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Player Reviews

Average Player Score
Based on 447 ratings
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Score Breakdown Based on 447 ratings
  1. 10 (74)
  2. 9 (105)
  3. 8 (96)
  4. 7 (65)
  5. 6 (49)
  6. 5 (25)
  7. 4 (10)
  8. 3 (5)
  9. 2 (8)
  10. 1 (10)

Most Helpful Positive Player Reviews

  • Rating:7

    Hipsters Fantasy 15

    When they said this is a fantasy based on reality, my first though was that we where gonna see the heavy toll war has on people, topics like discrimination, slavery and human suffering, after all, this was said to be a v... Read Full Review

    12 of 13 users found the following review helpful

Most Helpful Critical Player Reviews

  • Rating:3

    Final Fantasy 15 (bad)

    The story are short, feels empty and boring. U didn't connect with the main character and villains, I don't understand why we have some quest with the final boss (lol), and there are a lot of unexplained story from almos... Read Full Review

    4 of 5 users found the following review helpful

What Gamespot Users have to say about Final Fantasy XV

  • Rating:8

    Return to when Final Fantasy was great!

    This was a much needed return to when Final Fantasy were great games! The last several games have been kind of horrible. Since FFX, the rest have been kind of a flop. But this one brought back everything that was good a... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7


    Christmas 2016 was promicing and I got Final Fantasy 15 from my loving sister. However when I popped it it in their was something novel. That eventually wore off. hahahah!STORYFinal Fantasy 15 is starts with a medius rez... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:5

    Ardyn's daemonic backstory gives the Final Fantasy XV Universe a not so fulfilling conclusion.

    Square Enix has really become that company alongside EA and Konami where they constantly try to get as much out of their fan base as they possibly could and nowhere as it more evidenced than with the Final Fantasy XV Uni... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9


    I initially had a few worries about this game and I recall a few niggles as I played it through. However, after finishing the game, I realised I'd enjoyed every minute. It's fun to play, gorgeous to look at and focuses o... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:4


    Great for teenagers Great for teenagers Great for teenagers Great for teenagers Great for teenagers Great for teenagers Great for teenagers Great for teenagers Great for teenagers Great for teenagers Great for teenagers ... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:10


    in the beginning i didn't like it that much , but i told myself i need to replay it again for the platinum, the story isn't that great but it's still good and in my opinion it's so good , the side quests are so enjoyabl... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:5

    A barely passable RPG for the PS4.

    So remember how I said in an earlier review that Squeenix has made some good games? Final Fantasy XV is an example of this. I played this game in August of last year. FFXV released in 2016 for Xbone and PS4 with a PC rel... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:6

    This somewhat complete edition of Final Fantasy XV doesn't really bring the game to proper Royal status.

    Final Fantasy XV has had quite a run has it, it's managed to earn a surprisingly large amount of sales and some praise even if the overly long 10 year hype wasn't worth it. It also got a large amount of updates, DLC cont... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:5

    Ignis' side story in the Final Fantasy XV storyline serves up more then it could chew.

    Final Fantasy XV Episode Ignis is the 4th and final season 1 DLC expansion for Final Fantasy XV cause if Gladiolus and Prompto had gotten their own DLC side story then so does Ignis, focusing on our expert chef and tacti... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:4

    Comrades is most of the time messy and feels unfit to serve as a part of the Final Fantasy XV Universe.

    So Final Fantasy XV has got the main game itself alongside a feature length movie and anime as well as multiple episodes focusing on the buddies of Price Noctis and now we get a multiplayer focused DLC just because we ne... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful