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#1 MirkoS77
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@mattbbpl said:

@Stevo_the_gamer: Your rebuttal to GOP death threats is that they've been making them for years?

Bold strategy.


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#2 MirkoS77
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@robertos said:

I'm noticing no one really coming up with a real defense. Just saying "FAKE JURY!" and "FAKE TRIAL!". Or how these weren't real felonies with real evidence, even though they were. Nothing based on legal fact or citable.

It's insane, this is a cult lol.

Watching Trump‘s statement after the verdict and then his press conference, every single thing he says is an emotional appeal. Every. Single. Sentence. It’s rigged, it’s the corrupt democrats, a weaponized DOJ, the Biden crime family, the U.S. is being destroyed, blah blah blah. Same old tired vomit from the same old tired victim windbag.

Trump‘s appeal is simple for me to understand: I think most people don’t want to be moderate, they don’t want to hold respectful political disagreements. They want to hate the other, explicitly and without reservation, they are tired of being bound by the societal expectations of politically correct civil discourse, and they want full license to go to war and a fighter who isn’t afraid to speak that hatred for the other side. Trump provides this in spades, and it is why he has such fervent, nigh religious, cultish support. It simply took someone whose character was so decrepit and who is so unreserved in being a shithead to the other side to have people finally let go of their civil decorums.

The hilarious thing is, Trump doesn’t have a principled or ideologically slanted bone in his entire body. He goes with whatever opportunes his interests at any given moment, only aligning with conservatism because it’s the most conducive to the vileness of his character and the manner of toxic, divisive demagoguery he employs. Liberalism wouldn’t be nearly so ripe for the picking. It’s highly ironic that someone who has garnered some of the most vehement support in a major political party’s history honestly couldn’t care less about it past how he can manipulate its partisan potency to leverage him to power. It’d be funny if it wasn’t such a danger.

I suppose most people don’t care, as long as he grants them license to openly despise the opposition while being an advocate for their political views, regardless of whether he himself believes in it or not.

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#3  Edited By MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17694 Posts
@JimB said:
@MirkoS77 said:

I feel oddly indifferent about this. Maybe still sinking in….

I don’t think he’s going to see a second of any real consequence regardless of the verdict, but it’s nice that he is now, technically, a convicted felon. Can we at least get past the ‘what are the exact crimes and charges?’ talk now?

Seems to me the adjudication is done, now to see if the Trumpers honor law and order as they claim, or if, as usual, it’s only legitimate when they win.

We support law and order. This was not law and order this was a political trial where the defendant was never told what felony he was being charged with. Donald Trumps verdict will be over turned on appeal, but the damage to the American legal system will never recover. The Democrat with this trial and how it was conducted went from the stars and stripes to the hammer and sickle. The Democrats have made Stalin proud. The next time Biden appears in public he should be wearing a hammer and sickle on his lapel instead of the stars and stripes.

Trump was found guilty, but what felony is he guilty of. The court never said. The star witness's crime of stealing money from Trump is more serious than what Trump was charged. Even the Liberal media could not understand the charges.

You don’t support law and order when you determine and disregard the legitimacy of the legal merits and verdict of a case on political grounds and partisan sentiment/individual favor/disfavor. Just like you don’t support democracy only when it falls in your favor and it is always fraudulent whenever you lose. Trump and his supporters do both these things, hence they support neither.

I‘m not a lawyer or legally versed, so I can’t speak with any credibility or knowledge on the legal nuances and intricacies this case is predicated upon, but I trust that if this outcome is as legally without merit and spurious as you and others claim, the appeals process will demonstrate so.

….but I will honor and respect any verdict, as I have, regardless of whether I hold misgivings or if it aligns with my ideological views or like/dislike of a particular. That is what supporting law and order is.

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#4 MirkoS77
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@sargentd said:
@MirkoS77 said:

I feel oddly indifferent about this. Maybe still sinking in….

I don’t think he’s going to see a second of any real consequence regardless of the verdict, but it’s nice that he is now, technically, a convicted felon. Can we at least get past the ‘what are the exact crimes and charges?’ talk now?

Seems to me the adjudication is done, now to see if the Trumpers honor law and order as they claim, or if, as usual, it’s only legitimate when they win.

@tjandmia said:

Anyone who thinks being a convicted felon is going to help Trump is living in fantasy land.

When people can't even put into words what Trump did that was a crime..

When you can't clearly tell people what evidence of what crime was committed..

When the judge of the case has a daughter fundraising millions for the DNC

When such Judge tells the Jury "none of you have to agree on what crime was committed, it can be any crime"

When the jury is in Manhattan and 90% are Biden supporters..

When the democrats are sending Robert Denero to give press conferences outside the courthouse to talk shit about trump..

It just shows everyone exactly what it is.. political prosecution

It's political, Biden is down in the polls and this is the Democrat campaign strategy for 2024.. stack Trump with a bunch of convoluted bogus charges to keep him off the campaign trail and yell "Felon" like a bunch of mindless drones.

Will it work?

Dont think so :D

There were some polls asking conservatives if a conviction on Trump would sway them.

You know those polls a while back that showed that 16% of right leaning voters would reconsider voting for Trump if he was convicted.

4% said they would not vote for him if convicted. 16% said they would reconsider

When those voters took that poll back then . I don't think this circus of a case is what they expected lol! Pretty sure they were imagining like.. a clear crime and clear evidence proving the crime..

This is going to boost Trump, they pissed off even more people that weren't in his base to begin with... as long as Trump isn't assassinated before November he's got it.

This will be one of the most epic backfires in political history.

It is sad that this what our politics have turned into, but oh well, still going to make Trumps 2nd term even more epic lol!!

So just to be clear…..you don’t believe in law and order. Got it.

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#5  Edited By MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17694 Posts

I feel oddly indifferent about this. Maybe still sinking in….

I don’t think he’s going to see a second of any real consequence regardless of the verdict, but it’s nice that he is now, technically, a convicted felon. Can we at least get past the ‘what are the exact crimes and charges?’ talk now?

Seems to me the adjudication is done, now to see if the Trumpers honor law and order as they claim, or if, as usual, it’s only legitimate when they win.

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#6 MirkoS77
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@sargentd said:
@MirkoS77 said:
@sargentd said:

@Maroxad: @MirkoS77:

Simple request

"Explain to me the crime being alleged and what evidence proves such crime was made"

This will be a good critical thinking exercise for both of you

I promise

You don’t care about evidence, Sarge. If you did, you wouldn’t believe that the election was stolen.

What good is it to provide evidence when evidence is accepted or discounted not on its own merits, but due to partisan politics and tribalism?

You're not operating in good faith in your request, and you know it. Don’t waste our time.

Deflection, never did I say this. Not once in this entire thread.

You can't even attempt to answer my simple request..

This L is yours my friend. You have no evidence and you have no crime.

You don't need to say it ITT, you've stated this position numerous times in others, and in other exchanges we've had. It's not a deflection, it directly bears on your desire to substantiate evidence in the establishment of the claims of Trump's guilt. If you're going to demand evidence, then prove you stand behind it when it doesn't serve your favor.

Let's settle this: state here and now that you believe the 2020 election was legitimate, not stolen, that Trump's claims are blatant lies, and Biden is the legitimately elected president.

Aside, I honestly don't even care about this case. Who honestly cares if Trump paid off a porn star? This is not pressing to national interests, IMO, everyone with a brain cell in their head knows Trump is a liar and corrupt. I do, however, care about the attempt to overthrow our elections, along with bragging to others using our classified information. That is where his lies and corruption directly affect me and my country.

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#7 MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17694 Posts

@sargentd said:

@Maroxad: @MirkoS77:

Simple request

"Explain to me the crime being alleged and what evidence proves such crime was made"

This will be a good critical thinking exercise for both of you

I promise

You don’t care about evidence, Sarge. If you did, you wouldn’t believe that the election was stolen.

What good is it to provide evidence when evidence is accepted or discounted not on its own merits, but due to partisan politics and tribalism?

You're not operating in good faith in your request, and you know it. Don’t waste our time.

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#8 MirkoS77
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@sargentd said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

@sargentd: Just be honest and admit you don't care if a criminal is in charge. This pretense of no evidence is fooling no one with any degree of intelligence.

Simple request

"Explain to me the crime being alleged and what evidence proves such crime was made"

You don’t care about evidence, Sarge. If you did, you wouldn’t believe that the election was stolen.

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#9 MirkoS77
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@sargentd said:
@MirkoS77 said:

That price strikes me as an undervaluation.

I think this would give Gabe a good chuckle. He’s not selling out.

He already did when he basically killed off valve to make billions off other developers games

Nothing precludes him from developing further games, he can easily do so if he wants to. I’d wager his decision is more of a creative discretion than a business one.

In his position with his wealth, “selling out” doesn’t really apply.

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#10  Edited By MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17694 Posts

That price strikes me as an undervaluation.

I think this would give Gabe a good chuckle. He’s not selling out.