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#1 BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

I have had portal since release and always had these issues. I have had constant lag and connection issues on portal. I do not understand why. I have messed with many internet settings but clearly my basic internet knowledge is not sufficient to solve problem so I turn to those who know more than I do.

I have ps5 connected via LAN to base mesh router, 2 other routers set around a 2,000 square ft home and no other devices ever have issues so I am seeking out some solutions. Max amount of devices connected is 10 but I do know that mesh internet routers can support much more so that isn't an issue. We pay for highest connection speeds in house and considering other devices have no issues I am certain there must be something I would need to adjust on ps5 itself or mesh app but not sure what would correct issue.

I don't use it much, just when tv in use by kids, casually, for a few games such as madden or cities skylines and handful more. I primarily use TV for gaming but for hr or two on portal it would be nice to play a bit without lagging issues or resolution blurriness. Please help.

Hate to have to sell it out of not being able to correct issue and use it the limited time I do but if can't correct it than I can go back to old school way...waiting for tv to be available to play and recoup some of the $200 spent in Nov. Prefer not. Thanks for any help and suggestions.

If there is more appropriate place to repost on site, let me know and I will certainly do so but figured I'd try my fellow ps users first.

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#2  Edited By BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

Family has switch, just received switch lite for Christmas. Seems that there is issue with digital games that can only be played under one account. My wife would like to know if we sign up for family membership for $35 will that make it so games will be accessible under any profile, kids included plus saved data to be used once transferred to cloud on either console? If not that route, is there another route we need to go so that digital games are accessible for kids without using a parent acct plus any saved data on the lite?

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#3 BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

@OmegaBlueUp: I can't even make purchases without inputting pw lol so he def wouldn't be able to. that's good info and good to know bout gamesharing. Appreciate it.

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#4  Edited By BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

@drifter1924: agreed. He can't play mp or online, we mainly me cuz gaming my thing, on top of stuff he does. Micromanage but thats i know how toxic online is, and I don't play those games anymore myself due to time restraint and other obligations as well as lack of desire.

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#5 BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

@Nonstop-Madness: that was one question I had bout my ps4 n ps5, am I able to login on the 4 with my acct and dl games I have installed on ps5 for he and I to play separately or together if wanted to? I'm not totally experienced with the game share thing as I've never had to.

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#6 BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

@lamprey263: oh he'll yeah I'm on top of all that shit lol but def appreciate the words of advice. Whoops. is cursing allowed? Lol first post. Sorry if not.

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#7  Edited By BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

Im aware of limited memory on series S. Does gamepass use system memory for game rentals or trying out or is it just cloud stream unless purchased?

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#8 BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

@osan0: dont think any his friends game, or at least not that I have heard of yet

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#9  Edited By BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

@kvallyx: aware of all and def appreciate your informing me not knowing how knowledgeable i am lol. I usually just have ps plus essential acct which is cheapest just to get online access. I'd probably have to up to middle tier if go ps4 route. I wonder if gamepass be good for him to cycle thru games to try to find games & genres he likes vs what switch has to offer is my main ? or will that eat up memory month to month vs snailmail gamefly where it bout wk turn around for game for$18/month.

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#10 BlackHole630
Member since 2023 • 13 Posts

I'm a PS lifer, since ps1, i have a new ps5 bout yr old. I view gaming systems as investments not just a cheap little hobby but obviously as 40 yr old with kids mortgage work ect dont play nearly as much as want to. Quick summary of what I'm asking...we have an 8 yr old who plays switch, since about 5.5 and loves the portability but i have slowly gotten him on tv a bit this summer. Last yr got into nfl and this yr wwe, I play madden and little wwe among few other games. Due to switch limitations of games such as madden and wwe my wife and I are considering ps4 or xbox series S, white or new one coming out in Sept(around same price pt) since he's 8 and doesn't need new system til older and can play games I have in my library(I moved to digital for few yrs even tho my ps5 can use discs, personal preference to have option if needed)

I have been considering xbox to try for myself and think be good for him to explore other games with gamepass vs having gamefly with snail mail delay when wanna try new game or two, my hesitations are one I'm not sure I want an additional monthly subscription fee and have to restart games collection. My wife and I said ps4 since yes last gen but for 8 yr old just being introduced to strictly tv gaming may not be bad.

Hope i was able to provide enough info as to what im pondering or why. So I'm asking other gamer parents who have dealt with this or any gamers their input from experience. Maybe throw out pros and cons of each. I am not adverse to xbox at all so don't let my ps history cone off that way. Thanks in advance for any further food for thought.