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Edited By sonny2dap

I honestly think obsidian did a better job than Bioware, don't get me wrong I love KOTOR as a series (TOR is not part of the series as far as I'm concerned.) but despite the truncated ending and glitches here and there KOTOR 2 remains one of the most atmospheric titles I have ever played, from the colour palette, to the art design in general, and the music, the music really adds some scary ambiance in certain sections. So if KOTOR 3 should somehow magically get made or a reboot, please please give it to Obsidian.

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Makes no sense, cod single players are famous for being blockbuster set pieces that last 5-8 hours at most then the rest of the game is MP so with no MP it's a very low value offering. D2 is currently in the toilet so that revenue stream was cut drastically, COD ww2 has done okay but hasn't exactly revitalized the series and everyone is on the lookout for overly aggressive monetization. Release it just purely as single player and you generate a small income bump and mostly negative coverage as people bemoan the lack of MP, release MP as an optional paid extra again you'll bump revenue but you'll generate a fecal storm of negative attention which could easily blow back on the COD franchise in general and harm revenue over the long term, or just release a straight remaster including MP at circa £20 and enjoy a nice extra payday and positive coverage leading into E3 and create hype around BLOPS 4.

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Destiny has always been a grindy game so there's that, the issue this time round is fundamentally they have to offer powerful rewards to make the grind worth the time, as it stands you essentially feel the same from level 1 through to level 20/305. Thus making your grind pointless. Bungie is pursuing a competitive balanced shooter sort of philosophy whilst failing to realize they built their franchise on unbalanced bombastic gameplay (that was nevertheless entertaining). The most recent blog post shows some further QOL changes but at this stage they are likely going to see a further decline in player numbers, a trend I don't see being reversed short of a complete overhaul of the game.