 3) could face criminal charges if Gov Ops deems them uncooperative.

Nothing screams law and order like putting yourself and your cronies above the law.

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#104 comp_atkins
Member since 2005 • 38691 Posts


how convenient:

The Republican leaders who pushed to dramatically expand Gov Ops' power say it will enhance government accountability. The same leaders, however, pushed through several provisions in the budget that restrict access to legislative public records, eliminating a critical tool for accountability — including for Gov Ops itself.

One provision repeals a law that required “communications regarding redistricting” be made publicly available when new legislative maps were adopted. As one of the most gerrymandered states in the nation, public records have been instrumental in challenging North Carolina’s redistricting maps. In 2022, a gerrymandering trial exposed a top Republican redistricting official for using “secret maps to help draft the state’s redistricting plan.”

This fall, Republican lawmakers are set to redraw voting maps after the new conservative majority on the state’s Supreme Court overturned a ruling and legalized partisan gerrymandering. Under the new budget, "lawmakers responding to public records requests will have no obligation to share any drafts or materials that guided their redistricting decisions."

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#105  Edited By Robertos
Member since 2023 • 1052 Posts

Last thing they need to do is worry about fake impeachments with zero evidence, lmao:

A 'lawmaker in TEARS', Republicans praying together and lining up to hug a defeated Kevin McCarthy: How the historic and extraordinary vote to oust the Speaker unfolded and ended in utter despair | Daily Mail Online