Didn't even finish it, that has never happened before.

User Rating: 6 | Far Cry 6 PC

As the title says, i'm maybe the biggest FC fan of all time. I've played every single one for hundreds of hours. I'm gonna say it straight up:

WTF is wrong with FC6? Is it because Ubisoft Montreal was not involved enough? I think it is the problem, bring them back! They know what's up!

The rewards are like meh, the guns are meh, , the cars and bikes and quads are meh, the camp upgrades are l so un-rewarding, pretty much no progression gun wise or car wise. Why did you bring the mini-map back instead of the arrows to guide us? You guys like to downgrade?

There's no caracters to play with, where's Hurk? Just animals hey? Great call.

A HUGE step down from New Dawn. Went back to play New Dawn and i'm like WOW, the environment is rich, the characters are rich, the guns are great, you can still do headshots and kill your enemy with one bullet. No bullet sponges and the music is fantastic and the game is badass overall. Same goes for FC5.

One thing I do like about FC6 is the map size, that is very nice thank you. I like getting lost in a map. FC5 was too short and the map was too small. Glad you guys fixed that.

Thank you also for not doing what the latest garbage Ghost Recon did and add stupid bullet sponge drones of all sorts to the game.

It's the first time Far Cry has EVER let me down, didn't even finish it.